Demon Lord

Chapter 32: King Scorpion (1)

Seeing what Sally seemed to want to say, Roddy felt that she could ask about the Luxi Fron family from her mouth. After thinking about it, he threw out a very tempting condition and said, "Let ’s not talk Tell me about your experience? Since you're curious ... as much as you say, I say as much as exchange, how about it? "

Sally was surprised that Roddy would suddenly make such a request. After thinking about it, she nodded happily: "OK, let me say it first."

"The Luxi Fron family-how to say, the family's territory is very large, the lord and even the royal family are afraid of their father's power, the territory is from ..."

Most of the girls' eloquent words were already in Roddy's mind. At this time, it was only confirmed, but when Sally mentioned her father, Roddy still raised his ears— " My elder brother was confident about the succession of the title, but my father seemed to be aware of it, and began to alienate the two of us after getting sick a few years ago. Until now, he has not even mentioned anything about the succession of the title to the outside world, perhaps because This incident eventually led to Francis killing me now ... "

I said here, her mood was a little low, but she was obviously more curious about Roddy's life. She hugged her knees and asked softly, "So ... it's your turn, Captain Roddy."

我 "I? Huh ..." There was a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth, and Roddy wondered how he described his life. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "How old do you think I am?"

"You? Nineteen? Twenty? At most twenty-two, right?" Sally looked at Roddy seriously. Before that, due to various fighting reasons, she had not carefully observed the young man in front of her, and stared carefully at this moment. I looked at it, but I felt like I had forgotten to hold on, and looked away quickly, but my heart was beating faster for no reason.

Speaking of which, this guy is still handsome ...

"Well, to be honest, I'm thirty-two this year." Roddy spread his hands. "My appearance was fixed at nineteen because of the curse of a certain wizard. In fact, I participated in wars in this world. After seven years of adventure, and finally wanting to settle down, I found such an errand to do. I never thought that scouts would be restless ... "

The words were filled with sighs, and the words edited by Rordi had really stunned Sally for a while, and caused the duke's mouth to open into an "O" shape for a long time.

怎么 "What? Don't believe it?"

Luo Di raised his eyebrows and shook his head with a sympathetic expression: "In fact, this is the first time I have said this, and it is normal to believe it ..."

罗 "Luo ... Rody, that—" Sally hesitated, and made a request that made him stupid: "The wizard who cursed you ... can he also curse me? I don't want to grow old ..."

Roddy's expression suddenly became very cramped, and he couldn't wait to slap himself—how could he forget the seductive power of this reason for women? Okay, I ca n’t explain ...

Fortunately, there is no proof of this kind of thing, Roddy talked about right and left, and said something about his "adventure experience"-in fact, the game experience, but those geography and humanities and what Sally read in the book The slightest touch made her believe six or seven minutes, but she really thought that there was such a curse that made people look unchanged ...

However, Roddy was very timely in turning the topic back to Sally, preventing the girl from discussing the issue of "forever youth".

"Don't the Duke prevent things between you and Francis?"

Sally opened her mouth slightly and hesitated—reasonably, this kind of family privacy-related things should not be arbitrarily spoken, but apparently at this time she thought that Roddy could be trusted, so she whispered: "For us to each other His father has always stood by and watched the battle of open fire and dark arrows. Over the years ... his smile is getting less and less, and he keeps himself in the study all day long and wonders what he thinks. He is indifferent to me and Francis as if he had never had children. It feels so lonely and uncomfortable. "

Roddy seemed to be thinking of something. He raised his hand and threw a piece of firewood into the bonfire. Under the orange light, he suddenly asked: "When did your father start to change his character? Before he would care about your feelings with you, yes What? "

Sally frowned slightly, recalling for a moment, and finally answered: "Five years ago, my father used to take me and Francis to visit the villages in the territory every summer, but from five years ago, he suddenly ignored these. Do you know why? Have you heard of something similar? "

Roddy did not seem to hear the words behind Sally, but just remembered in his mind the sixth year after the service of "Cracked Soil" was opened. When the Karen Kingdom was almost completely disintegrated, some literature directed the spearhead at the undead Tasman Kingdom-a lot of evidence at that time showed that the collapse of the Karen Kingdom was not only due to the invasion of the orcs, but also because The undead handed an extremely insidious knife in the dark, only to cause the kingdom's largest lords to fall down one after another, leading to the collapse of the situation ...

What are the dead spirits best at? If it is to be used for political struggles, then the alchemy potions and assassins must be the first means to come to mind.

So ... Is it possible that before the orcs decided to invade Karen's kingdom, the undead had already planned to do it ... even had to do it?

Remembering Sally's words, Roddy quickly thought of a notorious poison, the "soul stripping potion." This medicine is colorless and tasteless, and it is extremely difficult to detect. After long-term use, it will make the user's personality indifferent, eventually losing memory, and even losing the basic thinking ability, and become a walking dead.

This potion was discovered for the first time in history. In the impression, it was an overlord in the kingdom who firmly supported the insurgents. The lord originally strongly supported the insurgents. Later, his character suddenly became indifferent, and eventually even his children were not. I went to care, but suddenly I could n’t close the door, and even didn't let the servants enter the house, and finally starved to death on the bed ...

"Have you heard of undead?"

Rorty's way of changing the subject made Sally a little uncomfortable, but she kept up with Rorty's thinking and nodded and replied, "I have read it in the book, quiet in the southwest of the kingdom and full of the dead Tasman Kingdom ... it seems The kingdom has never been in contact with them for a hundred years. It is rumored that they have closed the only way for them to communicate with the outside world. "

"Yes, there is a country full of living dead."

Suddenly, Roddy's eyes were a little deep. In the 595th year of "Cracking the Earth", the country of the Tasman dead finally tore up the previous camouflage, launched an invasion to the Karen Kingdom, and divided up a large area of ​​land with the orcs ... almost making the territory of the Kingdom completely Disappeared on the map.

There is nothing good about those bitch-breeding undead. Roddy clenched his palms slightly. In his memory, these undead were far more terrible than the orcs. Orcs are endorsements of madness and brutality, as long as you are stronger than them, these guys will honestly roll back to graze. Undead ... but far from it.

The "cracking" sound of the campfire made the woodland more silent. After a full day's rest, Roddy understood that he needed to continue his journey now-the night of the quiet language forest was actually safer than the daytime, "Styro's This is especially true because the bee colonies and poisonous mosquitoes that need the most time to respond will not appear at night. This very different law from other forests allows Roddy to leave at least a day to cross the entire map.

However, what he has to face now is the final BOSS of this copy. Only by killing it can the next road continue.

"Sterlo Creek" is not a copy without a brain. Its plot is related to the indigenous "wood elves" who live in the forest. These elves have a village in the quiet forest. It was the entire players who came The main mission of the expedition is here. The original storyline process was probably caused by the wood elves who discovered that the water source of the stream would be toxic at certain times. So the village chief issued a task for the player to investigate. The final copy task was naturally the players worked hard to finally kill the polluted stream. Boss-a level 10 Scorpion King "Sorcris" that will summon a large number of poisonous scorpions.

Although Roddy is not here for missions to gain experience, if he does not hit the boss, he must take a detour of at least three days, and all the dangers on the road are far more terrible than the 10th level Scorpion King. .

"If you return to Hollier, your father still doesn't pay attention to Francis's actions ... I think you must be prepared to encounter the next round of assassinations." Roddy put his horns on his back and sorted out the rest More than a dozen arrows, holding a earthen shovel made of wood and stones ~ ~ was preparing to extinguish the bonfire, but found that Sally suddenly pulled her horns—

Roddy looked back in confusion. When the two eyes were on each other, Sally's eyes made him feel a little strange.

如果 "If ... I mean if-I encountered such a thing again, would you ... come to help me?"

Sally is not a naive girl. She is actually clearer than Roddy about the political situation and the current situation. At this time, the words spoken in the mouth have some expectations, even a little ambiguous, but maybe in her heart, that This slightly tentative meaning is more obvious.

After all, this is the Duke's daughter asking each other. If you change any normal man at this moment, I am afraid that you will not hesitate to make various promises in exchange for beauty. Sally was ready for the other party's willingness to agree, but she didn't think about the other party's answer, which still surprised her.

"I? I'm not as powerful as you think. By the time you reach Hollier City, you can only rely on yourself-I don't have that much time to accompany you and Francis ... Besides, I don't have that ability now . "

Roddy folded the remaining vines, and answered calmly.

If Roddy is just a player with a casual attitude, after rebirth at this time, he may think about bubble beauties, swipe money, and live a so-called happy life-but obviously, as Luo born from hatred, he was born again. Dee, what he wants to do is to stop all the tragedies in memory ...

In his eyes, Sally, a variable that can change the tragedy of the Lucifer Fron family, is more straightforward-if Sally cannot change the result of Francis's final seizure of power, Roddy will definitely not continue to take risks to protect her .

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