Demon Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 468: set off

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March 6. [800]

"You must be cautious in your work. In special circumstances, you must consult Master Carson."

"How old are you? Pay attention to temperance in women's affairs ..."

No matter how ingenious Count Millnor is, he is still a father in front of his son-like all fathers, he never forgets to repeat a lot of words before leaving.

And Senna is more sensible than his young frivolous peers. He kept nodding and promised to be a good son who obeyed his father's wishes.

"It's done. Go early and return early. I hope you can have a little experience and see how the aristocrats deal with things. If you have any shortcomings, think about how you can do better if you change. Count Mirno waved, "I'm not going to stop ..."

Senna saluted respectfully, and then boarded a luxuriously decorated and large carriage under his father's gaze. A middle-aged old man next to him came to say hello to Mirno, and even pulled La covering his robe. The cape followed the line.

This is the mage Casson, cultivated by the Milnor family. He has the title of "middle-level mage" in the mage association. According to the criteria of Roddy, this mage is currently an advanced level 17, belonging to the standard "element master." ". In an era where French occupations are scarce, he is definitely an "uncrowned aristocracy", so he did not have any humble attitude when facing Mirno, as if he was just a friend to help along the way.

Until the convoy left the city gate, Senna was sitting in the car orderly. However, when they arrived in the first town outside the city, several young girls who had been arranged to wait here got on the carriage of the "Master", and all the servants in the convoy pretended not to see ...

Probably the only thing that murmurs about this is Master Casson, who occasionally looks forward to the carriage that is always swaying, breathing panting or growling from time to time, chucking his mouth, and continuing to read those hard spell books ...

And more than a thousand miles away, the orcs on the Nehemia steppe also began to pack their gear and prepare for long journeys.

The orcs lacked resources and said that preparations were really ready to go at any time. The nomadic people were already used to living without a fixed settlement, so from Godar's order to the 600 wolf cavalry, it took less than a day. .

"Overseer Godal, if you suddenly leave like this, how can the chief of Sauron explain?"

"You're waiting here, when his people came to me, you tell him I just left-remember, you must tell him that I'm doing 'early investigation', understand?"

"Yes! Overseer Godal!"

The scorching sun shone on the strong orc, and Godal turned to look at his eager soldiers, both with cruel light ...

Sauron didn't begin preparations until April, but at this time Godal set out ahead of time, not only for "pre-investigation." [800]

Gently rubbing his finger on the tomahawk, he jumped over his huge wolf, and then he pulled out a beautifully drawn map from his pocket-he meditated on the "positioning" that he only recently learned "Title", after confirming where he is currently, reaching out to the east, he ordered: "Warriors, let us be a nightmare that makes humans tremble!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Long live Godal!"

"Kill everything!"

The slogan wasn't neat, yet their thirst for killing ... was fiercer than ever.

"I've only been back for more than a month, and now I'm going out again ..."

Camilla looked at Roddy, who had a new leather suit, and her eyes flickered a little: "I wanted to tell you to pay attention to safety, but looking at the situation now ... there is really nothing to worry about."

"Look at what you said, it's not bad to be careful."

Roddy smiled, and Camilla's tone was always a little strange, always reminding him of his wife who sent her husband to the front line ...

However, this is only an illusion. When Akasha's figure appeared outside the door, Camilla had resumed her calm look. She coughed and continued: "The upgrading of the city defense construction is now on the agenda. I always think that this part of the funds is better for other directions. "

"Listen to me, be prepared."

Seeing that there is no room for veto by Roddy, Camilla no longer strives for reason like a puppet-this winter, Roddy has used his actions to prove his decision is correct, so this "strong woman" His staff has grown accustomed to supporting his decision.

"Brother Rodi!"

There was a shouting of Neifei outside the house. She rushed into the house like a gust of wind. Before being able to say anything, she was held by her mother and reprimanded: "Pay attention to the image!

Whenever there is a red face, there is a white face. Roddy hurriedly grabbed Camilla. No matter what her mother said, the coquettish Neffiy hugged Roddy's waist and shouted, "I'm going too! Brother Roddy, promise me! "

"Hey, hey! I didn't promise you directly!"

"I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"

Nefi shook Roddy hard: "You said that there would be no danger this time, I'm going to suffocate in the city, take me with you!"

In the past, Nai Fei did not dare to collide with her mother, but now she has a backing, her coquettish ability to break through the sky, and seeing Akasha next to her is stunned-if not for her knowledge, she would definitely think that this is Roddy's daughter ...

Camilla was originally opposed to Neffi's going out, but if she walked with Roddy, Camilla would have a hundred hearts--the Lord of the city definitely raised her as a princess, and she was a little wronged. Won't let her suffer.

"I'm not just going out to play. Some things are quite dangerous."

"Don't lie to me! I've listened to everything you said, and you're ready, won't you lie to your mother, right?"

"Uh ... this."

"I promise not to run around, I promise not to cause trouble, just follow you right? Can you leave without going to sleep at night?"

"Neffy! What nonsense!"

Camilla looked out of Neffi, and looked at Roddy for help. Of course, she knew that she couldn't blindly suppress Neffi's demands. As an "Arcanist", what she should do was to travel around and be in Improve level in practice. And now that there are people who can trust, and then do not agree with Nafi's request, I am afraid that there will be an irreconcilable conflict between the mother and daughter.

Roddy checked his words, and it was clear that Camilla agreed, but he still made a difficult look: "Then you have to make sure you don't act alone, have you heard?"

"I promise I promise!"

Nefi shouted in excitement, but before he finished speaking, he saw Roddy turn to the storage room next to him, and soon came back with a stack of things—

"This robe was supposed to be given to you on your birthday, but this time you must wear it at any time ..."

"Brother Rodi, I haven't told you my birthday."

"Uh ... I haven't had time to ask."

Roddy squeezed sweat in his heart. He didn't really ask anyone about Niefi's birthday, because it would never be erased from his memory, but now he can only find a reason to lie.

"The clothes I made the tailor a few days ago have the rune spar I inlaid for you, and the replacement runes are in this bag."

Roddy did not say that the material of this dress is a thin layer of dragon skin made by the high-elves' unique technology. The position is taken from the softest area on the inside of the dragon's abdomen. People don't look at it completely and mistake it for cloth.

But Camilla saw at a glance what kind of material it was, and she couldn't help sighing—I'm afraid she couldn't bear to wear such expensive clothes to her daughter ...

This Roddy, how much do you want to spoil her!

Somehow the jealousy surged up again, and Camilla bit her lip several times before she pressed it down. However, watching Roddy gave her four or five magic items to hang on her body, she still covered her slightly twitched cheeks:

"Rody ... isn't that exaggerating?"

"No, no, aren't all the Arcanists in the High Elf era? Hey."

He couldn't wait to arm Nefi to his teeth, but Camilla just didn't want to see him continue to spoil Nefi so much, and rushed his daughter to pack his luggage.

The final confirmed starting list is only Rodi, Nafi, Nata, and Akasha. Rugcart still stays in the city to train recruits, and the rest of the private soldiers are gathered and brought together by Soderol.

However, at the time of departure, Camilla still felt that it was not safe to have a small number of teams. She actually requested Akasha to bring a part of the "Undead Soldiers" as "guards".

Akasha and Camilla rarely communicate with each other, and it can even be said that they are not quite right, but this does not lead to prejudice, especially when it comes to "security" issues. Akasha also knows that Camilla is a kind reminder. . Just when she mentioned "Undead Soldier", her expression was a little weird ...

Roddy didn't notice this ~ ~ He recalled that his team of nearly a hundred people could still be attacked in the Diocese of Bogdo. Those with the most combat effectiveness will not be allowed to show up in front of others. "

So when leaving Elson City, Roddy's team immediately looked much stronger. This trip not only brought people, but also brought all of his "three silly" magic pets-the losses in the "King Solomon's Treasure" made him deeply realize the importance of magic pets, so at this time carrying all The heavy, "king of the train" pulling a luxury carriage walked in front, Nokia was thrown in the luggage pile, and Kodak was screaming while hovering over the line ...

The team headed for the Da Vinci territory and set off.

[Thank you monthly pass: Bista, dead sword, dark の mage ,. 】

[Thanks for the support: strengthened Bartley, bookmate 1407081 ...,. 】

[Each roll is laid to the ground in the early stages, and this roll is especially strenuous, but all the excavations have been dug up and are ready to be filled. 】

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