Demon Lord

Chapter 311: Elson City Lord

It was just a battle that lasted for more than a minute, but it took almost a hundred days for the world outside the tower ... Such a concept is difficult to accept, but for Roddy, it was all he had expected. situation

Utilizing the enchantment to exhaust Turing's power and then using the "Forbidden Magic" effect to weaken Belom, all this is Roddy's plan.

The first phase of the mission was successfully completed due to the killing of Belom, but at this time, a large number of mission tips related to the "Elson" city also popped up. Roddy need not think about the "recast city" and the like A series of small tasks. He didn't have time to take a closer look at this time, but it was the first time he rushed to the front of the altar, picked up the "charged crystal" on the ground, set it up, and recited the spell that broke Turing as soon as possible ...

Turing must die

This is the initial purpose of Roddy's arrival in Elson, and it is also the biggest threat he faces. Although Turing's "傀儡" has just been hacked to death, the other party will not really "die".

Even if the two superimposed enemies exhausted the energy of Turing, this "consciousness" will only fall into "sleeping". If there is a suitable opportunity, it can finally make a comeback ...

And what Roddy has to do is to completely wipe out all the possibilities for Turing to wake up

The spell was chanted, and the "charged spar" above the altar immediately released a lot of energy. The violent elemental fluctuations caused a small range of shocks, which forced Roddy to take a few steps back—the blue light escaped When it dispersed, Roddy could see that there seemed to be a struggling shadow, and screams and explosions echoed around him, but the altar firmly locked it all within a very narrow range.

At this point, Roddy had time to take a look at what was about to be crowded. Below the tips for obtaining a lot of experience points, he saw a special line of gold-marked fonts as he wished:

"Elson is now a city without a master. Would you like to be the owner of the city?"

As Roddy responded, rows of prompts appeared one after another:

"Elson City" belongs to the Karen Kingdom outside the Kingdom of Karen. Is it recognized as the land of Karen Kingdom? "

In such a place, "self-reliance is king" is meaningless, admitting that it is the land of the Karen Kingdom, all tasks can continue, and more importantly, Roddy can form a watchful and mutual alliance with the Duke of Angmar.

"Congratulations on becoming the new town owner of Elson City."

"The city construction bar opens."

"The recruiting bar opens."

"The diplomatic reputation bar opens."

"Get the title of Elson City Lord."

Elson City Lord

Benefit: Increases reputation to "Respect" in all Elven camps.

Effect: All attributes are increased in the territory, and the spell effect is improved. When the defense system works, it has spell immunity.

Effect: "Blessing of the High Elves" can be given to all the teams created-blessing effect: all attributes increase o.

Effect: Proficient in "High Elves".

Effect: A contract has been signed with the controller of the Elsen City defense system, which has priority control over the city's defense.

"I got a ¨"

This row of exaggerated "effects" made Roddy calm down for a long time. Compared with Soderroll, who was awarded the title of "Baron" by Angmar, Roddy's "title" can be described as "luxury spree"- In short, Roddy has been playing for so long, and I have never seen such a powerful title.

Obviously, everything he deserves is worth it.

However, he quickly noticed that the last "effect" under the title-"Elsen City Defense System Controller" was a slang term, but Roddy quickly reacted ... Is this what Turing used to be?

Looking up, the flashing light on the "Altar" has begun to dissipate. The mourning sound that belongs to Turing has disappeared. The suppressed atmosphere around him has gradually disappeared. Obviously, this powerful arcane consciousness has been annihilated in the circle. I rushed to look at it for a few glances, but I didn't understand whether it was a success.

"Should ... no problem."

Roddy breathed a sigh of relief, but took a breath from the painful wound on her body. He turned his eyes around, and inside the dense room there were all kinds of corpses, and it was needless to say that the high elves controlled by Turing also said that the Arcanist of the "Holy Meeting" also fell to the ground, because the previous The spell concussion was too severe, and it was hard to tell whether these people were dead or alive. However, he was not interested in these guys at this time, but was the first time to walk out of the closet ...

He needs to confirm Camilla's safety.

But anxiously Roddy did not show up, and there was a crack on the edge of the altar that had been cut off by Bellom.

Camilla has fallen into a coma.

Before entering Elson, her physical exertion was too severe, and she did not get enough rest after entering the city.Now after going through the war and suffering heavy losses, she has lost too much blood and can't finally support her. Above.

The blood-filled magic circle never started, Camilla lay there quietly, like a blooming flower ...

It's just that the flowers are gradually starting to wither now.

Because of the excessive blood loss, even after Khadgar's blessing, Camilla seemed to be unable to avoid the fate of death-time passed by every minute, her breath became undetectable, and her heartbeat became weaker.

However, when the atmosphere at the top of the tower gradually fell into silence, a sudden wave of elements suddenly broke it all.

The law array under Camilla slowly diffused a faint blue light. With her body as the center, the entire law array's surface gradually lightened up-soon, a ray of light radiated straight up, and the card Mira's body is shrouded in this dazzling light ...

The position of this magic circle is exactly in the center of Pashaar's magic tower. The light condenses at the center of the tower of the giant magic tower. The visible beam of light is refracted, as if some power is scattered outside the magic tower. The entire city —

After the light lasted for three or four seconds, it finally disappeared slowly.

Camilla was still lying on the front, although she was not awake, she was obviously a little more **** on her cheeks, and her breathing gradually became stronger.


At the same time, Roddy rushed to the half of the stairs while shouting her name. He grabbed the guardrail with both hands and pulled it hard. With the attribute bonus brought by the title of "Elsen City Lord", he jumped on easily. Top.

At this time, Roddy's injury was not mild. He didn't say blood on his body. He had a deep wound on his cheek. He ran into a pain and grinned as he rushed all the way, but this pain was obviously not as serious as Camilla's worry. Today, Roddy can actually guess the fate of Camilla:

According to Nafie's answer at the beginning, it is clear that Camilla never returned after leaving Mogla Village ... If she had come to Elson City, she might have been a victim of the Turing conspiracy.

However, the original history has been completely changed, Turing was killed, Elson City has no previous threat, and Camilla ...

Panting heavily, Roddy raised his head, staring at Camilla lying on the front of the square for the first time-but then his expression suddenly freezes on his face.

There is a moment of blankness in Rody's mind, and countless memories are intertwined with the pictures of reality, which makes him lose his thinking ability: the picture that made him feel heartache again appears in front of him ... He killed a **** road and rushed into Mogla Village, but in the end he saw the delicate figure falling in front of the straw house ...

Nefi wears the robe and cape that Roddy bought for her. Her fiery red head is scattered on the ground. Her petite figure is like a butterfly. She is beautiful, dazzling but fragile. She fell into a pool of blood, her face pale paper

At this moment, Camilla lying on the front of the law coincides with the scene of Nefee's death in memory--except for the difference in color, Camilla is almost the same as Nefie at that time, even downcast The eyes look exactly the same ...

Roddy took a deep breath. Although the painful memories of his past appeared in his mind, he immediately suppressed the panic in his heart and rushed forward.

Blood-stained magic array, wounds all over the body, ruptured mouth of abdominal robe ...

The current scene overlaps with memory, everything is so similar, and the panic in his heart makes Roddy feel a bit stiff ...

However, reason allowed him to choose to confirm Camilla's heartbeat for the first time-because his finger was injured in the battle, Roddy couldn't care about touching the arteries on his neck, Yu Jian directly bent down, and put his ears on Camilla's Chest ...

However, because he was too flustered, the first time that Roddy heard was the "snap" sound of his ears rushing into the eardrum, he felt that he couldn't hear clearly through the robe, and he had no choice but to reach out Camilla's clothes-but as soon as he grabbed the edge of the robe, he felt that his wrist was suddenly clasped ~ ~ what are you ...? "

Camilla opened her eyes with some effort, and for the first time, she saw Roddy with blood on her face, as if she had just crawled out of the rubble. I don't know why, when she saw this young face, Camilla didn't have much alertness. However, when she showed Roddy to take off her clothes, she finally couldn't bear to ask ...

Although there was no energy, it was not difficult to grab Roddy's hand, and this movement made Roddy's movement froze immediately. He turned his head and looked over. Camilla thought he would see him embarrassed or ashamed Expression, but she did not expect, but this guy ...

Why is he laughing so ugly?

Why is this guy's eyes wet?

She got up hard, and it was strange that Roddy's eyes looked at him ... he seemed to want to say something, but stopped talking, and raised his arms several times, but didn't dare to do anything-Camilla came out A strange thought: Does he want to embrace himself?

Who is he?

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