Demon Lord

Chapter 418: Level 1 combat readiness

The night was getting dark. + Top + point +3

The cold wind of the Death Valley canyon is very cold. Because of the special terrain, the wind of "whine" is sometimes like the roar of some ancient creatures. Warcraft hides in the nest to avoid the severe cold. At this temperature, the valley even comes out. The nocturnal animals foraging are gone.

And in front of the cave at the end of the canyon, everything is silent again-the invisible barrier cuts off all the snow and wind, making this cave not like a passage, but rather a gate to another world.

When you look through the dark tunnel and look into the "King Solomon's Treasure", you will find that it is very different from the cave outside: the freezing cold that drips into ice disappears instantly, and under the bright moonlight, all the eyes are green. Vegetation.

The air is humid and warm, and the songbirds never stop. The warm wind blowing onward brings the fragrance of flowers only in spring ...

The dragon of the shadows, Melincela, strolled through the forest that appeared among the glaciers, looking cautiously forward, marching forward.

In the eyes of others, everything in front of him is strange enough: how can a tropical rain forest of zero to thirty degrees appear in the severe cold environment of minus forty degrees below zero?

But Melinzela didn't have much doubt about these.

After level 60 and above, the strength of this shadow dragon has surpassed most human cognitions, so everything in front of her is not unusual in her eyes: the "element barrier" covers a land and completely isolates the coldness of the outside world. It is perfectly feasible in theory.

However, although the theory is established, in general, this "barrier" has a great range of several hundred square meters. It is not bad. Melinzela never thought that the envelope area of ​​an enclave could reach tens of thousands of square kilometers ...

Obviously the forest in front of it is already called a "miracle".

The earliest "elemental barriers" were used to study spells. Most of the methods were to increase the concentration of certain elements in the barriers, and then test the effects of certain spells. The ideas are somewhat like "superconductors" under "absolute zero" in modern scientific research. . In the same way, this huge "elemental barrier" may be used for "experiment" in Melincela's eyes.

But what is the subject of the "experiment"? Create a "world"?

The temperature, humidity, and biological species here are no different from a real tropical rain forest, but an enchantment can't let these things grow up, so what exactly does the person who created it want?

Milen Serra walked forward, the branches and weeds that were blocking her were pushed away by invisible forces. All the creatures dared not to appear because of the dragon-like breath on her. After walking for more than an hour, she In front of a clear man-made clearing.

Three roads leading to different directions lay ahead.

The Shadow Dragon's brow frowned slightly. She didn't come here to play or explore. The history records that there are treasures buried by Romain, and their power is enough to shock people. But where are these things hidden?

Looking at the road in front of her eyes, Melinzel found that her perception was completely isolated and she could not explore the scene at the end of the road, but she could vaguely feel that each road has a different level of prohibition ... and after a little thought She went straight to the right-most road and raised her hand into the air.

"Sculpture of the worm."

In the faint words, a wall-like enchantment suddenly appeared in the air, and numerous complicated lines and mantras flickered, but melted and disintegrated at the moment when Melinthera touched his fingertips.

More than twenty different protective enchantments were broken by Melincela in a less than one second with the potential of being destroyed. In the eyes of human magicians, I am afraid that the level of those shields is completely "unsolvable". Category, but in the presence of the Shadow Dragon, these things are no different from a layer of thin paper.

The three roads have three levels of mantras and protection, of which only the enchantments in front of them have the highest level and are the most difficult to crack-from a common sense point of view, the best treasure must have the best protection, so Melinthera resolutely chose Up this path.

The bright mantra drifted and annihilated in the air, and all the dangers seemed to have been eliminated, but just after Melinzela took a step forward, a violent wave of elements opened her eyes instantly!

"Om ..."

Merinthella instinctively cast numerous shields, and later found that the elemental fluctuations did not attack herself.

She took a step backwards in doubt, but bumped into a strong tree without warning on her back.


Meilin Sera suddenly turned back: there was no space left just now, everything seemed to disappear, and it was replaced by a completely strange forest.

This scene made her mind tight: Are the enchantments she just broke just a trap to paralyze vigilance?

But at this point Melinzela had no retreat, she took a deep breath, sensing the fluctuations of the elements in front of her, and walked forward.

"You mean, the two women in that army are the best?"

On the other side, in the villages of the Bata tribe, the leader of Avala was whispering to the hunters in front of him.

Elvin had returned to his house to rest, but several of his hunters who were hunting with him today were called to the leader and asked to tell everything.

Avala's one-eyed eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression looked cloudy. After listening to the descriptions of his men, there seemed to be some hesitation in his heart, and he started to walk back and forth in the room.

Although "barbaric" usually means "barbaric", it does not mean that everyone will want Elvin's innocence and simplicity-Avala can lead the tribe to survive for ten years in a harsh environment, naturally it is not bad Wisdom.

But this "wisdom" did not solve the biggest problem before him: if the hunting place continues to be compressed by the snow monster, I am afraid that the tribe will soon face the worst "famine" in history.

At that time, the babies and children waiting to be fed within the tribe will have no way of life, and even have a high probability of becoming "rations".

This kind of thing sounds cruel and unbelievable, but in the most cruel environment, the word "moral" really cannot be applied to the hungry and unreasonable barbarians. Because people living in a comfortable environment can never understand the fear brought about by hunger, and the madness behind this fear.

selfish? Ruthless? ungrateful?

From Avala's point of view, there was nothing wrong with his decision-and when all the actions had proper excuses, hesitation at this time was only because he was thinking about the specific implementation method.

"Gather all the veteran hunters, get all the weapons, and set off now."

He clenched the machete in his hand and continued: "Be careful not to call Elvin and the young stupid people, and having them there will only break us!"

"Rody, is that village really only four kilometers away?"

In the cold wind, Soderol, whose face was stiffened, turned his head and asked Roddy, who was also made cold by the extreme weather. He opened the [map bar] and glanced: "Did that Didn't the guy say this? "

The barbarian who preached from the Bada tribal territory did not follow the team, the other party just returned to the village after pointing the way, and Roddy was also on the road after repeatedly confirming the address at the time. No trace of the village.

"Akasha, light it up."


The little priest also froze and froze, raising his palms under the cloak, and the "Holy Light" bloomed in the dark night sky with some stumbling prayers--

"over there!"

Rody's eyesight was outstanding, and he finally found a raised shadow on the edge of the distant hillside. The soldiers who endured the severe cold found that the destination was right in front of them, and immediately cheered lowly, and then speeded up in silence.

"Fight hard, you'll be here soon!"

Although the level is high, but the feeling of freezing is a bit unbearable, he shouted and reminded: "Weapons must be half-sheathed, be careful to freeze in the scabbard! Do not touch the weapon with your skin ! Look around! "

These "common sense" are very important for soldiers who have not experienced extreme temperatures ~ ~ Soderlor asked a little curiously about the reason. After asking the answer clearly, he reached out and touched it. After a layer of skin, I finally put on my gloves ...

"It really does ..."

Soderol murmured, trying to curse a few bad weather, but when he turned his eyes forward, he stopped suddenly--

"Where ... there seemed to be something?"


When he was on the road, because of the wind, Rody usually lowered his head and buried his face in the hood. At this time, when Soderlor stopped, he also looked curiously: "What can be in this kind of place? Maybe It's a polar fox or something-- "

Having said that, Roddy suddenly changed the tone: "No, no, no! Akasha, immediately light the alert!"

"Everyone, first-class readiness!"

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