Demon Lord

Chapter 370: Dragon

The conversation that took place in the village of Elsa was not friendly. The reason is naturally because the village head of Ted was very discouraged by face, and Brudy was scolded.

About a month ago, Brudy and Roddy talked about it, and at the time Roddy smiled and suggested that he "face with the facts"-but he didn't expect that Tate would have just passed Came to the village again, and whispered to myself.

It wasn't deliberately difficult. Brudy did not have high-elven books-because the obscure tombs had just been packed by him to Elsen City, at this time there were no books in the village that could be read.

"Brudy, I beg you, I really need these books."

Ted's words raised Brudie's eyebrows slightly. The other party was not a good talking guy. His temper seemed to be a common problem of the wood elf. At this time, he suddenly whispered and was really abnormal.

"It's not that I deliberately made things difficult. The books in Wagra City have sent me to other places, which are more suitable for storage than my village. If you need them, tell me the title of the book, and I will bring it next time?"

Brudy's words stiffened Ted's expression, and seemed to understand that these words did not fool himself. His old bark-like face twitched a few times and finally sighed, "Forget it, thank you."

After saying that, he stepped away, but Brudy looked at his back in a daze, and muttered, "When will this guy say thank you ..."

Ted, who walked out of the wooden villa, looked up at the village in front of him. The traditional village of the wooden elves usually had a rare change in one hundred years, but Elsa Village was completely called "Every Day."

On the cleared space, the human construction team that is building a new house is busy, accompanied by simple shops with obvious human characteristics. They sell cheap wine and snacks, and the surrounding wooden elves are gone. The initial vigilance and hesitation, at this time already accustomed to such a change, one by one passed by Ted without paying attention.

The long-distance village chief frowned slightly, made an "incomprehensible" expression, and then left the village alone.

Nata, who just finished training, just passed by the village chief. She looked at Ted strangely. As a village chief, even if she is strong, she should not come here alone through such a long forest road. Right?

However, Ted apparently did not give her the answer, and after disappearing hundreds of meters, she gradually disappeared into the jungle. Nata was not interested in nosy affairs, organized her quiver, and returned to her own tree hole.

But she didn't know that the "Ted Village Chief" in the distance gradually stopped, and those brown eyes slowly turned into deep purple. The face with a vivid expression just now gradually cooled down, and at this time, nothing was left. The boundless calm makes it difficult to see any emotions.

Raising his hand, the faint black smoke flickered in front of him for a moment. He took a deep breath and seemed to feel some breath. After confirming something, he waved his hand to dispel the spell, and then changed the previous way of travel and started to move. Rushing through the forest ...

At the same time, in the village of Zara, more than a hundred kilometers away, the authentic Ted village head had just had lunch and he didn't know anyone had pretended to visit Elsa Village.

May 27, Elson City.

After hesitating for a long time after five or six laps in the air, Kodak finally made a landing posture under the order of Roddy.

Because of the continuous adjustment and familiarity along the way, the pin-tailed sand cone used as a flying mount finally found some "know-how" for landing-in short, when it landed, the big bird was finally no longer a "plug in the sky" "Onion" mode.

After liberation from the "time still enchantment", Elson City has welcomed several groups to support the supplies in a few months, including Parling, Elsa Village, Hollier City And the nobles of all sizes who reached an agreement with the Duke of Angmar at the banquet.

Although the city was still empty at this time, the core area of ​​the inner city was obviously lively because of the arrival of hundreds of people.

There are a lot of goods stacked in the central square where Kodak Duck landed, but under Roddy's precise control, he and Nai Fei finally reached their destination without any injuries.

In a three-layer leather coat, Roddy jumped down, and immediately wrapped Neffy in a ball.

"Hoo, brother Rody, is this your city?"

"Well, this is Elson City, and your mother is here."

Nefi stood there with a look of amazement. She could barely move because she was wearing too much clothes. There was no fear on her face, as if flying at a height of 1,000 meters did not bring any burden at all.

Roddy was not idle, she reached out to help her take off her leather coat, hat, scarf, and cloak wrapped around her three or four times ... Neff raised her hands in cooperation, and after several laps, finally revealed her original Burlap skirt.

I rested four times along the way, so Neffi wasn't frozen as much as Roddy could not walk at this time. At this time, she even looked at the surrounding buildings with excitement and wondered: "This is bigger than Greentown. So much "

"Well, four times bigger than Green City."

Because of Sally's affairs, Roddy has always been in a low mood for the past few days. When speaking, he always accompanied Nafie with a little tiredness. The relationship between the two was not soaring, but it was a lot closer than before.

"I didn't think Brother Rodi was even better than Count Tas." Nefi ran around and lived in Mogla Village since he was a child. After suddenly traveling thousands of kilometers, everything in front of him was so novel, So much so that she forgot what she was here for.

"Is this a fountain? What about this? Brother Roddy—"

She turned around, and just wanted to ask more questions, but found that a figure wearing a red robe suddenly appeared beside Roddy.

"…mom, Mom, Mom?"

Nefi stopped, rubbing her eyes hard, a surprise appeared on her face, but then her eyes were red, and her stuffy head fluttered towards Camilla.


Camilla hugged her daughter tightly, although she tried to control her expression, but she couldn't hold back her tears after all ...

Roddy pursed her lips and looked at the mother and daughter who met in front of her, her eyes suddenly losing focus. After a few seconds of disappointment, he turned his head and took off the belt that stabilized the body of Kodak, and then silently arranged his equipment. Then he whispered, "There were some accidents, but I came back safely."


Camilla turned her head back suddenly, remembering that Roddy was beside him, and hurriedly said, "I'd like to thank anyway—"

Roddy raised her hand. "Arrange Nefee, I'll wait for you."

He didn't say where he was going, instead he smiled at Nefi: "I'm leaving now."

After speaking, he carried a short bow and carried a parcel towards the distance. Camilla frowned and looked at his back, but listened to the nephew whispering next to him: "Brother Roddy has been in a bad mood these days ... "

Apparently, her daughter's voice was a little worried. Camilla didn't know what happened between her and Roddy for a while, but she still had something to discuss with Roddy, so she whispered softly: "Live at Mom Then, slowly, these things, just come back ... just come back ... "

Even though she struggled to suppress her emotions, Camilla's voice was still a little trembling. She thought she would never see Nafie again in her life, but never thought that Roddy would take her to her after one month. before…

Even holding Nefi's hand, she was still in a dream, but when she looked at Roddy, Camilla inexplicably felt that his back suddenly looked a little lonely.

"Mom, your hands are so cool."

Nafi didn't know the agreement between Camilla and Roddy. She just thought that her mother's face seemed a lot worse than before, and Mrs. Camilla clenched her little hand without explaining anything.

But after crossing three streets, he came to Rody under Pashare's Tower, but his expression seemed numb at this time.

With his luggage still in the armchair of the mansion, he looked at the deserted hall, opened [Map Lan], turned and walked towards a library according to the route of the city map-even though there are hundreds of people busy here, they can leave the core area. With a range of two hundred meters, there was no sound around, as if he had come to another world.

The empty streets are still tidy, white marble sculptures can be seen everywhere, but Roddy has no mind of appreciation. He scans all this tiredly, steps up the steps, and enters the transparent public library.

All the way forward, when she came behind Akasha between the bookshelves, she seemed to be fascinated and did not notice the arrival of Roddy.

"looking at what?"


Akasha bounced up from the seat, the elements between her hands were about to condense, turned her head, but the action suddenly stopped--


For a moment, her tight cheeks were like blooming flowers, her mouth opened slightly, Akasha's arm was raised, she seemed to want to do something, but she stood there honestly in the end: "This , Come back so soon? "

Her **** were slightly undulating, and her heartbeat accelerated somehow. She looked away and lowered her head. "I thought I would have to wait a long time, so I read the book here every day ... Camilla did not tell me before What you want to return ... "

"No problem, I'm in a hurry ~ ~ Roddy nodded," These books are almost understandable? "

He didn't return to Elson for small talk. When Camilla settled Nafi, Roddy planned to discuss the "charged spar" here, so Yu Jian sat in the seat opposite Akasha. on.

However, his movement gave Akasha some extra thoughts ... She touched the ring with her fingers, and she pursed her lips. There seemed to be an infinite amount of words in her heart, but she didn't know what to look for.

Rordy glanced down, flipping through the large tome that Akasha was watching just now: "Talk to the Dragon? What about the high elves and dragons?"

"Well ... it records a lot of things I haven't heard of." Akasha finally found the topic and hurriedly said, "I see above that some dragons have been defeated by high elves, and won the status of equal dialogue or something. Other ... that is, the character and philosophy of the Dragons. "


Rodi originally did not want to find a topic in an embarrassing atmosphere, but he did not expect that it would involve the "Dragons"-he raised his eyebrows slightly: Although he is a reborn senior player, his understanding of this mysterious race is no better than others How many people are there.

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