Demon Lord

Chapter 354: Benevolence

The noise and muffled sound from the battlefield made everyone's hearts feel as if they were held by a giant hand. Sally looked at the team desperately running towards the distance, and she was already a little desperate ... Choosing "escape" means that morale will inevitably fall To the bottom-no matter how many victories have been accumulated before, how strong confidence has been built in the heart, at this moment, they have lost the courage to fight the enemy.

And how could a team that was exhausted and without courage escape the 300-plus pursuits behind?

Only after running for hundreds of meters, Sally looked back and realized that the enemy was accelerating to approach ... The approaching footsteps and horseshoes have made Sally consider whether to choose a "suicide" post-break team- — But before the order was too late, the soldiers in front sent a warning again: "A large number of troops appeared in front of the captain ..."


Sally stopped suddenly, looking towards the front left of the field of vision, and found that the distant smoke billowed, but an uncountable army was over the low **** and rushed towards the battlefield.

Escaping from a deeply engulfed environment, everyone immediately thought that this was another enemy's army, but when the horn sounded and several golden and red flags appeared in sight, the soldiers who had lost hope Exclaimed in an instant--

"It's reinforcements"

"The reserve team is here"

"Holy Light blesses our reinforcements"

Countless people breathed a sigh of relief, Sally looked at the support force somewhat whispered, but whispered: "They shouldn't come as planned ..."

But such doubts quickly drowned in the cheers of the soldiers, because more than 300 enemies, who were always chasing in the distance, had stopped and started to retreat.

They are saved

Sally understands that her team is out of danger-but because almost all equipment was discarded when she just ran away, the team's combat effectiveness has dropped to the lowest point, and because her physical strength is approaching the limit, she can't choose to go back to continue the fight, and only Can order: "Keep going, rest in the village ahead"

Looking at the large number of reinforcements that had already rushed into the main battlefield in the distance, Sally didn't have much joy in her heart, but frowned--

"This battle ... is not right."

And just as she whispered this sentence, Roddy, who was hundreds of meters away in the smoke, was yelling, "A bunch of stupid people"

He was so mad at this moment that he shouted this **** while wearing a robe.

Before joining the battlefield, Roddy understood that he could not have the power to direct the battle, so he was always in the middle and back of the team-and as expected, no matter how many enemies on the front line, this mobile team could always find a suitable way Enter the battlefield and play a "decisive" role.

If there are not many enemies, they can directly attack directly, destroying their morale instantly; if there are too many enemies, they can release the siege of the main force under siege and lead the unit to fight back.

But all this is what Roddy did when he was the commander, and at this moment, the bishop commanding the team chose a decision that was extremely stupid to Roddy: when it was two kilometers from the enemy However, he suddenly ordered the entire army to overtake and accelerate his charge.

Obviously, the bishop did not have any experience in large-scale operations at all, or he did not have a calm enough mental quality: when he saw that the main force of the "Rose Cross" was under siege, he wanted to rush up to clear it-this Although this idea is good, he actually ignored the two most taboo problems on the battlefields of "long distance charge" and "unreserved attack".

The soldiers had limited physical strength, wearing armor and holding weapons, and they ran out of energy after running for two kilometers, leaving little fighting energy left. The "no reserve" behavior is even more stupid, because it means that once there is a change, there is no room to deal with it.

Roddy slammed his whip fiercely, and in the thick smoke of the queue, he didn't have the slightest weight to speak, and when he just wanted to find the bishop's theory, he found out that the other party had nowhere to hide ...

However, after all, the reinforcements played a certain role: the "Viper Cross" was completely scared by the more than 2,000 people killed in the oblique stabs, and the troops coming from behind were often able to play a lethal blow-so at this time, these strange The rear forces of the cult members were hit hard in an instant

And their original encirclement also saw a large gap due to the shrinking front.

According to expectations, as long as this support force can defeat the enemy's main force, it can contact the besieged core of the Rose Cross and lead a Jedi counterattack.

However, the expected "rolling" scene did not appear. Although the exhausted reinforcements were desperately waving their weapons and releasing the magic, the entire team had lost their spirit on the two-kilometer road, at this time it was like a handle. The blunt-knife attack has decreased sharply, but it has never been able to defeat the enemy's main force, but has stuck together.

"True Tm is a pig teammate"

Roddy covered his face in pain: In his opinion, this support operation has basically lost the opportunity to counterattack because of the commander's stupid order.

But he couldn't leave at this time.After confirming that Mogla Village was not involved in the war, he still wasn't sure where Sally was at this time, and the only way now is to rush into the besieged team. Ask yourself ...

Roddy quickly lashed, rushed directly through the gap in the encirclement, and immediately plunged into the scattered main army of the "Rose Cross"-

"Does anyone know where Captain Sally is?"

He rode on a war horse and asked Sally's whereabouts among the teams, but since most people had just stepped out of the forest, they had never identified each other at all, and Rodi's question had never been answered. .

This situation made Roddy's tense face even more gloomy. After disappointment again and again, an idea that gradually emerged made him feel cold--will she already ...

"Nothing will happen, nothing will happen ..."

Roddy grasped the short bow on the side of the saddle and forcibly suppressed the messy thought.

The soldiers around him became more and more dense. Roddy jumped off the horse and grabbed one of them. Fortunately ... his question was finally answered ... A soldier stopped by Roddy replied loudly: "I just saw Captain Sally successfully led the team and broke out. It should be out of the encirclement now ... "


Roddy took a deep breath, and a boulder in his heart finally fell, but he had no time to raise any joy in his heart, and found that the entire sky was suddenly darkened.

"what happened?"

"what is this?"

The exclamation sounded around, making the team more chaotic, the soldiers looked up to the sky, and then saw a purple smoke from the sky ...

These purple mists fell on the battlefield of the fierce battle, forming sixty or seventy "shadow guards" of huge size.

"Level 4 Guard? Advanced Level 35 Dark Shepherd?"

Roddy frowned immediately. He knew the strength of this level of "Shadow Priest"-although he defeated opponents such as Magda advanced to level 30 or above, "Ranger" and "Shadow Priest" were completely different. The existence of this world, the horror of the French system after the advanced level 30 can only be understood after personal experience, Roddy knows ... Faced with such a powerful clergyman and thousands of enemies, it is impossible for him to change any war situation ~ www ~ He looked around. After the "Rose Cross" was joined by reinforcements, the next battle could still avoid the fate of being wiped out. To this day, Roddy confesses that he has done everything he can-he has no ability to stop the enemy's landslide-like attack, let alone change the idiot orders issued by the "Rose Cross" commanders.

Not afraid of God's opponents, but afraid of pig teammates, this is the true portrayal of Roddy at this time.

[Today is the 7th, and it is my birthday, but now I am uploading this chapter in the mountain with the 40 hotspot of my mobile phone ... The number of words has been reduced to 2400, and the day after tomorrow will be supplemented with various corrections. Maybe the eleventh one I've had the most tired ...]

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