Demon Lord

Chapter 282: Roddy's Choice

282 Roddy's Decision

Camilla slowly raised her head, and when no one noticed herself around, she climbed up from the cold ground, ignoring the snow and dirt on her body, and leaned back slightly. On the surface of her body, a layer of camouflage film is quietly disintegrating. It is this spell called "camouflage enchantment" that has allowed Camilla to avoid the lock and peep from the necromancer and let her safely from The battlefield evacuated.

Camilla is not defeating the Necromancer. Her patience at this moment is because members of the "holy congregation" stipulate that she must not interfere in any irrelevant battles ... so even if the undead almost killed Camilla just now, she could not To avenge each other with revenge.

No matter whether you are wronged or angry, this kind of rules is cold and can't resist. Camilla has experienced this for twelve years, and she has no thoughts of resistance.

Not long after, Camilla safely returned to her teammate's place. Because of the fighting just now, her image looked very embarrassed, but when she whispered everything she had just seen, no one greeted even a word, Captain Spark glanced at her coldly, hardly Said: "Continue to lead the way."

Although knowing that this would happen, Camilla frowned slightly. She wanted to talk, but thought of her daughter who might never be seen again, she clenched her fists, closed her mouth after trying to take a deep breath--whether or not the trip was a journey of no return, as a mother, she got one more point Hope of reuniting with her daughter, she is willing to endure any grievances ...

The distant battles became fierce, and the members of the "holy congregation" could even see the human cavalry who had been hunted down and fled on the horizon.

"The battle of mortals will always be so boring." Spark ignored it, reached out and took out a uniquely shaped spar disc, looked down, and uttered: "The energy of Elson's enchantment is approaching the critical point. We Need to speed up, Camilla, you-- "

"I know how." Raising her hand to pinch some messy hair behind her ears, she blocked Spark's words in her mouth and walked forward.

At the same moment, Roddy and Soderlor were frowning with scout emergency reports.

"Orcs? How can there be orcs?" "Master Baron, those orcs are very strong, the one that leads-to be honest, I feel stronger than the Knights of Wellington, the cavalry infantry of Sora sentry can't stop it. And those Undead knights and necromancers ... "

The description of the scout made Soderlor mute, and Roddy paced back and forth, his voice secretly annoyed: "This is where the monsters and monsters popped out ..."

The plan is disrupted so that Roddy is not so upset. The "choice" before him is the real problem.

It stands to reason that the troops of the Sola sentry were attacked, and they could not reasonably watch the Duke's personal soldiers besieged in this way-but the war was not a shotgun, and now he rushed up, he had to do a good job. Psychological preparations for a traumatized army ...

Roddy believed in the fighting power of sixty cavalry, but he couldn't believe that more than one hundred soldiers ... Although he seemed to have nearly two hundred troops, he could really fight. These recruits could really stand in front of the ferocious orcs and undead. Stable heel? If you can win, the loss will never be small. Throw away a few cards and discard half of the soldiers and go to Elson. How can you implement your plan to win the city?

"Fuck!" He couldn't help but yelled-without support, the soldiers at the Sola sentry will no doubt die, and they will send troops to help, and they may suffer more losses.

And most importantly, no matter which one is chosen, many people will die.

Roddy turned his attention to Soderlor, but then turned his eyes away ... On such a question, he would not ask other people's opinions. What he wanted was not blind obedience, but the real choice in his heart.

In the final analysis, Roddy, who is only 27 years old, is immature. He is a otaku, and he has no "don't be confused" and no "know your destiny". By classification, he is still an "idealist"-to save this country and his beloved woman, and he is always striving for this goal. But no matter how "idealistic", after all, it is necessary to run into a wall and compromise in the face of reality. When the problem appeared without warning, Roddy hesitated for the first time.

Soderlor didn't speak, but clenched his fist unknowingly.

Carter, Ruger, Akasha, Nata, and even all the cavalry and servants heard the news that had just been reported. They stood up and set their sights on this young man who took them all the way to kill the blood, waiting for him. Decide ...

When countless pros and cons, and countless inferences linger in his mind, Roddy stopped, but he didn't speak, but just exhaled slowly, took out a silver coin from his pocket, and then reached out to hold it. Bouncing into the sky.

For a second the silver coin was in the air, Roddy closed her eyes. The next moment, he suddenly pulled out his dagger and smashed the silver coins that had not yet landed into pieces.

Listen to fate? Roddy never had such an idea-because the moment the silver pieces broke apart, he had made the final decision.

"Retreat! Retreat!" Hanks suddenly turned sideways, dodging the sword of an undead knight, and then shouted loudly to the troops in front of him: "After the infantry breaks! Cavalry breaks out! Break out!" Neither the undead nor the orcs needed to be captured, This is not a human fight, and the abandonment at this time means that the remaining infantry will definitely be killed, but Hanks really has no choice ... to fight? He couldn't fight at all! The impact of the orc wolf cavalry was ten times as fierce as the terrible guy holding a tomahawk. His cavalry pressed down like a wave, but he was chopped down a path by the opponent! This is a peerless warrior, maybe even Wellington and Titus Knights can't compare with it!

If only the orc is fierce, he has at least a reserve team to top. But ... what happened to such a large number of undead knights and skeletons that suddenly appeared on the side? What happened to the smoky smoke and bone spear that soared around? What happened to the dead orcs and humans who stood up and started chopping themselves? These unexpected surprises made Hanks aware ... that he had planted it this time.

The desperate shouts finally received some responses. The surviving knights began to run at his pace, and the knights who gathered one after another added up to thirty or forty people, but the necromancer always followed behind, the other side. Directly led more than forty undead knights and a large number of running skeletons, and completely made a stance to kill everything ...

"Run! Run to the forest!" Cold wind broke through his bones, and his body was cold. Hanks never thought of his first battle at the border, perhaps the last battle of his life.

The human cavalry and the undead left the main battlefield front and back, and the orcs, whether infantry or wolf riders, did not have the energy to chase. The remaining humans on the battlefield were either converted to zombies after death or have begun to flee around-"Stop Come together! Hurry up! "Sauron and his mount were stained dark red with blood. Although he had" victory ", his mood wasn't better at all-the appearance of the undead had taken him by surprise. As for now he has not understood the fact that he is "used by the undead".

The orc and the undead have never been friendly. Unless the other party evacuates the battlefield with the human cavalry, he will definitely fight the other side without any difference.

But it is not the number of people who are anxious now. Sauron knows the meaning of "war"-he came here not to destroy Hanks' troops, but to the food and supplies of Sora sentry!

"Follow me! Hurry!" Sauron always had a bad hunch when he thought of defending the empty Sora sentry, but when he rushed to the sentry with the team, he flew down from the tower to face the bone The "spear" and the arrows suddenly made him cold ... the sentry was captured by the undead silently! He wanted to storm it up now, but he could see the shadowy figure behind the wooden wall and the mage holding a staff on the tower. Sauron knew ... that the army who had just undergone the **** battle had no physical strength to carry out the assault, and then rushed up, I'm afraid it's the same as sending death.

"Damn!" Sauron cursed, but didn't give up-he took the reins of the wolf, turned around and led the team out of the attack of the undead, and used witchcraft to restore the strength of the remaining orcs and heal the wounds, Quickly disappeared into the nearby wilderness ...

"Master Barbara, Sora sentry has been captured, the orcs have retreated, and the remnants of humankind have been chased by Master Carr ... everything is in your plan." At the foot of Mount Gondola, Bellom's expression was held hostage by the news reported by his men. The corner of his mouth slightly nodded and said, "The group of green-skinned animals have not been cleaned up?"

The orcs don't like undead, and the undead is disgusted with these "smelly barbarians". Among them, the undead aristocracy is even more-in the eyes of Belom, I am afraid that this group of garbage can be used by him, should be "honoured" ".

"In return, the message ... the orc's overall strength exceeded estimates and there was not much loss during the battle, so Master Carl did not direct the fire to the opponent ... but before the defense of Sora sentry, they chose to escape."

"Oh." Bellom was bored with the topic of "orcs" and waved his hand and asked, "Why hasn't Nielsen returned?" It's time to return here, but I haven't heard anything since I sent back the message. I don't know if it was because of the heavy snow road or something else.

The soldier was unable to answer his question. Belom was in a good mood, and it was not difficult. After the pale fingers clenched slightly, he said, "I will review the Sola Post in the afternoon, pass my order, and let all the soldiers prepare. Relocate your position ~ ~ It has been blowing wind on this hillside for a long time, and it's time to find a place to stay. "Belom stood up slowly, moving the seemingly thin but with infinite power. Body, continued: "His Majesty Augustine is paying close attention to this place, so ... stationed at the Sola Post tonight, tomorrow, enter Elson!"

[Note: 3100 words in this chapter, there will be no extra charge for the following words. 】1. At the end of the previous chapter, there is one point that needs to be revised: it should be the necromancer and the undead knight marching toward the battlefield, and the skeleton soldiers are marching towards the Sora sentry. These two were written in reverse. It is important to change it when I saw it today. I would like to state it here. 2. This chapter writes Roddy's choice. Some people may think that it is "water", but I think it is a crucial chapter. Each person chooses his own path, chooses laziness, so he is incompetent, chooses hard work, so he has a skill. Choose to fight, choose to compromise, people make choices every day, and so is Rody. He is still young, his personality is not stereotyped, and strange worlds and environments change him all the time. From the beginning of the book, he has low emotional quotient, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and can even be said to be a secondary student, who seems to be omnipotent but is always in anxiety. So I want readers to guess and associate: What will happen to his personality after going through countless choices? What kind of person would he become at the end of the book? For me, the real joy of writing is that I can see that the characters in the pen have their own growth, I am growing, and he is also growing, which is what makes me happy. 3. Tomorrow will be two more, for August monthly tickets, do not rule out three is more likely, so I ask everyone to give some more.

(End of this chapter)

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