Demon Lord

Chapter 359: uncle


The needle-tailed sand cone brought a large amount of smoke and dust when it landed on the ground-this ridiculously large bird rotated sideways for three or four turns before stopping its figure. However, because the ground was fairly flat, it was not seriously injured, and it quickly climbed up from the ground with wings.

Shaking his head a little bit confused, the "Kunda Duck" shook off a **** long beak away a piece of blood, but he accidentally hit the knight who would guard the "Viper Kiss" ... after the action stopped, it The confused soldier stared down at the side of the soldier who was twitching to the side, and didn't seem to understand what was happening.

A few meters away, Rody, who had a large opening in his abdomen, gritted his teeth and turned over. He wanted to stand up, but couldn't get up for a while because of severe pain. After taking a deep breath, he stared at Goethe not far away. He actually grabbed a cobblestone with a big fist next to him and crawled towards the other side.

Although the "suicide" attack just now is crazy, Roddy is very clear that this is his only chance-Goethe's strength is already beyond a level than himself, even when breaking the opponent's shield and facing melee, he actually also It is difficult to have many advantages.

The release of shadow spells is too fast and is not comparable to Elemental Masters at all.

Because of this, he chose the "embrace" method that no one had thought of to cooperate with his own pet.

Although the attack of the pin tail sand cone penetrated two people at the same time, Roddy had already planned to move the body at the moment of the collision, avoiding vital damage-in contrast, Goethe was directly crushed by the lumbar spine. Completely paralyzed

He has always been passive when facing Goethe, and finally he has exchanged countless cards for the only chance to counterattack ...

The blood was dragged with a long mark, and Roddy could hear the sound of enemies coming towards him, but also felt the warmth of a "recovery" falling on his body-this was not Sally, but Not far from a wounded priest.

The behavior of Roddy's robes has proved his camp, and the only "Rose Cross" clergy on the battlefield realized that he was the only hope of victory, and at this time they wisely began to work hard to treat him.

Seeing this, Roddy immediately turned on the skill "Holy Light Affinity" brought by the title of "Pious", and the original healing effect of the divine magic immediately caused the wound to stop the blood after the 100 bonus, but in After approaching Goethe, he found that the other side's injuries were not as severe as expected.


The mighty cardinal spit his blood and looked at the sky with a confused look. Only then did he understand why he was reversed ...

The horizontal guy is afraid of being embarrassed, and the embarrassed is afraid of being killed. The guy who gnaws his teeth and has a murderous face on his face is completely a madman.

However, Goethe never thought of holding hands. When Roddy picked up the stone in his hand and smashed it to himself, he waved his hands to condense a broken diamond shield in front of him, then spread his fingers, and cast a "shadow impact" "—


The shield blocked the attack of the stones. Rodi realized the danger, but was unable to dodge. He could only use his arms to stand in front of him, and then was blown out on the spot ...

The situation changed drastically. Goethe was completely different from those elemental divisions who had "empty blue" in two rounds of casting. His mana reserve was far beyond that of Roddy's imagination, which was enough to reverse the results.

"Priest Shadow" also has healing spells. Goethe looked at his palms and was completely confident to restore his previous state. At this time, seeing Roddy's inability to attack, he immediately prepared to cast "healing" to stop bleeding, but the energy had just condensed. There were hurried footsteps ...

In the pervasive smoke, Goethe saw the three snake heads at the top of the "Viper Kiss" appear in sight, but it was not the guards who could hold it, but a scarred Sally.

After her mana was completely depleted, she basically restored her mobility after taking the "Intermediate Healing Potion", and then in the course of the battle between Roddy and Goethe, she bypassed the central battlefield of constant explosion and shock-when Duck reached the ground and crushed the name. After the knight, she did not hesitate to pick up the scepter and rushed over in disorder.

The upper end of "Viper's Kiss" is three snake heads, but the lower end is a spear-like spike. Sally did not intend to cast a spell at all, but hesitated it as long hair and pierced Goethe's chest.


Suddenly, Goethe's eyes burst suddenly, but his raised palm was no longer able to cast any spells-because the moment the scepter touched him, all shadow energy was completely blocked ...

Sally didn't know what she was holding in her hands. She just wanted to kill Goethe with all her heart, but she didn't know what was going on.

However, Sally did not know the fact that Goethe was unable to cast spells, and her anger made her clenched her scepter with all her power, and then stabbed madly.



Bloody Sally was breathing heavily, but suddenly the scepter gave a huge buzz, but Sally's body shook uncontrollably—

A cold breath erupted from the "Viper's Kiss", Sally instinctively wanted to throw it out, but found that it couldn't get rid of it as if it was stuck on his hands.

"this is…"

Sally was inexplicably panicked. She was not afraid of any enemies, but instinctively "dreaded" the breath-but in this brief hesitation, the two cavalry rushing behind him had already attacked Sally.

"Be careful"

Not far away, Roddy's hands were almost abolished.At this time, he stood up and clenched his teeth, but found that he was unable to stop the enemy, and had to speak loudly-and while he was unable to help, the two knights suddenly burst into a wave. Shocked by the air condensing, they knocked them down.

Such an attack, Roddy once encountered in the face of Camilla, he suddenly turned back and found that the source of the impact turned out to be the wooden house belonging to Nafi

It will only be Nefee, not others

The dangling heart was finally relieved, but when he turned his eyes back to the front, Roddy realized that Sally's scepter was shaking ...

When "Viper's Kiss" was used by the powerful Goethe, it did not show much surprise, but when Sally, who was overdrawn several times and almost completely depleted, held it, the scepter would An unprecedented change has taken place: the fine scales of the rod began to shake slightly, and the heads of the three open-mouthed snakes twisted their bodies like real snakes, and even spit out snakes and looked around.

Sally retreated in a panic and helplessness, and immediately found that her mana was rapidly being filled with a powerful force ... unlike the softness and warmth of the magic, this energy was cold and arrogant, leaving her all unsustainable With control trembling, just five or six seconds later, Sally felt that her mana reserve had fully surpassed the heyday and continued to expand.

Her mind was shrouded in an inexplicable mood, Sally felt like she had stretched her arms as if she hadn't stretched her body for many years. In the rubbing sound of the bone joint, the outwardly diffused breath finally converged ...

"Su ... wake up?"

Goethe, with several holes in his chest, had only one breath left. He looked at the scene in front of him, but felt the unprecedented stun and the sacred artifact of the magnificent "Viper Cross". He even awakened in the hands of the "Rose Cross" priest. come…

This is simply impossible

But there was no time to think about anything in his mind.After the scepter subsided, Sally uttered a prayer to him the first time--

Salisbury's most impeccable "discipline" was exhibited by Sally, but when it fell on Goethe, it was like a "judgment in heaven", which burned him directly into scattered ashes.

This scene even stunned the well-informed Roddie, but when Sally looked at him, her sharp eyes were instantly tender.

As if the tacit agreement belonged to only two people, when Sally raised her scepter, Roddy was about to switch the title from "Devil Hunter" to "Pious"

"Intermediate therapy."

"Power of the King."

"Holy blessing."

"Crusader's Wrath."

"Holy shield."

A series of healing, BUF and shield blessings on Rody. With the 40% spoonful effect of the "Pious" enhanced, Rody's panel properties suddenly soared, and the "Healing Effect" appeared a very rare "Critical Strike". ", Almost all the wounds on his body healed, and an additional state was added to the" status bar ":

[Shadow Redemption]

Effect: The next healing within ten seconds will increase the healing effect by 6 and increase the target's 10 shadow resistance.

Roddy didn't have any nonsense. He rushed out in a few steps, picked up the short bow that fell on the ground, and began to "fire" around him.

A series of healing techniques saved the lives of dying soldiers, blessing spells quickly restored their combat effectiveness and morale, and the lowest level of "discipline" has also become a powerful spell that can kill infantry ...

If it was just killing Goethe, everyone present would still be in danger, but Sally's transformation had made her completely dominate the battle at this time, and began a shocking reversal ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ As one soldier after another returned to the battlefield, the enemy's counterattack was finally suppressed. And after finally killing nearby enemies, he rushed to the wooden house near the ruins. He glanced at him, and then started digging scattered boards and debris frantically, and carefully searched for the figure below.

But after digging for a long time, Roddy's shout was not answered at all.He was a little panicked.In a hurry, he directly copied the hundreds of kilograms of the beam and groaned. He actually carried it stiffly.

There is still nothing below.

And just as Roddy was a little at a loss, behind a wooden wall, Neffi leaned out his head, leaned his head slightly, and asked curiously, "Uncle, what are you looking for?

"哐 当 —"

The "uncle" almost made Roddie's room beam almost knock down his own feet.He raised his head and focused his eyes on the little girl in front of him, looking at her iconic red hair, slightly immature. With his face and a few sly lips, Rodi opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't even swallow for a while.

Finally, see you again.

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