Demon Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 458: The hard way of the Lord

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January 20. Roddy, who spent two days in Hollier City, was not idle. Although the weather was cold, the city's "Mage Association" and the library were not closed, so he had the "Element Summoner" profession in the city. After a lot of trips, I bought a lot of materials for spellcasting under the convenience of the "Main City", and luckily "Amoyed" to two new skills.

On this continent, the "Elemental Master" also possesses the "Elemental Summoning" ability. After the level was improved in the impression, it was not surprising that the situation in which the team called "Water Element" and "Fire Element" together to assist in copying was really ridiculous. However, the "Elemental Summoner" that he currently owns clearly has similarities with the "Elemental Master", so he discovered a rule after trying: the skill book that the "Elemental Master" can learn, he can basically learn the same.

This "compatibility" delighted him, but the troubles that followed him also made him a little surprised: "magic" is not as simple as imagined.

Roddy originally thought that "casting" was just a command, at least the skill of "hunting the demon hunter" was such a process: activating the skills, the body responding, and releasing the skills.

However, when he bought the casting materials and cast according to the skill description, he discovered that the "system" would not assist the casting at all!

The skills of "hunting the demon hunter" do not have "casting time" and "casting materials". Basically, it is more like an application of physical instincts, but "magic" ... is completely different.

The production of "casting materials" itself is complicated and hard to say. If you want to successfully cast a spell, you cannot sing a spell, make a gesture, or build an image in your brain. You can't go wrong. If you are wrong, the power of the spell will decrease. In the other case, he suffered a back-phasing, and his head seemed to explode.

So Roddy smiled wryly at a lot of scrapped cast materials in front of him.

"It's much harder than you think ..."

At this time, Roddy realized that he had relied too much on the "system" before. When "system assistance" could not save himself the casting step, these shortcomings were immediately exposed.

However, instead of giving up, he redoubled his efforts to learn-by using a small invention of Solomon ", he finally successfully cast a" mage's hand "after trying for a day, and grabbed a copy of two A magic book around a catty.

Roddy is relieved: at least it is fast to learn by yourself!

In addition to the basic skills of "Mage's Hand", Rody's "Mage Armor" and "Second Flame Orb", which he learned through reading late at night, are also displayed in the "Skill Bar". But looking at the effects of these skills, he was really crying ...

Mage Armor Level 1

Cost: 80 Mana

Requires: Casting materials, casting gestures

Effect: Armor is condensed by mana throughout the body, increasing armor by 400 points.

Duration: 10 minutes.

"Second Flame Orb" Level 1

Cost: 60 mana

Requires: Casting materials, casting gestures

Cast time: 3 seconds

Effect: Condensate the element of fire, and attack the enemy with the Pearl of Fire, damage 150 points.

Attack distance: 15 yards

These two skills are really jealous and ca n’t be jealous anymore. The armor value provided by "Mage Armor" is similar to that of Roddy's leather pants, and the attack method of "Second Flame Orb" ... seriously, take it A bonfire might be more appropriate.

But even so, Roddy still chose to learn honestly-after knowing that his spell foundation was not strong enough, he knew that all he had to do was to be steady and "start from zero".

These skills may sound completely useless, but if you can't master even such things, the elemental summoner profession might as well give up as soon as possible.

"Faye faye ... you must be a dog for three years before you can be a master. The history of three years of blood and tears is not a joke ..."

After simply cleaning up the residue of the experimental materials, Rody began to write records in his notebook: part of his experience of understanding magic, and the other part of his own headache.

In the past, every time I used the technical head, I had to ache, and I did n’t get used to it at first, but then I got used to the ache, but after I got the elemental summoner profession, Roddy found that the headache was a little bit worse Improvement ... At least, it's a lot lighter than before. Of course, it's unknown whether this is related to the increase in casting frequency. What he has to do now is to "quantify" the degree of pain and record the number of times, and see if there is any regularity after long-term recording.

After spending two days in Hollier City, Roddy felt that it was time to leave. After all, Elson had a lot of things to worry about.

"Rody! The sun is finally out!"

Sally's excited voice came from the door, and soon the duke ran into the house like a bird, and saw Roddy closing the book, wondering, "What are you writing?"

"It's nothing, it's all cast records."

Roddy smiled, ready to put away the book. Sally ran over and rushed to watch, and Rorty worried that she saw her record of headaches, and quickly took her hand, whispering: "Don't make trouble, then ... I have a gift for you."


Sally stood still, her eyes stared at Roddy, and she forgot the book.

Roddy breathed a sigh of relief, calmly closed the notebook, and whispered, "It's not good to say it, come-close your eyes."

The Duchess didn't know what to think of, closed her eyes with a blush, and her breath was slightly quicker: "OK ... OK, I closed it."

Rordi said nothing, and took out a ring-like ring-shaped gem from his pocket.

This gem is called "The Wrath of Fire Demon". Although it looks like a ring, it is actually a "magic item". It can be worn in your pocket or worn on your finger. The ring was selected as a gift to Sally.

The equipment that can be placed in the Solomon's Treasure Chamber is naturally not ordinary. This piece of "Flame Wrath" is made of a "element essence" that truly belongs to the elemental lord. It contains a high-level "Broken Breath". Power Roddy can't imagine it, but killing an enemy within level 40 should not be a problem, more importantly ... this piece of equipment can pass the magic crystal Power is "charged" and theoretically can be used unlimited times.

At the peak of the high elves, the master / mage had at least seven or eight similar "storage items" on his body, because it was more effective, faster and more practical than scrolls. This "Flame Wrath" was regarded as superb at the beginning, but now it can no longer be described with "superb"-today, the high magic "magic prop" manufacturing technology is lost today, this ring is completely Can be called "priceless treasure".

Roddy naturally chose it for Sally's safety considerations. Of course, the shape of the "ring" is also an important factor. Although the technical house is not sensitive to "romantic", but has not eaten pork and seen pigs run?

He pulled up Sally's slender white fingers, thought about it, and put the "Flame Wrath" directly on the ring finger.

"Okay, you can open your eyes. I picked this ring for a long time, and I always think it suits you best. I started writing the spell on the paper, and you have to write it down, because it's not-uh?"

Roddy was satisfied with the size he had chosen, but when he looked up, his words got stuck in his mouth.

Because Sally cried.

Tears dripped down her cheeks, and she stared at Roddy with tears in her eyes, and raised her hand gently: "Big bad guy, you use it to tie me up, you will never let go again, did you hear it?"

With a moment's surprise, Roddy realized that putting a ring on a girl's ring finger seemed to be the rhythm of "proposing marriage", but he didn't hesitate about it, and immediately raised his hand:

"I swear by the glory of Lord Elson and Baron Everta, I will never let go, Lord Duke."


Sally was crying with joy, holding Roddy and giving a long sweet kiss.

The kiss lasted for a long time, until she was short of breath and her face flushed-Sally lowered her head and stared at the "ring", only to feel the more she liked it. The luster of "Elemental Essence" is not comparable to ordinary gemstones. Although Roddy did not say its value, she also understands that this thing is absolutely rare. But she likes not only the item itself, but the deeper meaning behind it.

But the more so, the more Sally understood that Roddy was about to leave ~ ~ she sinks for a moment, and actively speaks: "when do you leave?"

Roddy nodded: "This afternoon, the arrangements in Elson City should be almost the same. Many things need to be accelerated. I always feel ... the orcs are not so easy to be honest."

"Okay, okay, you are much busier than me. But I heard that Elson City has taken in a lot of refugees this winter, which caused some aristocrats to reduce their taxes by a large amount next year. Then. "

Roddy naturally knew the reason, and smiled: "Where do the refugees themselves want to go has nothing to do with me, legs are on their own, can this blame me?"

"Of course I won't blame you, I think I'm going to blame your beautiful" assistant "?"

Sally bit the word "assistant" a lot, but where did Rody know what she meant? She reached out and knocked her head: "I knew all this mess all day long. I would stay in Elson City for two months, so the border must be monitored during this time ..."

"Oh, you've said it many times, and my ears are cocoon." Sally was disgusted, but her hand was tightly holding Roddy. She suddenly wanted to say about "Fuse Silver Mine" and "mine News, but thought that everything was still settled, she pressed down, thinking of waiting a few months to get another surprise for Roddy.

The two sat next to each other and could feel each other's body temperature. In this somewhat ambiguous atmosphere, Sally looked down at the ring at her fingertips and suddenly said: "Rody ... what time do we get married?"

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