Demon Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 425: Accident in front of the copy

The cold wind in November was whistling in Deathspeak Canyon, and most of Warcraft had already fallen into hibernation at this time.

Except for all kinds of powerful Warcraft, among the groups that can survive in Deathspeak Canyon, the largest number are snow monsters-these "indigenous peoples" on the glacial plain have their own independent groups, either hostile or friendly with each other, Each has long been the ruler of a region in Deathspeak Canyon.

Here, there are invisible restrictions and balances between Advanced Warcraft and Snow Monster, and there have been few fierce conflicts with each other for hundreds of years. However, this peace suddenly broke in the winter of Elon's 69 years.

With a few short roars, dozens of snow monsters originally gathered in the lair suddenly rushed, their footsteps alarmed the peaceful forest, and also awakened the bad-tempered predators-- Not surprisingly, as these snow monsters ran wild, the huge Frost Tiger King, the silent magic eye snow leopard, and the lurking white wolverine rushed out of the nest, and slid away with these guys who broke into the territory. Come

Warcraft did not talk nonsense at all, they were ready to fight desperately when they rushed out of the shadows. Tap, bite, puncture, Snow Monsters are not these powerful Warcraft opponents at all, one after another strong bodies fell to the ground, but the remaining Snow Monsters are still running, without looking back to see the misery behind them. Slaughter companions.

The sound of rustling footsteps echoed in the jungle. Instead of disappearing, it became denser.

When Roddy's team crossed the tunnel at the end of Deathspeak Canyon and came to the tropical rain forest protected by the enchantment, the environment that was completely opposite to the severe winter caused no surprise and caused a shock.

Soderlor and others have already seen many high-elves "black technology", so they are still calm at this time, but these barbarians of Irvine are completely scared-they have not seen so many green plants in their lives, more I didn't realize the temperature and humidity only in the tropics. After stunned for a long time, they took off the fur coats, reminded by Roddy, followed the shirtless upper body behind the team, and walked with unknown words.

"Why do I always feel ... these high elves seem to be no different from God."

Soderlor walking ahead looked up at the sun and sighed: "Elson City was scary enough at that time. I didn't expect that there could be one more-eh, an independent world?"

There is no “greenhouse” in this era, and “anti-seasonal vegetables” are even non-existent. For Soderlor and others, it is possible to open up a tropical rain forest in the cold winter world, but rather than “time is still” Amazing.

"God? I don't really know what God can do, but the high elf seems to have annoyed God before being destroyed."

Roddy shook his head and pushed away the banana leaves in front of him, and said to Akasha next to him, "Remember the elaboration of the cricket in the essence of energy?"

"The reason why Qiang is strong is because they have mastered a higher level of power. I remember it was written like this." Akasha had worked hard with Rhodi to learn the high elf language, and he answered without thinking. .

"They say so? Wouldn't it be possible for us to become gods when we have more advanced power?"

Sodroll asked in confusion, touching the hilt.

"Of course, it is possible for you to break through a certain threshold in the future and become a 'God of War.'" Roddy fiddled with the feathers of the arrow shaft behind him, but his eyes were a little deeper: "The real God is not seen Yes, but those who cross the second threshold have the title of demigod. Khadgar, the builder of Elson City, counts one, and now the maker of this law circle ... should also count one. "

"High Elf is so strong?"

"That's the story, but the high elves are not a mass-producing demigod race. Similar to this accomplished role, they may have produced these two for hundreds of years." Roddy carefully recalled the description of the hierarchy: " It is said that demigods can seal their consciousness, even if they disappear, they can live forever in the world ... and whether they can do this is also the criterion for distinguishing ordinary people from demigods. "

This kind of words is a bit illusory, but at this time, the people standing next to Roddy are basically separated from the level of "ordinary people". After numerous killings, their desire for strength is far more than ordinary people. Listen to this In the discourse, even the most silent Nata turned her head a little with curiosity, imagining the possibility of becoming a "demigod."

"We haven't even seen a living demigod, so just think about it."

Akasha shook her head and felt that although the "eternal life" was very tempting, it was not realistic.

"It's not necessarily true. We not only met the demigod, but we also lost one." Roddy shrugged. "Remember the dragons? All pure-blooded dragons are guys who have the ability to enter the demigod.

"Ah ... So, we in this group are still quite knowledgeable."

Soderlor remembered how he felt when he was blown off by the impact, and he had a clearer concept of the high-level battle.

Several people walked and talked, because the trip was very smooth, and there was no cold wind at this time, and the atmosphere of the team was relaxed to the extreme-Rodi did not intend to make everyone nervous, this way he used to go After countless times, I remember every plant and tree clearly, and now it is no different from the memory. Naturally there is nothing to be nervous about.

"The front is almost here. This time I'm going to take some treasures away, leave the rest alone."

Roddy pointed to the front and reminded Soderlor: "Let the team gather, and the area you enter later must not be scattered. There are three entrances to the treasure. These people can only qualify for one of them. I've got the other two, I'm afraid I have gone back. "


Soderlor nodded and immediately ordered the sergeant forward, but this was fashionable and did not reach the entrance, he asked: "What's in the other two entrances?"

"Very powerful Warcraft?"

Akasha came over and was curious.

"The three entrances represent three levels of treasure, which are three mazes. We are going to an abandoned city. Some of the rooms in it are important to the future development of Elson City, but there are some traps. It ’s dangerous. I ’ve written the specific map on the battle plan. I ’ll take the lead in the future. Soderall, you ’ll have to check it on the back. You ca n’t make a mistake. ”

Upon hearing Roddy's words, Soderlor immediately pulled out the parchment he was carrying and shoved the complicated map into his outer pocket.

"There are no monsters in the city. You ca n’t meet them by following the route, but there will be a bitter battle in the second entrance. Faced with these things, I am afraid that these people will be half dead to carry them. And there should be a magic tower Buildings, what's specific ... are not in our consideration. "

"As for the third entrance, I don't know what's in it. Everyone just remember not to lose it. If you go wrong, I'm afraid you won't be able to save it."

These words said in the front, the slightly loose team gradually became a little nervous. Roddy did not forget to turn back and told Nata: "Wait for you to be next to Akasha, don't look around, a wrong step here may cause everyone to get into trouble."

This repeated request is also because Roddy understands the danger in the copy-"King Solomon's Treasure" is a series of copies, divided into three levels, and now he is going to go to the lowest level "outer city ruins", while the intermediate level "inner city ruins" The "Magic Tower" has been played several times, and all of them have ended. The highest level "Tomb of the King" has never been to it, because the access level of that copy is "advanced level 55". When he reached level 55, he had already been there. Inadvertently hit the copy, so I don't know what's inside

"Erwin, call these soldiers to come over, it will be dangerous to wait, there can be no sloppy, who did not listen to death on the road, don't blame me for not reminding you"

Roddy yelled at the bunch of silly big men in barbaric language. This group of barbarians did not receive strict military training, so the team was obviously more scattered than the armored soldiers. At this time, Elle also had some prestige with his ability. After a few loud yells, the strong men who laughed loudly immediately contracted in and made a stance to follow.

Everything is ready, the conversation is getting smaller, and only the weapon collision and footsteps of the soldiers are left around.Because of the poor conditions, Nokia, which has difficulty in moving, has not followed, and the entire team only brought more than ten Horses without any cavalry.

This is not a problem for Rody who runs the copy. Infantry is enough to enter the copy. Anyway, it is not to fight evil. It is not easy to deal with some miscellaneous fish.

With this in mind, the reconnaissance team ahead has signaled that it has entered an open area.

"The entrance is here."

Roddy nodded, trying to get the team to take a final break before entering the copy, but before they could say anything, a sudden sweep of breath opened his eyes.


Soderlor asked, but as soon as he reached his mouth, the scene in front of him was swallowed by a bright white light ...

He reached out and covered his eyes, and then Roddy realized that the familiar copy entrance in front of him illuminates a huge beam of light, and at the same time, an inexplicable breath burst out like a volcano.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard, and Roddy frowned, but after thinking about it for half a second, he immediately waved his hand: "Give up the mission and return to the same way."

After experiencing so many changes, he will never take any chances to take any chances-the current situation shows that the copy may have changed, and rashly entered the copy, the consequences are absolutely unpredictable.

The order was determined by him, but as soon as he turned around, he saw Akasha pointing at him in surprise: "Rody, your eyes ..."

"The Mark of the Dragon Slayer" appeared in Rody's right eye. This scene made him immediately frown, cursing "Damn", and then took Akasha's arm and walked back: "Don't worry about the Dragons, quickly leave here"

"Irvine immediately went back along the same path"

Because of their training, these elite soldiers have a strong ability to respond to changes.They just stabilized their positions instantly, and turned around. After the team changed to the front team, they would return to the way all the way. Stumbled together, it took more than ten seconds to figure out the direction of return.

However, just as the team completed its turn and was about to leave, Roddy, who had "environmental acumen", ordered again and stopped the team directly: "Stop and stop moving forward"

When Soderlor heard the words, he immediately made a standby gesture. The already running team stopped instantly, and a group of people turned their heads in doubt ...

"Shrink the front."

With Roddy's order, there were rumbling footsteps in the distance. The soldiers' muscles tightened, and the sound of the blade's sheath slamming.

Roddy took a deep breath, but never thought he would encounter such a situation--

"How did Mom's Snow Monster run here?"

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