Demon Lord

Chapter 346: Sheng Yi Difficult (4)

Treason, die.

This sentence is not the first Duke of Angmar to say. If you look back, the earliest person to speak of it is the Emperor Kangen who unified the Karen Kingdom.

"Zero tolerance" for the aristocracy who betrayed the kingdom was one of the keynotes set by the country from the beginning.

So when Viscount Juan's head was quietly placed on the dining table, the deterrence caused far exceeded all nonsense.

The entire banquet scene was caught in a strange atmosphere: the ladies who were stimulated by the **** scene screamed and ran away; the younger ones did not see what it was because they were far away, and were moving curiously here The lords who really have real power are all sweating from their foreheads, standing still, their brains thinking quickly about the next countermeasures ...

Juan's territory is not rich and the power is not top-notch, but the reason why the nobles can unite against Angmar is that several of the highest-ranking lords know that he is "pinning the lead."

In other words, it is an indisputable fact that the Viscount "concealed mischief"-Juan is one of the biggest masterminds behind this incident. Once Angmar compromises, Juan will certainly be the one with the most resources.

However, no one expected that Angmar would chop Juan out of net profit when all arrangements were not made ...

What about a good plan? Let's share the good resources?

The moment before, the nobles were still excited about taking slaps of Angmar, but the old man's counterattack was not slap in the face, but a sharp and crisp sword

This sword is always in Angmar's heart, even if the wind candle is old, even if he knows how many days he has, when he draws his sword, he is still unmatched.

"This this…"

The lords who were just "persuading" had been speechless at this time. Their eyes were moving back and forth between that skull and Angmar, completely confused.

"Collusion with the undead, cooperate with the pagans to destroy the Everta territory, stock the army to wait for rebellion, the evidence is conclusive, and the crime is unforgivable ... kill." Angmar slowly glanced at the lords in front of him and slowly closed the wooden box , Concealed the thick **** smell, "Of course, I believe that many of the lords here don't have the same mind as him. Since coming to Holy City, you should enjoy the joy of wine and food, don't you? ? "

There was no response to his words, because the shock from the **** head could not be digested in one minute or two, especially those women who were pale and even covered their mouths and ran away-I am afraid they will Leave a psychological shadow.

But where does Angmar care about how these people feel?

"What Juan wants has nothing to do with us. Since treason, he deserves it." Viscount Mursa, who narrowed his eyes, reacted for the first time, and he groaned: "But can violence solve everything? The border plan It should be adjusted, Angmar, this is not just what I mean. You are hollowing out Everta. In this way, no matter whether an enemy will appear at the border, we will be finished. "

"We don't have to bear the consequences of doing it alone."

The first time the relationship with Juan was clarified, the lords who were already weak by three points did not take a step back-they understood that Angmar was "killing chickens and monkeys", but few of the aristocrats present were fools. It is impossible for Angmar to kill them just because of "disagreement", because such a means already means "out of bounds"

"I know-in your eyes, I have been squandering with the gold coins that belong to you, so you can't accept it, right?"

Angmar also spoke directly and opened her mouth, showing a few ironic expressions on his face. "Or do you think that you have treated the village I have long been yours? So you don't want to pay taxes?"

Just at this moment, the steward John came to Angmar and whispered something, and the Lord Duke smiled and said to him: "Because of some things, our Bishop Nova is one step behind, but he obviously There is some good news to announce ... John, I have invited the Archbishop to come. "

Several lords were completely set aside, their faces were red and white for a while--when they wanted to fight Angmar, they naturally did more than Juan's plan to restrict economic trade, restrictions on taxes, military measures, etc., and they could threaten Rusif There are many ways for the Long family, but Angmar poses a stance of not accepting the move, but they have no way but to watch the new bishop come to him and take out a gorgeous and conspicuous one. Golden scroll ...

"this is…"

Several lords raised their eyebrows immediately because they recognized that the scroll with the cross-key wax seal was the "Holy Edict" from the Pope.

Within a year, the territory of Everta had received the Holy Rosary of the Pope of the Rosary for the second time, and among the lords present, many remembered clearly-the owner of the first Holy Bible ... The "dead" Captain Roddy

The scroll at the beginning gave Roddy the huge backing of the "Rose Cross"-and therefore, he was able to enter the vision of these lords as a "non-nobleman", and became a "confidant" of which they were extremely jealous. .

Now that the hidden danger of Roddy has disappeared, the appearance of the "Holy Emperor" still makes them feel a little nervous ... Mursa and others glanced at Angmar, but found that they could not see the old duke's face at all. See any emotions coming on.

Bishop Nova is fifty-nine years old, and it is difficult to "take another step". He is wearing a bishop's robe and has tiredness on his face, but his spirit is still hesitant-he simply said hello to the duke. , Opened the "Holy Emu" without crap, and read out its content:

"... Because of the important location of the Everta Territory and the outstanding contribution of the Roussillon family in the war against the undead, the church decided to support 5,000 Templars, 1,000 Templars and Supporting equipment to cooperate with the Luxi Fron family to defend the border to prevent a possible crisis ... "

"... As a supporter of the church for many years, the Roussillon family will receive no less than six material aids in the next three years ..."

In just a few words, the lords seemed to have suffered a sledgehammer, and they were completely stunned.

"Rose Cross" supplies materials to troops and equipment. What is this concept?

In short, the core armed forces of the Roussillon family, only Titus and Wellington's troops with less than three hundred people, so that the lords can have more confidence by virtue of the number of private soldiers-church The additional 6,000 armed forces directly broke this situation, allowing Angmar to have no worries in terms of "strength"

Not to mention the "material aid" that was subsequently involved, in other words, this is simply not playing cards according to common sense.

In this way, the lord's original "economic dominance" strategy was completely void, because Angmar has no shortage of money since then.

And the "Holy Edict" does not end here, and the announcement by Bishop Nova continues:

"... At the same time, in recognition of Rody's outstanding contribution to the battle against the undead, we hereby give away the ring, ..."

Compared with the previous two news, this subsequent announcement made you even more shocked-is the church crazy? Send something to a dead person? Is this just a symbolic reward like the Medal of Honor?

But the "Ring of Pardon" is by no means a trivial matter. Nobles who know a little about the "Rose Cross" know that this ring has a total of twelve. It is the only one in the church except the Pope. The "Morocco" production, which is qualified to wear the golden and red robes, will only be made once a year since twelve years ago, and it is dedicated to members who have made outstanding contributions to the church.

The nobles in the venue whispered the meaning behind the news, and Quentin who could not find Roddy was not far away at this time. When he heard the news about Roddy, he squinted provocatively. Look at Busta-the latter didn't know the plight of his father at this time, and sneered at Quentin: "What's the reward for a dead person? It can only give you a little psychological comfort."

Quentin wanted to say something, but remembered what Roddy had just said, he suddenly felt that the quarrel was really meaningless. Yu Jian stopped paying attention to the fat man, hugged his shoulders, and continued to listen to Bishop Nova's reading of the Holy Scripture.

But for other nobles, the reading of this "holy prince" here has meant that their plans have been almost completely eliminated-except for the direct use of force, it is difficult for them to have measures to balance Angmar from all aspects. .

In other words, after Angmar received all kinds of support, a duke with a lot of money and a lot of money ... it was easy to clean up the aristocratic aristocracy in Everta.

If there is any way to crack it, it can only use force directly in the "vacuum period" where all support has not yet arrived. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Several lords exchanged glances, but no agreement was reached-but before they whispered to negotiate, Nova who had read the Holy Ghost took out another letter and a short sword:

"... Supervisor Rubens is about to be promoted to Cardinal next year. In order to thank Captain Roddy for his help in the territory of Everta, he has specially given away this magic short sword."

Bishop Nova's words frowned almost everyone present ...

"Does the church have money to spend? Why are these things given to a dead person?"

Viscount Mursa could not help whispering a curse.The Duke of Angmar looked up at him, but did not speak, but with a smile that was difficult to understand ...

"What's so funny about him? That Roddy can't be resurrected"

The viscount Mursa in his heart turned to ask Gruul next to him, but before he got a response, a slightly strange voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"What if ... you're wrong?"

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