Demon Lord

Chapter 290: miss

Just as the battle at Sora Outpost heated up, the congregation's team finally reached Elson City, once known as the High Elf Glory.

Although they are descendants of the High Elves, most of the books that can record the events of that year have been destroyed in the long river of history after 700 years. However, the energy of the "holy congregation" is not small. The energy level of the world is even ready to deal with it.

Camilla is still standing in the forefront of the team. The scale of Elson City is huge, even more than double that of Hollier City. The hemispherical "time static enchantment" envelopes the ancient city. When Blizzard stagnates for a while on the surface of the enchantment, it quietly evaporates, which is also an important basis for Spark and others to identify the edge of the nodule-and what they have to do now is to accelerate the fragmentation process .

The high-level existence of the "holy congregation" obviously prepared a lot of powerful props for Spark. In addition to the spar that measures the strength of the enchantment, Spark also carried a disc-shaped slate with numerous complex matrixes. At this time, The captain is inlaying a magic crystal on the slate. After confirming the activation of the magic circle, he raised his head and said, "Camilla, go and place this on the edge of the nodule."

His expression was calm, as if such a thing was right. But Camilla, who was full of tiredness, frowned deeply--the "oppression" she suffered on the way had filled her heart with anger, but she did not expect that if she was tolerated all the way, she would have become "aggravated". s consequence.

Everyone knows that the city of Elson is extremely dangerous, and the "Holy Society" always regards it as a "forbidden ground" because many people who had previously wanted to explore the mystery never returned. And now, Spark even asked himself to touch the enchantment?

Who can guarantee the consequences?

Camilla would never agree to such a pitfall.

She was extremely disappointed in her mind. As an Arcanist, Camilla never thought that she would be so casually sacrificed by her teammates!

"I reject."

Camilla exhaled slowly, staring at Spark's proud face, and said this firmly.

"This is the order of the 'holy congregation.'"

Spark's voice became cold, and the players behind him also raised their eyes and looked at Camilla with a playful look.

"The" holy congregation "and you are two different things. You cannot represent the decision of the" holy congregation. "

Camilla did not intend to talk nonsense to him again, leaning slowly against the tree trunk beside her, slowly squatting down, she simply closed her eyes and recuperated.

This blatant confrontation naturally caused Spark to be angry-the order of the "holy congregation" was their will, and actions such as Camilla would be considered "apostasy" if they were launched.

As the captain, Spark thought his majesty could not be provoked. He took a step forward and opened his mouth to speak, but found that Camilla suddenly stood up ...

"Dare you--"

"The situation is wrong!"

Camilla's face suddenly became extremely ugly. She held her forehead in her left hand, as if enduring an unspeakable pain, and her other hand waved weakly, as if trying to say something, but then the whole body was weak. The front fell down ...

This situation made everyone else in the team look at each other-Camilla had asked some strange questions before, but now suddenly fainted, where is this going?

"I only know the cowardly escapes--"

Spark couldn't help cursing, but he wasn't finished, but a crackle suddenly made him shut his mouth!


There was a thunderous sound over Elson, and when everyone looked up, they clearly saw the edge of the nodule that had cracked from the top ...

The next moment, the entire ground trembled violently, and the amplitude was so severe that he even flew Spark and others collectively into the air, and then fell to the ground fiercely!

No one has ever encountered this kind of situation, but as the "holy congregation", all arcane warriors are extremely good at present. Except for Camilla who is already unconscious, they immediately raise their hands and prepare to cast arcane self-rescue-

But when they raised their hands, they all changed their faces.

Elements ... disappeared.

Vision returned to Sora sentry. At this moment, Roddy, holding the tomahawk, and Sauron, holding the chain hammer, were in a tight heart. Because they failed to disarm Belom, they let the opponent successfully release the spell. .

"Ready for trial!"

Belom had a great sigh of anger, the broken runes on the sword had dissipated the energy, and after the "rune cracking" was successfully released, his body was completely covered with an ice-blue ice element. Shrouded ...

Roddy and Sauron did not hesitate to launch the attack again, and the tomahawk and chain hammer smashed into Belom-but this time, Belom took the lead in wielding his sword to cast a spell, and there appeared more than half a meter in front Thick ice shield!

Two clicks, the shield was smashed into a large crack, but it failed to hurt Bellom.

Bellom waved freely, raised his hand to break the shield, rushed into shape, slashed the chain hammer in Sauron's hand, and kicked the leg of the tall orc!


"Holy Shield" was broken like glass, metal boots contacted Sauron's thigh, and the instantly spreading ice breath made Sauron's face instantly!

He grunted and fell to the ground-because if he didn't, he was afraid that his thigh would crack directly!

"Rune Break" gives Belom an absolutely powerful short-term "control" ability, which allows him to instantly activate all ice spells within thirty seconds-and the cost of releasing it is a 20% reduction in attack power, Before runes recover, all attributes drop by 10%.

This is one of Belom's strong hole cards, originally not intended to be used at all, but because of the teaming up of Rordy and Sauron, he had to put away the thought of underplaying the enemy.

When Bebel attacked Sauron, Roddy immediately seized the opportunity to come behind him, and took a second shot with a huge axe in his hand.

But Belom had long anticipated this-the element of ice had begun to condense behind him as a new shield, and he was ready to make a return stabbing action, only to pierce Rodi's body, Then blasted it with "Ice Burst" ...

At this moment, Roddy knew that he had miscalculated.

But the Tomahawk is much heavier than the chain hammer. Under the huge inertia, he has no room to change, but can only hit it with all his strength!

Bellom's gaze revealed some pleasurable feelings, but in the next moment, a silent wave seemed to swept the whole world suddenly, making something quietly disintegrate at this moment-


A loud impact sounded, and Belom took a few steps in shock.

"Ice Shield" quietly disintegrated, failed to stop the axe for half a point, so that Belom took the blow firmly!

However, Bellom's armor was too thick and strong, and Rody's full blow only dented his carapace without causing fatal injuries-but this situation immediately made Roddy aware of his abnormality, and he found that His strength faded by 30% to 40% in an instant!

Looking at the [Status Bar], all the magical buffs disappeared, leaving only the red icon of "Witchcraft: Single Bloodlust" flashing.

what happened?

Seeing the elements that had completely dissipated around Belom, and his suddenly dim sword, Rodi, who was experienced in the game, immediately realized a serious problem: the magic was banned here!

Belom, who was trying to cast, apparently knew this fact, his face became ugly for a moment, but before standing still, the bare hammer handle in Sauron's hand whistled past his face— After the hammer chain and the hammer head disappeared, the chain hammer in Sauron's hand lost its original power and became a black iron rod completely, but even if it was just a stick, the power in Sauron's hand was still fierce.

A bursting arrow shot against Belom's armor on the ground, but it did not explode, apparently also affected by the "Forbidden Magic". It seems that the only person on the battlefield that has not been affected is "witchcraft."

At this point, the dramatic changes have taken place again.

After the "Forbidden Magic" effect appeared without warning, Belom, who was about to make a comeback, fell into trouble again. Although Sauron stomped his legs, his attack was full of threats. Belom had to dodge continuously, and the earthquake that struck one step later when Rodi could still join the war again completely disrupted everything.


The earthquake swayed the sentry tower suddenly. The soldiers on the city wall and the spire were immediately dropped and several people were left. Sauron stood unstable and sat on the ground, but Belom realized that this was his only chance to get out of the siege. Time to escape!

No one here can stop a class of undead from leaving. Under the severe earthquake, Bellom no longer cares about the so-called "aristocratic" face, and quickly fled out of the sentinel gap with his physical advantage ~ ~ disappeared In the heavy snow.

When the biggest enemy disappeared, Roddy and Sauron, who had originally joined forces, immediately set their sights on each other.

Although there is an irresolvable deep sea of ​​blood, the two of them are full of fear at the same time: in Roddy's eyes, the strength of Sauron with "witchcraft" blessing has completely exploded, and now he has no magical support, two Scroll assist, even the tomahawk in my hand can't move a bit. If I rush directly to Sauron and desperately, I am afraid that the first time will be left without even slag!

But Sauron knew very well that he had completely lost his mobility due to a leg fall. At this moment, he rushed to kill Roddy? Sauron had this idea, but then he found it extremely painful ... The effect of the "ancestor's soul" will disappear in a few seconds!

Once this witchcraft is over, the consequence is a reduction of 80% of all attributes ... In this case, Roddy can even kill himself with a stone!

After a momentary weighing, Sauron immediately issued an order towards his only remaining unit-"Retreat! Get out of here!"

As soon as the ground swayed, he suddenly jumped onto the nearest wolf, rushing towards the gap in the wall not far with his strong body and superb riding-he held Roddy's "Skullbreaker" in his hand, and Roddy was holding his tomahawk, and the two enemies were in a mixed state, unknowingly swapping weapons.

At this time, the distance between the two was getting bigger and bigger.

Rorty was originally cautious, but the moment Sauron decisively decided to escape, he suddenly realized that he had missed the best time to kill him. However, one second miss was always missed. When he chased out with a tomahawk At that time, Sauron, who was seriously injured, and his more than ten remaining men had disappeared into the snow ...

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