Demon Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 471: Stance

While the nobles of the Da Vinci Territory were busy welcoming the Viscount Sena, the nobles who participated in the safari meeting also arrived one after another-because they were all lords with some identities, they "hosted" all of them. Baronini's routinely provides identity-matched accommodation and food for all.

Of course, this rule only applies to most nobles. For the "inconspicuous" upstarts like Roddy and Soderlor, this arrangement turned into a naked insult.

A housekeeper from Panini took pride in bringing Roddy and others to a manor outside the city, and seemed to be too lazy to even introduce two sentences, and reached out and said, "Because there are more lords this time Therefore, I can only apologize to the two Baron adults for living here. If there is any dissatisfaction with Baron Panini's arrangements, I can go back and report at any time. "

+ Pig + Pig + Island + Fiction ww.zhom This manor is located near the Da Vinci Forest. At a glance, I know that no one has lived for some time. I am afraid that the dust inside has fallen into unknown layers. And in this kind of place, even two barons of the kingdom should be shared ... For the aristocracy, this behavior is more than just "provocation".

"Oh, thank Baron Panini for the warm hospitality."

The housekeeper was ready for the other party's upsurge, but Roddy's response was unexpected-the lord seemed to not care at all and nodded to accept the arrangement.

So all the taunts he had long thought about were completely useless, and he turned and left.

Roddy watched the other person leave with a smile, then stood beside Soderlor, and said, "Well, these guys don't know how to make a full set of dramas. It seems that there is still no tacit understanding between them."

If you are thinking about killing yourself, then you have to come up with "paralysis" with a delicious and delicious hospitality. Now it seems that Roddy found that he really thought about it.

Soderol was not as open-minded as he was, and he was filled with anger and disappointment at the moment: "How much trouble have we blocked for them in the past two years? I didn't expect all efforts to be worthless in the eyes of these people ..."

"Normally, they are the class living in the" tall towers ". Of course, they do not want others to enter the" tall towers "to seize resources belonging to them, so our role outside the" tall towers "no matter how hard they try, Don't care. "

"The battle with the orcs and undead is too far away for them. Maybe the day when the sword and axe come together, these people can understand what it means."

Roddy patted his shoulder. "Okay, they play them. Let's play ours. As for the Milnor family ... you have the last say."

Soderlor nodded, his eyes sharp as eagles.

Speaking of which, this manor is dilapidated, but it still has a certain size, and it will soon reach the occupancy standard after being cleaned by servants and auxiliary soldiers. Roddy and Soderlor were not eager to enjoy. Most of the past two years have been eating and drinking, so living in the estate is really "comfortable" for them.

Fifty-four barbarians and seventy-three veterans established camps in the forest outside the manor to protect it layer by layer. The remaining forty auxiliary soldiers followed in a hurry, and one hundred undead and the huge "train king" It is always hidden in the forest, and never appears from beginning to end.

Ranger Nata disappeared after the team entered the manor. Some things would be done without Roddy's orders. Akasha calmly packed the bed sheets for Roddy and asked the servants about the ingredients that could be used in the past few days. The look of the deputy housekeeper.

Soderol was sitting in a daze at the window after the order was given. Neffiy was tired of staying in the carriage all the way, and he was going to play in the city. Rorty naturally agreed.

And while Roddy and Neffi were shopping leisurely with Pakaro City, a heavily armed team had just stopped in Da Vinci Forest.

The lead commander was a middle-aged man in his forties, whose staff inlaid with a cross was a sign of his priesthood. Behind him, a total of more than 280 infantry, cavalry, scouts, and auxiliary soldiers are silently setting up camps for rest.

"Master Bishop, Viscount Senna has arrived in Pakaro City. According to the plan, the safari conference will be held in the hunting area ahead."

"Got it."

The steed was pulled aside, and Bishop Viper Cross named Frodo rubbed his sore waist plate and whispered, "For three goals, it is necessary to organize close to 300 people to round up, really ..."

He shook his head, took out the letter written by Bishop Louville to himself, and took out the "wanting order" issued by the Pope himself, sighing: "It is difficult to do something about the Viper's Scepter. No wonder the Pope wants her to die this time ... "

Luvil promised Mirno that the "eight-man special operation team" could solve the problem, but the real army of nearly three hundred people arrived in Da Vinci territory. Among them were a magician and two jihadists. In addition to the army squad, a mercenary team and two elemental mages participated.

Honestly, this team's combat capabilities have far exceeded the equivalent number of aristocratic personal soldiers-the ratio of healing, reconnaissance, and firepower output allows them to walk sideways in this area.

Therefore, in essence, what Bishop Frodo is going to perform this time is no longer an "assassination operation", but a thorough "annihilation battle".

At present, if these people are used to attack the city of Pakaro, I am afraid that Baron Panini's ability can't stop them. However, the target boss has set himself only three people ... Frando does not think that Luville or the Pope is Fool, so he didn't dare to neglect at this moment. When the camp just started construction, all orders were passed quickly:

"Go to the ambush site and scatter the scouts. All the information will be delivered to me as soon as possible."

"Watch out for other people who may be around, and if you find them, put them to death! No one can find our existence, understand?"

"Yes, Lord Bishop!"

Time passed, and in the afternoon of the next day, the Baron's House in Da Vinci began to host the opening dinner of "Spring Safari".

According to the plan, the whole safari probably lasts about ten days, and the nobles who come here will have similar parties every night. For the "noble" group, the banquet represents the expansion of the network and the exchange of benefits. Even the chips for territorial development in the future.

Of course, for some people, it is also a good time to hunt Yan.

The huge backyard has become the main venue. There are enough two hundred people to serve these nobles alone. The wind at night is still a bit cold, but the "magic bonfire" purchased by Baron Panini for a large price makes The venue was as warm as spring, and those aristocratic girls who wore ultra-low-cut long dresses and occasionally showed slender amusement when they stepped on it smiled. At this time, they were wandering around the venue holding wine glasses, waiting for the opportunity to find the "Prince of the White Horse" in their hearts.

"This is Baron Nickler of Bruta."

"Hello, Baron Nickler."

"Duke Sally is really the most beautiful flower in the territory of Everta ..."


As the lord, Sally only felt that her cheeks were extremely stiff-all nobles had to come and say hello in accordance with the rules. This kind of thing is totally suffering, but the rules are rules. The ability of the "person" can only obey all of this silently at this moment.

Even a lot of these people are disrespectful.

The aristocratic circle is a very delicate place to talk about, and it can't be overstated to use "intricate roots". In the generation of Sally's father Angmar, many once-aligned families are now hostile to each other, and similarly, many families that hit their brains 20 years ago, now rely on marriage to form alliances. It is very good Wear a pair of pants-this is the epitome of the human aristocratic ecosystem: there are no eternal friends and enemies, only eternal benefits.

Sally was physically and mentally exhausted by these hypocritical guys. When she took time to look at the corner of the venue and wanted to find that stupid wood, her mouth twitched slightly, and suddenly came out: "This **** ..."

Because she happened to see Roddy holding a wine glass and chatting with a noble girl.

Unfortunately, the proud aristocratic lady had a deep ditch on her chest, and the trembling mountain peaks when she chuckled her mouth could see clearly from a long distance-but because of the row in front of her, Those guys who came in a long line to say hello, Sally can't go to push the cocky guy away ...

If this wood dared to mess around, I would ... I would ...

Suddenly, Sally couldn't think of any cruel tricks, and she was suffocating herself, so she had to stiffen and continue to greet and talk to the nobles behind.

Obviously Sally has some misunderstandings about Roddy's current situation: in any way, Roddy is not a "playboy" who likes to provoke everywhere. The "tech house" is usually more introverted and has some resistance to talking to strangers. Even after going through so many incidents and becoming a nobleman in the kingdom, Roddy still does not like to take the initiative to talk to others, not to mention any **** and noble lady.

Roddy's dress today is deliberately conservative, and the colors are not eye-catching. After walking around the venue in this way, all the comments in his ears were "earthquake", "no aesthetic" or "like a farmer", so he was also quiet in the corner at this time.

He was alone at the banquet. Soderlor was afraid that he would n’t come straight after seeing Senna and slashing people. As for Akasha and Nafi ... Roddy still felt that it was better not to let them touch these ugly faces ~ ~ However, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is still. When Roddy was bored with juice, someone still seemed to lean on Roddy inadvertently ...

"They all say you look like a hoe. I don't think so."

The strong perfume smelt, and then the words made Roddy cried and laughed--but when she turned her eyes, Roddy felt that there were two white flowers in front of her.

He took a closer look and realized that it was the "Roshan" that the other side deliberately piled up with a corset. This figure was truly amazing, but Roddy was a man who came over in the information age and had long been immune to this figure. . So he didn't change his face and smiled, "Is that so? Thank you for your appreciation."

"You are so interesting!"

The other side laughed, the little fan in his hand slightly covered his mouth, but the "wave" surged abnormally as the body swayed.

Thank you monthly pass: Forgotten City, Huyanhaha ,,,.

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