Demon Lord

Chapter 299: Can't win

"'Who are they?"

In the face of Roddy's question, Camilla didn't know how to answer for a while-the "holy congregation" never leaked any information. As for the human being that Roddy just met, Camilla had no reason to tell him behind him. What is the organization ...

But the radon that erupted in Rodi surprised her secretly. Camilla was very clear that the appearance of the name "Neff" touched his bottom line-and this always made her have an illusion ... the young man in front of her Concern for Neffi seems far beyond imagination.

This strange feeling made her feel a bit strange: Neffi had no father since she was a child, and the only one who cared about her was her own mother, and Roddie was not a relative, why would she treat such a child like this?

If you have a chance to go back, be sure to ask Nefi, but ...

Facing Roddy's gaze, Camilla hesitated for a moment, but suddenly said: "My team ... is also looking for‘ rechargeable spar, ”

After finishing this sentence, Camilla realized that she had revealed the secret-she was a little panicked, and she had been following the rules for many years. She knew that this had been called a "leak". If he was caught by Spark, he would definitely want to She was dragged to trial, but in fact, she didn't think she had done anything wrong--if everything was like that in the book, Spark and others could be the prey of "Turing" without knowing it. Or tools and cause irreversible consequences

"I see." Frosty frowned. In a simple sentence, he judged a lot of things, but at the moment he was not interested in continuing to ask questions, but waved his hands to let the team start to move immediately towards the inner city.

The prototype camp was abandoned without hesitation, and many heavy weights were also thrown here. Camilla saw that the situation understood the other party's intentions, but did not make Roddy embarrassed, and consciously followed the team-follow up maybe It can also help the "holy congregation", but if you stay here, I am afraid it is really meaningless.


Soderlor urged the team to accelerate into the inner city, and the scouts at the rear have reported hearing the sound of horseshoes in the distance, which made Roddy almost sure of the identity of the other party-but entering the inner city at this time was not for mere evasion. It is to use the most suitable terrain to fight.

Although Roddy's troops are many, if he fights against the powerful Belom in a narrow street, the consequences will be completely self-assertive ... Therefore, Roddy with Elson's map chose to rush into the inner city and prepare to The fortress-type pedestal of Pashaar's Tower serves as a barrier to fight the undead with defensive battles

Although the inner city is dangerous, Roddy knows the safest route of travel, so he rushes directly at the front of the team at this time, trying to compare the graph bar in front of him, and moves forward as quickly as possible to Pashaar's Tower. With

The sound of horseshoes echoed in the streets of the inner city, and Roddy struggled to steer the war horse. When he looked up, the empty buildings in his field of vision always had ghosts flashing away-along the way, Roddy had not seen Less, but Soderol and Nata and others can't see it at all, so he is too lazy to think about others feeling this kind of "illusion", but at this time when looking at Camilla, Roddy Only to find that she was looking at the same corner and stunned.

Could she also see it?

This idea came to mind, and then fleetingly, with the "environmental acuity", Roddy was already able to hear the unique horseshoe sound of the skeleton war horse behind him. He immediately led the team to accelerate again ... He didn't think about Camilla's question.

"The ban on Pashal's Tower is very strong, human, you just have to look over it, but I advise you not to do other efforts."

The faint words echoed in the deserted streets, talking to a high elf, wearing a simple robe, walking at a random pace in front, followed by Spark and members of the "Holy Order" .

"Of course, thank you very much for your willingness to lead us here, Mr. Stewart."

Spark spoke politely to the high elf in front of him, who did not care. After taking them to the pedestal of the Pashaar Tower, he pointed to the entrance like a suspension bridge and ordered a few words "Danger of prohibition. Words like ", then turned around and left, without even the intention of watching.

This seems to be the case for High Elves. Spark has encountered no fewer than 30 or 40 High Elves along the way.Some are curious about themselves, some are disgusted, and some even come to chat and ask for identity, but they are not much hostile, even vigilant. I didn't have the heart. Obviously, I was extremely relieved about the safety of the city. Spark asked the reason, and the answer was, "Kadga people never make mistakes. We never worry about any crimes."

So Spark and others found the full set of dossiers of "Energy-Crystal Making Principles" very smoothly in the library, and also harvested a lot of energy-enriched crystals along the way.

The charged crystals that Rody saw in Wagra's basement were transparent because of exhaustion of energy. The crystals that could really have energy were actually flashing blue. At this time, almost every one of these arcanists was holding a small piece, watching with a curious Capricorn, marveling at this kind of miracle-like artificial magic crystal.

In fact, Spark has never relaxed any vigilance. He pays attention to the subtle movements of each high elf, and judges whether the opponent is going to frame his team, but until now, he has not seen any so-called "vulnerabilities" — —The books found in the library also gave him some trust in these high elves ...

"Take a rest after that suspension bridge and wait to prepare to lift the ban."

The next task is to get the most critical "energy filler". The smooth progress of the road made him feel good. As he led the team across the narrow suspension bridge, he looked at the sides and joked: "This is more useful than the moat ..."

The base of Pashal's Tower is completely a round fortress. The towering city wall surrounds it. A deep trench with a depth of more than 30 meters surrounds it. The only access is the two north and south suspension bridges.

Obviously, this is the last line of defense in the entire city center, and it is also the core area of ​​the city of Elson. According to the level of civilization of the high elves seven hundred years ago, this should be the daily office or research arcane of the Khadgar Arcanist. The place.

Thinking of the smooth completion of the mission right away, the Arcanists were full of energy. After crossing the suspension bridge one by one began to recover mana. It didn't take long for Spark to take the team to the entrance of the Pashaar Magic Tower— —The black, rune-filled gate is flashing red, and obviously there is not much magic in it ~ ~ Breaking the ban is not easy, but the "holy congregation" is naturally not unprepared. Sri Lanka Parker took out an old scroll and stood in front of the gate to release the higher-order spells directly above it. After the stormy elements waved, the red runes on the gate gradually faded.

After casting a few spells, confirming that there was no danger around him, Spark finally opened the door with a breeze. A gorgeous and ten-meter-high front hall is in sight, representing rune mantras of high-end arcane art forming an abstract picture on the wall. For these "post-high elven" age arcanists For them, the magic tower in front of them has sacred meaning to them.

Depressing his inner excitement, Spark still carefully surveyed and led the team into the magic tower slowly.

A few hundred meters away, the tall elf who had just brought them here stood in the shadows, looking at the open gate of the magic tower, and the corners of his mouth slowly lifted ...

"Oh ... a bunch of ignorant biracials."

"Kadgar, you won't win me even if you drag on for another seven hundred years."

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