Demon Lord

Chapter 49: Ignorant girl

After all, Sally is still only a sixteen-year-old girl. No matter what she has experienced before, her age is here, and the problems she can think about are ultimately emotional.

The little girl's cranky thoughts occasionally simulated some sad scenes in her mind-would he give up this promise because he could not enter the "Temple of the Rose Cross"? Has it left Hollier City now?

The miserable mentality made Sally not sleep well these days. Speaking of her ability, she was indeed stronger than Roddy imagined. In just fifteen days of work, she had already made temporary contact with her former burying man in the city of Hollier, which made her not completely passive when facing Francis.

But Sally also knew that she couldn't openly ask Roddy, or Francis, who had long been jealous, would have trouble with Roddy for the first time. The only thing she could do was wait here silently, at least until she could confirm Francis' plan and whereabouts, she couldn't walk out of the temple half a step.

Is he coming?

When I walked into the main hall of the church unknowingly, Sally always looked up at the colorful window, clenched her fingers involuntarily, and sighed softly ...

Sixteenth day, today ... he won't come.

Thinking like this, she was about to go back and leave, but heard a few conversations in front of the main hall—

"This adventurer has important news to report back to Bishop Benjamin. He has the token of Priest Nelda in his hand."

"Nirda priest? He didn't already--"

所以 "So the matter is urgent, you need to inform the bishop immediately."

He sounded as if the guard outside the church had taken an adventurer to the porch of the monastery, and he was going to meet Bishop Benjamin. Sally turned back and raised her eyebrows in confusion-she remembered the name "Nirda Priest", which was Bishop Benjamin's "successful disciple". She had also seen each other half a year ago, but later heard that the other was out of town Mysteriously disappeared after the mission. At that time, many people were sent to the temple to investigate, but all returned without success.

Well, what does this have to do with myself?

She shook her head, Sally was a little disappointed and turned to leave. For a moment, she found that she really wanted Roddy to stand at the church door and smile at herself-but now she wants to come, it's just her own delusion.

"Bishop Benjamin agreed to the meeting request, adventurer, you can enter here. May the gods watch you."

The distant conversation sounded into Sally's ears faintly, and the final words were one of the teachings of the "temple", that is, "whatever you do is watched by God."

The young girl didn't look back, she still moved forward, she didn't care about the guards and adventurers who were approaching behind her, and she was even absent-minded.

对 "Yes, Lord Priest, I have one more request. I hope you will agree."

"Talk about it, adventurer."

The middle-aged priest had a quiet voice, and the clergy in the temple were gentle and helpful, but Sally felt that the voice of the adventurer seemed familiar ...

您 "You know, I'm an adventurer, and just happened to pass through Hollier City. I had a little friendship with Lord Kirk, and he happened to ask me to send something a few days ago-to Miss Sally."

"Oh? Miss Sally?" The middle-aged priest turned his head and looked at Sally, who was walking not far away, and said softly, "If you have anything, just give it to her."

The conversation sounded a short distance away in her ears, but Sally did not immediately turn her head. She continued to walk forward, trying to keep her posture normal, but no one could see her fingers trembling slightly.

明白 She understands that she must not make a gesture that is familiar to the other party. In this still unfamiliar environment, a little flaw can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The footsteps in the rear were approaching, and a plain and familiar tone sounded behind him-"Miss Sally, please stay away."

Hey ... it's Roddy's voice.

Although everything was confirmed in her heart, this mature girl took a deep breath, turned slowly, and lowered her eyes softly and said, "I am, please ... Excuse me, are you?"

His gaze increased with the words, and his posture was like the first time the two met. Although Roddy approved a large cloak, her delicate and unique leather boots and gloves still made her shine. Sari, the unique characteristic of Chemalla scales, would never forget, so when she When his eyes were fixed on Rody's face, he was so distracted for a moment that his words were stuttered.

The gray linen cape was covered, and the renewed suit of leather armor seemed to make him instantly get rid of the scout captain in Sally's impression, covered with dirt, carrying a horn bow and a machete-remembering Roddy's "face He was cursed by witchcraft and was actually 37 years old, "and he suddenly realized that his words did not look like Hu Yan.

The person in front of me shouldn't look like a scout in a village, but a powerful adventurer with rich experience.

For a long time, Roddy's image in Sally's heart has changed, but there is still no outline that allows her to see clearly, scouting the captain? Adventurer? Mercenary? knight? Or a descendant of a nobleman?

常 What ordinary people can't imagine, he took Sally out of the siege, even if he changed to the powerful guardian knights under his father's hands, I'm afraid he couldn't do the same.

Sally felt her heart beating so fast that she tried hard to maintain a calm face and could hardly hold her face-the corner of her mouth wanted to rise, but she trembled because of restraint. She clenched her fingers and stared at Roddy's face tightly, as if waiting for him to show a familiar smile.

However, Roddy's serious face hasn't changed at all, only invariably indifferent and rigid, as if he doesn't know Sally at all.

"I'm glad to meet you, Miss Sally." Roddy's eyes didn't seem to be focused, as if just looking at a sculpture to face her. "Lord Kirk happened to have something for me to bring to you. It was you the other day. Those who are left in the village of Finks, because Lord Lord cannot come in person, so I can only bring you his blessing.

He said, he reached out and took out a cloth bag, bent over and folded his hands, respectfully.

Sally's gaze stayed on Roddy's face, a little embarrassed, and she didn't understand Roddie's intention until a few seconds later-slowly reaching out to take the cloth bag, thanking the believers of the "Rose Cross" And then whispered, "Thank you, brave adventurer."

"Raise your hand."

Roddy turned her face sideways, her eyes turned aside without feeling, she no longer looked at Sally.

The soldier who was walking by looked like the adventurer's behavior was normal. Nowadays, sending a letter and running a leg seems to be the main function of these idle adventurers, so his words did not cause any doubt to the priest next to him. Because everything is reasonable, there is no doubt about it.

Roddy didn't mean to continue talking. After Sally took the package, he bent down deeply, turned around and motioned to the priest to go to Bishop Benjamin without paying too much attention to Sally's intention.

In this way, the two passed by, and had a "meeting" in a way that Sally could not imagine-16 days after the last meeting, Sally found that she could not even talk to each other with extra words Say, and can only watch the other person's figure drift away ...

There was some unexplainable grievance and sullenness in her heart, and her fingers tightened, and she remembered that he was holding the cloth bag that Roddy had just given. He turned it over and gently took out the soft-armor shirt.

Dark blue tones, soft texture, Chemela scales have a low-key and restrained reflection, and the hand-stitched traces are delicate and neat. Although Sally does not know how much work it takes to make such a leather armor, she But suddenly there was an inexplicable feeling-this shirt ... must have been made by Roddy himself.

Holding a piece of parchment paper from the cloth bag, Sally bent over and picked it up. She saw the words above, and her lips were slightly pinched, her eyes inexplicably burst into tears.

"Don't even say goodbye. Asshole ..."

Uh ... .

"This is indeed the ring of the priest of Nilda. Adventurer, where did you get it?"

Bishop Benjamin looked at the old silver ring in his hand, slowly raised his eyes, and asked Roddy in front of him.

"Located in the alley in Campe District, I was preparing to go to the mercenary guild. This ring is at the exit of the sewer." Roddy's expression was still a little indifferent, "Because I I saw the emblem on the ring at the door of the 'temple' and immediately rushed over. "

"Thank you, the adventurer, but you have to understand that the Temple will at any cost in order to thoroughly investigate this matter." The old man turned his back slightly, his eyes narrowed, and looked like Roddy's eyes flickered, "That is to say, if you have any other involvement with this matter, we will not let it go."

"I have considered these issues before coming here, Lord Bishop. I am just an adventurer who hopes to use these clues in exchange for a reward, nothing can deceive you."

Roddy bowed her head and showed respect and reverence, without any extra expression.

"This is, of course, the" Temple "will severely punish all evil forces, and it will also care for those brave and upright young people, adventurers ~ ~ Thank you for your clues."

This is the word of offender. Roddy consciously got up and retreated, without asking what the other party would reward, turned and followed the guard to leave.

"Master Bishop thank you very much for your contribution to the monastery."

I walked not far, another guard came over holding a small wooden box, and handed it to Roddy-he took it with both hands, and didn't look at it, and left the monastery without squinting.

Along the way, Roddy didn't see Sally. To him, this also seems to mean that Sally has understood her situation and the current relationship between the two, and wants to come to the other side's brain is more intelligent, and will not do anything stupid.

I hope she can grow up as soon as possible before the inner division of the "Temple".

Roddy sighed silently. He came here today because he finally inquired in the tavern that Sally was in the Temple of the Rosary Cross-for ordinary people, this is not a place to go in and out casually, but Roddy understands how to be bright and upright. Enter here. That ring is the key.

"The Fall of Nilda Priest" is one of the famous long task chains in Roddy's memory. The beginning of the task chain is the ring near the sewer. Of course, only the location of this ring is known to Roddy. No way to detect it. Fortunately, this mission also existed two years before the service, and Roddy chose to open this mission chain to achieve the purpose of entering the monastery. Now she has good luck and directly encountered Sally, but saved some things.

He just didn't know. Until she disappeared on the corner of the monastery outside, Sally stood behind the window on the second floor of the monastery, silently looking at his back, holding the soft armor shirt in her arms without saying a word.

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