Demon Lord

Chapter 45: Mine Horror (End)

After being hesitated for three seconds, the Kemaila Beast finally made a decision. He rushed to the minecart, and a little spark appeared in his mouth. At this time, the minecart finally passed the gentle **** and entered the acceleration phase. Without sneaking his head, Roddy jumped back onto the minecart, and then slammed Sally into the minecart.

Sally fell stiffly on her back. She didn't understand why Roddy did it, but she didn't have time to ask questions. The deafening roar accompanied by the orange light brightly filled her entire field of vision.

The hot flame blasted out from the mouth of the Kemala beast, but because the speed of the minecart was extremely fast, the flame failed to catch up with the buttocks of the minecart, but the aftermath of the impact was still blowing over the minecart, let Luo Dee's hair and back felt an indescribable burning ...

Sally instinctively closed her eyes, but she also understood why Roddy threw herself down--if she was still sitting so stupid just now, I'm afraid the whole face has been burned now, right?

的 The mine cart that continued to accelerate away was no longer able to catch up with the Kemera Beast, so it could only watch the mine cart disappear from the field of vision, eventually angered and uselessly dried up, turned back and returned to the cave.

In the minecart, Roddy gasped and got up from Sally.

"Ge Lao Tzu! This is so scary ... Lao Tzu will kill you someday ..."

The cursing in his mouth was because there was some fear in his heart. When he returned to God, he found that he was flushed underneath Sally-he immediately wanted to get up awkwardly, but he stretched out to support his body. But the palm of the mine car was "just right", and it was not biased on Sally's chest.

Even if Roddy asked her to use a cloth strip as tight as possible, but this could not cover up the fact that she was developing well. Roddy just felt like holding a ball under his palm and slipping away at any time. Dough?

"Our day-"

Roddy, who had returned to God, remembered what he felt. He raised his palm violently, but almost turned over directly outside the car because of too much movement.

In front of me, Sally, who was sitting up, silently covered her chest, and lowered her head without saying a word.

Suddenly the atmosphere seemed to freeze.

"I. Just. I ... that--"

"Mm ... asshole!"

Roddy felt that he was unlucky. He just escaped from the bottom of the monster. Now it is estimated that Sally wants to kill herself again ...

望 He looked at the young girl who was curled up in the dark, and swallowed hard, realizing that the other party didn't seem to be trying to be held accountable.

My unlucky child ... Let ’s take a closer look.

The minecart went on and on, Roddy no longer wanted the messy things, raised his head and stared at the front again with vigilance, and put his hand on the brake lever. But for the next good luck, after traveling for half an hour, the minecart finally came to the end of the tunnel-the southern end of the Endel Mountains.

The air in the tunnel was so cold and bitter that Sally, who walked out of the cave, felt a lot warmer outside, but she didn't seem to have eased herself from the "chest attack" after jumping out of the minecart-she felt very much Subtle and angry? Sally, whose head has always been sober, of course knows that Roddy is not intentional, so she is angry and angry, but not much hatred. And what scares her most ...

The moment when Rorty touched her chest, Sally unexpectedly found deep in her heart that she didn't seem to have much resentment.

This feeling made Sally a little flustered, and for a while she didn't even know how to continue to communicate with Roddy-in fact, when Roddy was watching the whole way intently, Sally's eyes did not leave his body. .

Why can't I control my eyes?

Sally the more she thought, the more she seemed to be in a strange circle, she simply stopped talking, and followed Roddy's head forward.

Roddy walking in front didn't pay attention to Sally's changes. At this moment he was watching the valuable gains in his backpack and secretly planned how to strengthen his attributes next.

For a full backpack of Myra Beast Scales, there are more than 20 pieces of "Golden" prefixes and 179 pieces of "Blue"!

According to Roddy's estimation, these scales can make two sets of full-body leather armor, and the attributes are definitely the best of the current level!

I thought back when I was 4th level, it was just a shabby one. Not to mention the equipment with blue prefix, there was a fart with a green dress, but now? If you rely on your own skills, the equipment made by these things is absolutely blue and gold, and even if this equipment is calibrated at level 4, its overall attributes plus added value will definitely explode the level 8 green equipment.

At the time, the first guilds to visit the Myra Beast were estimated to have made a lot of money because of these scales. Looking back carefully, Rody's impression has indeed seen the auction house suddenly appear a large number of Myra Beast scales. Roddy picked it up and had to say he was lucky every time he was unlucky.

Gaze turned to another item, and Roddy looked at the ring he had found from the skeleton, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Dusty ring

Quest Item Unique

Strength +2

Physical +1

Requires level: 5

"The gem above the base seems to be missing."

Turned out to be a quest item, Roddy was a bit surprised, but immediately relieved-there are many things starting with the items he picked up, and he has done no less than a hundred similar tasks himself, but speaking of these things is like I'm buying lottery tickets. I'm lucky enough to catch the epic quest chain and I will definitely make a lot of money, but if you are unlucky.

Roddy has seen the unlucky ghost who smashed nearly 10,000 gold coins into the task chain and ended up with only a useless pet.

The current ring can only be equipped and trigger this task when reaching level 5, so Rody will wear it in his hand to prevent loss, but unexpectedly the ring is very slender and can only be worn on the little finger-when the level is not reached, the item is not equipped. Will get any attribute bonus, so at this time Rody still maintains the level 4 "naked" attribute.

After getting out of the tunnel, the two were in the middle of the mountainside, surrounded by trees and flowers. Because it was early in the morning, it was a bit cold after a while to adapt to the temperature, but when the morning light illuminated the earth, the coldness disappeared.

Walking with exhausting steps, Sally felt that she had taken more roads in the past few days than her whole life combined. There was still a sense of unreal alienation in her mind until now, and when the two finally came to a field of vision As the hillside widened, Sally looked up into the distance and froze.

In the field of vision, the huge outline of Hollier City has already appeared.

"We ... really did it.?"

Although Roddy had already said such a result in advance, when she really saw the scene in front of her, the shock in her heart was still beyond words.

But what followed was a sudden panic.

Sally's original rational thinking seems to have become extremely emotional in the past few days. Following Roddy, she raised her head and looked at the other person who still insisted on moving forward after day and night. There was a stun in my heart. Emotions.

In just a few days, the originally strange guy seemed to have an unspeakable tacit understanding with himself, and a ... strange "friendship". Only by experiencing these dangers in person can Sally truly understand how much risk he took to save herself, but after doing so much, the other party did not make any extra requests--

真 Is it really what he said. Everything he does is just to keep "this country from being destroyed in the hands of a group of beasts"?

Regardless of whether Roddy was true or not, Sally felt a heavy burden at this time-unlike any nobles whom she had contacted in the past, it seemed that Roddy did not like to "save the country" or the like. His words are hanging on his lips, but everything he does is obviously working towards this goal.

The inexplicable firmness and calmness sometimes become the "charm" in the eyes of others.

"Rody, when you return to Holytown ... Where are you going?"

In the end, she asked the question softly.

Roddy, carrying his bag, seems to have the answer long ago, shaking his head, "After confirming that you have entered the city safely, I still have some things to do. I will stay here for a few days, but I should see you again before I leave . "


Sally raised her eyebrows, and her heart was inexplicable because of Roddie's departure. But the other side's words, for no reason, let most of the depression in her mind disappear.

"Pay attention to your own safety, even if the 'Rose Cross' can give you shelter, just be careful of Francis's determination to break the net. When people really abandon everything, they are often more terrible than you think."

Roddy tightened his bag, turned his head, and suddenly asked, "Are we friends now?"

Wu Sally was used to asking such inexplicable questions, and nodded without hesitation, and said, "Why not?"

Then she saw Roddy's eyes lifted a little, as if looking at the top of her head, it seemed like seeing something novel above her head-Sally looked up and found herself Only green branches and blue sky can be seen.

She won't know that Roddy is checking her character status at this time. The previous query was a form similar to "Add Private Friend". Only two parties who are added as private friends in the game can carefully check each other's character status: including the level, The four types of equipment, attributes and titles, if only ordinary friends, can only see the level and title, if a stranger, the approximate level range will be displayed after language or physical contact.

At this time, the rank of Sally that Roddy saw was 7th, this level is not low, it should depend on her background and noble background. Although the level is higher than Roddy, but because it belongs to the game NPC template and is a female, the two attributes of "strength" and "physical fitness" are inferior to him at all, but the "intelligence" and "spirit" are particularly prominent. . Roddy frowned slightly in this regard-are the children of the Luxi Fron family suitable for extremely rare legal professions?

The so-called "rareness" is in terms of NPCs. After all, players can choose their own future path, but in terms of the population quality of the Karen Kingdom itself, even the nobility, the number of people who can eventually become legal professions is extremely rare. .

The Duke of Luxi Fron only has these two children, but both of them have the talent to become legal profession ~ ~ This is a very rare thing in itself, Francis is already an elementary division, and Sally's Talent seems to be a priest belonging to the "Rose Cross" line?

But these things don't explain how she can resist the poisonous scorpion toxin, because the priest who hasn't been transferred can't use the skill of "detoxification" at all. Roddy was puzzled, and turned his head back to Sally's face. Seeing the other person looked at him in confusion, he immediately touched his pocket and gave her the voodoo dice that he had previously searched from the orc camp.

"Suddenly remembering something, it's useful to you."

Anyway, it is the intellectual spirit that Roddy only uses as much as he can. His player consciousness is still very heavy, but he does not know that Sally's doubts are even more serious at this time.

After all, who will see what these orc witch doctors use? Bone joints, shells and indescribable things, Sally reached out to take over, but did not know why Roddy said so.

"This is the booty I got from the orc before. It belongs to an orc witch doctor. How to say ... its owner may be the guy who threatens the kingdom in the future. Oh ... if one day, you feel I ca n’t continue to fight, I hope it reminds you of what I said today. "

Roddy originally wanted to make up a reason for her to take it with her, but her words turned into a solemn "commitment". For a moment, Sally was a little dazed, and when she saw Roddie turning and moving forward, she realized that the things in her hands might not be as simple as they seem.

I trot and followed Roddy's footsteps, she felt as if she had countless words to say in her heart, but looking at the back, Sally finally swallowed these words silently.

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