Demon Lord

: 450 New Magic Pet

Chapter 450 The New Magic Pet

It was not until dinner that Solomon's treasures were finally removed.

The specific numbers of these equipment are also counted: a total of 61 weapons, 180 arrows, 12 sets of robes, armor and other protective gear, 43 accessories such as rings, necklaces, or consumables. There are sixty spell scrolls and one hundred and fifty-seven magic crystals, including a "dragon element essence" that can be condensed by a dragon crystal and nine element lords.

Most of the original elemental creatures of the magic tower disappeared after the end of the battle, and the "element essence" condensed by their corpses was more than twenty.

There are also four pairs of oil paintings, three collection-grade musical instruments, and a large number of decorations that are not counted. Because those things have "artistic value" higher than "practical value", these groups of war machines have not been carefully observed at all, just I remembered a number and moved it back.

To be honest, these veterans are more concerned about when they can use these drooling equipment.

In this regard, Rodi also knew that it could not be vague, so he focused on the issue of "weapon level" at dinner, and promised that everyone could get their favorite equipment when they were strong enough. This news excited a group of soldiers, one by one, anxious to go to practice immediately to meet their requirements.

"Remember not to be too high, now the training content in the winter season is halved, don't you fall sick because of blind training, have you heard?"

"Yes! Lord Lord!"

"Let's go, eat and drink, and go to sleep. Don't be lazy at night on patrol."

The team got great benefits this time, and Soderauer was in a great mood, and the arrangement at this moment was more casual.Although the meals were simple, the atmosphere in the restaurant was extremely hot, and Roddy was stuffed with many excellent equipment. Both Sha and Nata have slightly upturned lips and are in a good mood.

On the side table, Melincela didn't have much joy.

She watched these people quietly. After eating a piece of roasted venison in a small mouth, she whispered, "I think about it, or I won't go with you."


Roddy is not surprised by this. He feels that Merlin Sera is bloody, and he is not a world person after all. But the other party's subsequent words surprised him:

"I have a lot to learn, not just magic, but more ... how to live better."

Meilin Sera pursed her lips and stared at Roddy with a pair of beautiful eyes. "I also want to understand that for many things, blind-playing is the worst solution, so I want to rely on my own strength at you It ’s going to take a break in my country to see if another idea will help me ... go back. "

Without the threat of chase hunting, Melinzela has a lot of choices. In fact, in the bottom of her heart, traveling with this guy in front of her is the thing she wants to do most. But Melinzela is never willing to hide from others. Asylum goes down, because the dragons will never depend on others, only on themselves, which is the biggest difference between them and humans.

"Also ... let your team leave as soon as possible, my kin may be hunting down."

"Well, what about you?"

"I ... leave tonight."

Melincela still looked at him, her face calm, but her heart was full of perseverance.

"The next time I meet, I hope you are stronger than before." Roddy smiled, then reached out and took out a string and a metal base to form a "Dragon Crystal Necklace" in the afternoon. He solemnly put it around his neck and continued: "Whenever I need my help, I won't quit."

It was just such a simple action, but it made Merlin Sera feel that the eye circles were a little sore. The feeling of being cared for is sparse and ordinary for ordinary people, but it is the most cherished emotion in her life ...

In order to hide her strangeness, she simply turned her head and whispered after a while: "I will not be polite."

Melincela left after dinner.

She didn't say hello to anyone and left the rest room silently, but when she walked to the gate, she looked back.Although the light was extremely dark at night, Melinthera knew that Roddy was silent in the distance. Looking at himself.

The two seem to have a strange tacit understanding. When they parted, they did not choose to pretend to be nonsense nonsense, but they simply chose not to meet again ...


Melinzela's voice was a bit bitter, (and after speaking, she went out.

There were soldiers guarding the gate, but no one would be stupid enough to come and stop Melincela. However, just as she left, a soldier trot over and handed a package to her. Melincela opened it with some doubts and found that in addition to water and food, there was a whole set of calibration "elements" Dedicated epic robes and wands, rings, necklaces, and spell scrolls.

It also contained a note: "Dragons do not need weapons and equipment, but humans do."

"This guy…"

Her face, which was somewhat cold, seemed to be complaining on her mouth, but her fingers were holding it tightly. Although the cold wind was still around, her heart was now warm like spring.

The dragon that turned into a mortal disappeared into the night, but the teams that experienced battle in the ancient city continued to act according to the established plan.

From the next day, the team was ready to leave, but it was limited to too many things. The 30-odd group spent four days to make sleighs from local materials, and then went to the forest by Roddy. China domesticated a "Fendi Elk" as its magic pet, and then pulled a series of eight sleds towards the forest.

This is also no way. Under the environment of minus thirty to forty degrees, even if you find the Malay Malay, it will be frosty and exhausted, but the Death Valley Canyon specialty such as "Fendi Elk" just happens to be able to complete this task: this guy The strength is amazing, hard-working, hard-skinned and thick, pulling a dozen tons of things is easy.

Fendi's elk is five times the size of a war horse, and the huge antlers are more than five meters tall. And Roddy is a "domestication" specially selected by "rare elites", so this Fendi elk named "locomotive" has the most burly figure in the ethnic group, and it looks like a solid meat mountain from a distance. Yes, the momentum is extremely amazing.

Of course, from an aesthetic point of view, its appearance is also extremely ugly.

The average level of Fendi Elk is level 25, and this head of Roddy's domestication is the highest among them, reaching level 31. Therefore, it is the first pet of Roddy's domestication to have a "magic crystal". Of course, Mai Linsela's special case was not included.

However, although the level and image of Warcraft is bluffing, its reputation in the player group is not good: "Too much blood", "Too hard skin", "City deer" and other names are those who come to collect fur Crying. The biggest advantage of Fendi Elk is that it can't be beaten.

There are three "Train King" skills at level 31, and they are all "passive", "strengthening strength", "strengthening endurance" and "rejuvenating blood circulation". fast".

To be honest, Rhodes accepted it completely because the goods can pull the sled, as far as "combat power" or shape is not concerned. Because the magic pet can be changed at any time, if there is a more suitable one, just need to cancel the contract. However, if you think about Roddy, it is also a bit depressed: crocodile turtle, pintail sand cone and Fendi elk, these three kinds of goods that are absolutely ignored in the game, they were all accepted as pets by themselves, and they were born blind. Advantage.

However, games are games, reality is reality, and the magic pets that can be used are good magic pets. Roddy mumbled for a long time, then jumped into the sleigh at the end of the team, and turned over the gain by himself.

"What are you looking for? May I help?"

Akasha trot also jumped into the sleigh in a few steps, and the little red face looked very cute.

"It's okay, rummaging, thinking about what gifts to give those guys when you go back."

After all, Roddy is Chinese, just like traveling out of the country, he must pack big bags for friends and parents. This consciousness is deeply buried in his bones.

However, he didn't realize the consequences of doing this ... Many people in this era are not full enough to eat, let alone propose "travel". The so-called homecoming gift is almost unheard of, so from a certain perspective, This is even more sighing than the cavalier virtue of imagination.

So when the little priest heard him say this, he felt complacent for a while. However, she was only beautiful for a few seconds, and her mouth twitched down, her eyes glanced around, confirming that no one was paying attention and humming, "Did you think about what to give Sally? And Camilla, right? "Isn't it possible that Neffi can't fall?"

Roddy was holding an oil painting to look at. He almost didn't hear the news directly? He fell on a sleigh.

"I ... keke ... not only them, but also Bishop Benjamin, Wellington and the Titus Knights, as well as the village chief Brudy and who is there ..."

Roddy stuttered and thought: This little Nizi is usually gentle and docile, in fact, her head is not bad at all!

He did think about what to send them to Sally just now. Sally is now the Duke and is busy with government affairs every day. I am afraid that she rarely goes with a staff or a robe. Camilla is an aide, but the estimate she wants most is to get rid of Elson's imprisonment, as for Nafi ...

Choosing a gift for a woman is always an unsolvable problem, and Luo Diguang didn't think about what to send, let alone those old men ~ ~ Fortunately, Akasha did not embarrass him, just through a few He hummed to express his dissatisfaction, and then Luodi consciously lost his way all the way, always holding her hand to go with her, the two chatting and eating sweetly, but this group of single soldiers who loved each other sighed and sighed. Go back to the kingdom early to find a girl.

In the snow and wind, the giant elk walked slowly with a sleigh.The temperature in late December made the soldiers feel the power of the severe cold. Fortunately, the snow monsters in the entire glacial plain area have been cut by half, so this team always No attack was encountered, and after seven days, Roddy and his party finally returned to the Bata tribe station.

And naturally Roddy and others would not know. A hundred miles behind them, an angry dragon chant echoed in the forest of Deathspeak Canyon ... while Melincela, who had already reached the "Brave Corridor", turned back. Looking away, he walked towards the Kingdom of Karen with a light smile.

Volume 6 [Treasure] End

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