Demon Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 421: What else do you have

After hearing the words of his subordinates, Avala's brows instantly twisted into a frown. Although she was ready in her heart, the current scene was somewhat beyond his imagination.

Irving was also in doubt. He strode out of the stone house and looked out, and Avala followed behind. The original gloomy face was gradually replaced by shock, and his fists clenched tightly.

Outside the village, Rodina's army-sold troops did not make an "offensive" gesture, but just lined up the team's calm advance. From the point of view of other barbarians, these "short men" are not different from dressing up yesterday. If it is different, it is only the "hill" they piled outside the village at this time ...

The smell of blood was blowing away from a long distance, and the barbarians, regardless of their gender, looked at the hundreds of heads gathered by the soldiers. The snow monsters were strong and their heads were not small. Strong adult males even grow horns, and some even catch up with yak heads. And now ... these horrible skulls are piled there motionlessly. For the barbarians who have been oppressed by snow monsters for a long time, the impact is really huge.

After the team piled their heads there, they continued to move forward. There were no suffocating footsteps and no dazzling sword lightsaber. Their posture was as if they had discarded some garbage. After stopping at the village entrance, they were led by Roddy. Then he smiled and said hello to the barbarians-

"Hey, man, your beard looks handsome."

He reached out and took off the hood of the fur cape. He waved at a 15- or 16-year-old young barbarian near him and said, "I want to talk to your boss, can you tell me?"

Looking at Roddy's "friendly" smile, the naive child froze for two seconds, glanced over the snow monster's head, hesitated for a moment, turned and ran towards Avala.

"So, sometimes it's still simple, crude and effective."

Roddy looked at the distance with a smile on his face, but when chatting with Sodroll behind him, his tone was a bit cold: "In this kind of place, the fist is the last word."

"The rules of weak meat and strong food will not change everywhere. Now that they have made a choice, it is no wonder that others."

Soderlor doesn't like any of these barbarians: those snow monsters are not pigs slaughtered by others. If the team is strong and well prepared, I am afraid they will never return to the Karen kingdom.

"Anyway, we need to find a suitable solution to all this."

Roddy understood what he was thinking, smiled, and turned to walk in the direction of Avala-the barbaric leader in the distance seemed a little overwhelmed, and some of the older hunters in the village noticed it wrongly and had a grim look. Leaning over, Roddy glanced over without any change in pace, and even the expression on his face became more "kind".

Akasha pulled the hood to the side, and Nata was in the center of the team. Nearly a hundred soldiers seemed relaxed, but in fact they deliberately or inadvertently looked at the surrounding building layout.

The barbarian leader in front has long been confused: the "little man" on his short side just walks forward, but the team behind him is behind him as a whole. The invisible power seems to be quiet at this moment. The interest-free envelops the whole village and made Avala feel the inexplicable pressure.

"My name is Roddy and I am from the Karen Kingdom. I am sorry that I failed to talk to the leader of Avala yesterday."

As if he didn't remember what happened last night, Roddy warmly made a special ceremony unique to the barbarians-and then looked around: "We come for peace, you don't have to be nervous, the Karen Kingdom is willing to cooperate with the Northland Icefield. We want to help you, and of course ... I hope you can help me. To prove my sincerity, these weapons and food are given to you for free. "

During the conversation, the soldiers behind him had slammed a machete wrapped in animal skin on the ground, and the sound of the metal crash of "哐 哐" echoed around.

"With these weapons, Snow Monster is no longer a threat."

Roddy looked around with a smile and said loudly, "And, you won't be hungry anymore."

The straightforward words were like bombs, which instantly caused an uproar among the barbarians, men, women, and children. The crowd who looked around but did not dare to come over blew up various discussions, while Roddy turned her head and smiled blindly before her eyes. With one eye, Avala said, "Boss, can you go in and talk? Some things need to be discussed in detail."

Obviously in his "home court", the situation is completely out of control. Avala is hostile to Roddy, but there is no way to confirm whether Roddy really has "goodwill"-the naive barbarians have never touched other humans at all However, there is no way to distinguish this "acting skill". After a few seconds of stalemate, he did not choose a concession.

"Then ... just come in and talk."

After daring to say this, his gaze glanced over Akasha and Nata, but he reserved his mind and said, "Only you come in alone, and let others be outside.

"sure no problem."

Roddy looked around.The smile on the corner of his mouth did not disappear, and he responded casually.He noticed Irving next to him and raised his hand to say hello, and entered the low one under the hesitant look of the other party. houses.

Avala winked at the two men next to him.The three entered the room with Roddy, while Akasha, Nata, and Soderlor stood outside with expressionless faces, seemingly slightly to Avala. Excessive demands don't care at all.

The soldiers were silent, and the solemn atmosphere made Ervin feel wrong. He turned his head and saw that the thick wooden door wrapped in animal skins had been "closed" closed.

"What exactly is going on?"

Irving scratched his head habitually, and looked at the army with a calm atmosphere in front of him.

Inside the house, the original harmonious atmosphere suddenly turned down as soon as the door closed.

The stone house on the ice field had no windows, and it was extremely dim after closing the door.Avala followed Roddy into the stone house, raised his head and wanted to ask something, but saw that the young man was already in the middle of the house. Stand still.

Roddy slowly turned around and said calmly, "I know you don't like to talk round and round, so ... I'll be straightforward."



Roddy's body suddenly moved, and Avala's pupils dilated. At the moment when the two hunters next to him had not yet responded, he raised his hands and made a block with years of fighting experience, but the power from his arm was far beyond imagination. With more than 200 pounds of body, he was blown out by a punch with no delay.

He remembered Irving's report, thinking that the two women were powerful characters, but at this time found that he was completely miscalculated.

The strong body smashed against the wooden door, and a lot of dust on the roof was shaken ...


Holding back the blood of Shangyong, before he could speak, he saw that two men who wanted to besiege were thrown out by Roddy.

Avala wasn't a soft egg to be beaten. He screamed angrily, his pupils flashed a red light, his muscles skyrocketed by 30%, and he rushed to the side in two steps. past

This is the unique "crazy" skill of the barbarian warrior. Avala is a leader with outstanding strength. It took less than two seconds from the attack to the counterattack. For the next moment on my body, there was a silver light flashing in the darkness.


Holding the short dagger in his hand, Roddy responded at a faster rate-even though Avala has greatly improved his combat power through the "crazy" skill, but Roddy has long been familiar with his fighting style: the dagger is extremely accurate The wooden axe was severed, and with a bang, the stone axe flew past Rody's shoulder and was nailed to the stone wall behind him.

At the same time, Roddy's figure has appeared ghostly on the right side of Avala, and the left boxing stick is under the rib of this barbarian leader ...


Equipment, level, attributes, skills are suppressed, and even the combat experience has an indelible gap.Awala can't take three moves in front of Roddy. With just one punch, Awala feels that his internal organs are shocked. Misplaced, the axe fell into the ground ...

Outside the stone house, several other hunters who came around did not notice what was happening inside the house, and Erwin, who considered himself an "informed", was trying to explain to Soderlor:

"The boss did something wrong last night ..."

"I don't know what the Avala leader thinks, but your boss may be in danger ..."

He said these words in vain, but couldn't explain it because Akasha and others didn't understand the barbaric language at all. This situation made him a little anxious, and then he said he wanted to turn to open the wooden door of the stone house. However, as soon as his footsteps moved, Soderlor stopped silently in front of him.

"What do you want?"

Young Irving reached out to push him away, but felt as if he was pushing against the wall, and was shocked to take a half step back-he frowned, and found that the other person's eyes calmly made a "stop" gesture.

Making such gestures on the barbarian territory was tantamount to provocation.Ervin, who had a good look at them, was a bit annoyed.He raised his hand and prepared to do two moves with Soderol, but at this moment, the stone house " Boom "shocked.

When the surrounding people were frustrated, Soderlor immediately made a gesture-the soldiers immediately shouted and screamed and sent the food and weapons to the surroundings. The barbarians who were far away did not hear the movement of the stone house, and were noisy. Surrounded, the noise overwhelmed everything ...



There was a constant muffled sound inside the stone house.Not only Irving, but the seven or eight hunters who were originally around also realized that the situation was not right, but when they wanted to come around, they were without exception Sodroll and his men. The soldiers stopped outside-the barbarian didn't understand restraint, and immediately started to fight, but when the conflict broke out, the door of the stone house suddenly opened ~ ~ The so-called "open" was actually because of the internal As a result of the complete fragmentation after the impact, Elvin and others turned their heads and found that there was no movement in the smoke-filled room. After a moment, Rody's figure slowly walked out.

"Avala's chief and I talked about the future direction of the tribe," he reached out and took care of the folds on his clothes, and Roddy still had the aristocratic smirk: "He agrees with me, So in the next time, I hope that you will assist me in all of this, as the leader of Avala said. "

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