Demon Lord

Chapter 316: guard

Roddy listened to Soderlor's words, but his eyes dipped down--this action made him look like a fake, but actually he was covering up his inner anger ... Three months to talk for a long time or a short time Short, the news of his "avalanche death" has relaxed the vigilance of the undead, and apparently brought a lot of trouble to the Duke of Angmar.

This group of rat-like nobles has a dog-like smell for the interests around them, but has always turned a blind eye to possible invasions at the border.

Roddy glanced at Camila, who was a little bit low, and got up and said, "I'll talk about it here today. If you have any ideas, you can always find me."

He did not expect Camilla to stand immediately opposite the "Holy Meeting", so he set aside a buffer time and then said nothing more, turning around and Sodroll asking about the news of the Sorah sentry.


Camilla, who was sitting on the bed, looked out at the closed wooden door, but did not feel everything around her anymore-she exhaled slowly, her heart filled with inexplicable complex emotions ... The tension and anxiety still lingered in my heart, but it took more of my mind, but it was the doubts about Roddy.

He could make himself a slave in just a few words, but he did not do so.

He looks like an insignificant aristocrat in the kingdom, but only a few words tell the essence of the "holy congregation."

In Camilla's original impression, Roddy was just a warrior, but he had combat power and courage that ordinary people could not reach. However, since the conversation just now, Roddy's image in her eyes has suddenly changed dramatically-a leader with strong self-control? Or a wise man hidden beneath a young face?

She understands that she can no longer regard Roddy as an ordinary person. She can understand the importance of "charged spar" and master the "high elf genius". The things he showed even reminded Camilla of the old guys in the "Holy Church".

But it doesn't matter how mysterious Roddy is. After understanding that he can't get out of the city, Camilla's most worrying question is now ... What about Neffi?

Is it going to ask for help like Roddy?

With such an idea in her head, Camilla looked at the closed door and lost her thoughts.

"Because I have been uneasy about this city, I was able to send troops through the outer forest to contact Hanks after two months of searching, but the feedback was not optimistic."

Soderol and Roddy are side by side.The former lieutenant has matured in the continuous battle and tempering. In the three months that Roddy has "disappeared", he has organized his troops well. Only military leadership can be undoubted. Although there was some worry in the discourse at this time, it was obvious that he was confident enough to solve all this.

"Talk carefully."

Roddy narrowed his eyes and looked at the mountains in the distance, his voice seemed a bit cold.

"After we left, there were five lords before and after the lord who arrived there. The total strength was more than a thousand or so, but because the threat of the orcs had been lifted, they quickly evacuated one after another. During this period, their attitude towards Hanks ... Not very friendly. "

"Not very friendly" is a polite statement. In fact, these lords directly threw Hanks completely overhead and directly took over the Sola sentry post-after all, Roddy left a small number of troops, and because the main force was always vacant In the face of the arrogant army of the lord, they could only choose to tolerate accommodation.

"Hanks said that during this period there have been several conflicts between the army and the lord army. Although they were finally overwhelmed, he obviously also suffered a lot ... a lot of insults. But he never disclosed to these nobles that they had any information about us The news was just a secret letter to inform the Duke. "

"The mind is still alive."

Roddy just gave a comment and said nothing else. He was in a bad mood, and he always had a bad mood in his tone. Because there were no maids or servants here, Soderlor didn't arrange soldiers to wait for his own living, so he personally poured a cup of hot water for Roddy, and then sat on a wooden chair and whispered: "Hanks He hasn't been idle.He is always in touch with the Duke of Angmar.The latest news that some nobles have used some means to reduce the Duke's tax and is ready to take action on the Par collar and the wood elves, so I think We must take action. "

"A bunch of maggots that haven't succeeded and failed, it's not difficult to clean up."

Roddy shook his head, but then asked a seemingly irrelevant question: "How many‘ rechargeable spars have you found in the city? Have you counted them? ”

Soderorol hesitated and quickly replied: "There are 157 pieces in total, of which only 38 pieces have energy. This is the data counted by Rev. Akasha."

Such a number raised Rody's eyebrows-he thought there would be at least a thousand dollars, how could there be so few?

Elson is the pinnacle of the high-elven defense system.Its defensive capabilities far exceed the current level of human castles, but as a cost, its energy supply problem is also very prominent. This principle is similar to "the amazing fuel consumption of high-horsepower racing cars. "The same is an unavoidable problem.

According to the book `` On the Self-Awareness of the Defense System, '' the number of spar needed to start the inner city defense of this city is about 1,500, and the full defense of the outer city needs at least 5,000.

6,500 "charged spar" is the minimum standard to ensure the defense of the entire city is activated, and if there is a battle, this number will be at least ten times more than it can sustain the consumption of a war.

Roddy breathed a sigh of relief, the gains from this victory were too rich, but equally affordable-his own "city owner" was a rhythm that he couldn't afford.

Elson didn't have the "powered spar" thing. There were only two ways to get it: Either go to the ruins of Wagra in the quiet forest, use the large number of spar hidden in the ground, or ... .

But at present, it seems that the spar of the Ruins of Wagra is not enough, and it is inevitable to master the manufacturing technology to restore Elson's original defense level.

However, Camilla said that a volume of "Theory of Energetic Spar Making" was placed in the hands of Neffi in the village of Mogra, then-

With his eyes fixed, Roddy gradually had a plan in mind: "Elson City will be our largest development base in the future, but the problem to be solved is still the Duke's side, because if the war breaks out, it will be our rear. . "

Soderlor understood his intentions and reminded: "Our troop strength is currently in short supply. Such a large city requires at least 2,000 standing troops to defend."

"Leave me the question of strength and return to Sora sentry tomorrow."

Roddy drank the hot water in the cup and rose to walk outside.

The difference of a hundred days was nothing short of a snap for Rodi, but for Akasha, it was like years.

Akasha can never hide her mind. She doesn't grit her teeth to withstand the pressure like Soderol. She continues to command the troops in an orderly way, and she can't be as cold as Nata. Go up as if nothing happened.

Roddy's life and death are uncertain, and the embarrassment in her heart always makes Akasha hard to sleep at night ... and therefore, her dark circles have become more serious, her jaw has become sharper, her waist has become thinner, her face has become paler. The plump beauty priest is now a little sick.

And because of the appearance of the "Legion of the Dead", Akasha was under a lot of pressure ... The soldiers' eyes of respect and fear made her feel like a "monster", so she gradually stayed away from the crowd, all day Lonely studying mythology in the room, or being trapped by nightmares, staring sleepily at the towering magic tower ...

Fortunately, today, all the puppets have finally disappeared. After seeing Roddy walk out of the magic tower intact, she was finally relieved, and she took a good sleep at the request of Roddy—

When I woke up, the sky outside the window was already dark.


Her throat was a little bit so, Akasha rubbed her eyes, but she felt that there was something different around her, and then she realized that her bedroom had magical lighting, so that her eyes were not as dark as before.

Light dispelled the darkness and away Akasha's fear. She stood up and looked around curiously, not understanding why this happened.

"Da da."

Curious about the bedroom door being knocked, Akasha frowned slightly, and asked with some confusion: "Who?

And when he heard the answering sound outside the door, Akasha was there for a while, and his heart fluttered and began to flutter-Roddy came to the bedroom himself? What does he mean?

She hurriedly opened the door, but saw Rody standing outside the door with a wooden water glass in her hand. When the two eyes met, Akasha did not look away as shyly as before, but was careful Staring at Roddy for a long time—

"looking at what?"

Roddy put the water glass for Akasha on the wooden table next to him and pushed forward—seeing his movement, Akasha was warm in his heart and whispered: "It's okay ... it's been a long time without watching It's your turn, afraid to forget your appearance. "

After saying this, Akasha lowered her head a little bit shamely: She usually didn't have the courage to express her feelings so plainly.

Roddy was a bit stuck, looking at Akasha, but she felt that she looked so distressing now ... Looking at Akasha's cheek, he sighed and said, "You've lost a lot of weight."


Then Akasha remembered that her dark circles were ugly, and quickly turned her head away to prevent Roddy from seeing, whispering, "Did I become ugly?"

"No, I just don't feel well when I see you like this."

Roddy is not too stupid to say that girls are ugly, and besides, Akasha is now called a beautiful girl no matter what, and it has nothing to do with "ugly", he just feels a little guilty inside-after all, this silly little pastor Because I have become this kind of look.

And Akasha turned her head slightly, this guy, in fact, still cared about herself.

However, she even remembered Camilla who had walked out of the tower with Roddy, but her heart was a little sour, and she whispered, "Yes, why didn't the woman who entered the tower with you still leave here?" ? "

"She ... I'm afraid she can't leave?"


Akasha's heart jumped abruptly. She had long noticed that Roddy's attitude towards Camilla was wrong. The woman's intuition made her feel that there was something strange about it. Did Roddy say that because she was here? Or was it because of something with Roddy in the tower?

Looking at Akasha, the burning spirit of gossip, Roddy lamented that the woman's thoughts could not be understood at all, and had to briefly explain Camilla's ability and role today-and after listening to these, Akasha 撅Frowning with a mouth, "Wasn't she your deputy?"

As a follower of Roddy, Akasha has always paid attention to this "identity", but soon she was relieved ... Anyway, Camilla could not leave Elson. If Roddy went elsewhere, Camilla would only I can stare here ~ ~ Hum, a guy without any threat.

"I won't discuss her first, I want to tell you something," Roddy finally got to the topic, then looked at Akasha's eyes and whispered, "I'm going to return to Sora sentry tomorrow, and then Huo A trip to Lear City. "

"Let's go tomorrow? I'll clear up later."

Akasha was about to get up, but Roddy reached out and held his shoulder-"I want to say ... I hope you stay here and help me guard the city for a while."

"I ... what?"

Akasha, who was full of joy, had a frozen expression, staring at Roddy, speechless for a while.

[It was originally written 4,200, deleted and revised to 3,700, and it was issued like this. Tomorrow at least 3,500, we can definitely make up the lesser one yesterday. 】

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