Demon Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 499: Calculate

Tasman, St. Karen.

Because it is located to the west of the Karen Kingdom, when the light of the morning light illuminates the territory of Everta, the territory of the kingdom of the dead is still in the darkness before dawn.

The suppressed blackness spreads all around, and the moist moat flows slowly. The palace "Audemanius" looked dark and abnormal in the pale lighting of the torch. The well-equipped Imperial City Guards routinely walked through the corridors, and the sound of armor collisions made the place even more empty and silent.

After a complex pattern of metal gates, Augustine, the monarch of the Dead Country, was sitting in his large study room, reading dozens of documents overnight.

Undead and human [pig] [pig] [island] novels like www.huhu.m need "sleep", but the sleep of undead is to supplement and enhance the spirit of the dead in the body- The "breath" disappeared, and the life of the undead came to an end.

Unless the talents are different, the growth of most undead's strength is extremely slow, and most of the undead have failed to advance to the next level after accumulating for hundreds of years. It took more than four hundred years to reach today even if the stunning talent is as gorgeous as Augustine the Great.

Therefore, the undead in history rarely provoke war, but like to secretly weaken and destroy the strength of "neighbors." Every undead is clear: if the cost of a war exceeds its tolerance, humans may be able to recover in decades, but Tasman needs hundreds of years to rest.

"Only short-lived races like fights that have never been played ..."

Looking at the evaluation report on the internal contradictions of the Karen Kingdom, Augustine the Emperor commented lightly and put the parchment paper on the desk.

But at this moment, a sudden throbbing kept him in shape!

Two gray flames ignited in the gray pupil, and then the flame gradually weakened and extinguished as if blown by a strong wind, and what followed ... was the intense pain from the soul.


The documents that hadn't left their hands burst instantly under the twisted force, and the fragments were scattered all over the place. Augustine closed his eyes tightly, struggling to suppress the breath that he wanted to explode-he can't show any strangeness now, or the nobles of the parliament will ruthlessly destroy all the next plans once they find out ...

"Failed? How could it be ..."

The pain of the disappearance of the soul incarnates his whole body like a knife cut. Under this kind of pain, ordinary people may directly break down and dissipate the soul, but Augustine forcibly suppresses himself, even the guards and guards outside the study have not found a trace of the same.

For ten minutes, Augustine stood at the desk like a sculpture without saying a word, only his hands were shaking slightly. He didn't open his eyes slowly until the pain gradually subsided.

The sharing of consciousness made him understand what happened to his "incarnation" in the Karen Kingdom. The anger in his heart suddenly rose, but then he was forced to suppress it. In the face of the failure of the plan, the monarch relied on his powerful heart. Even the superfluous expressions didn't show up.

failure? This is just a game that can be abandoned at any time.

Want to find a place? Find a chance ... Just open another plate.

The life of the undead determines Augustine's strong resistance to stress, so even if he is angry again, he knows how to vent.

However, a lot of other information brought by this failure has a little bit of worry in Augustin's mind.

With a wave of hand to clear the file fragments, the undead monarch blinked slowly, and after the flames in his pupils disappeared, he strode to the bookshelf with numerous books and chanted a spell.

"Overlapping Time and Space", "Eye of the Dead", "Gaze of Death".

After opening three high-rank prohibitions in succession, it seems that there is an extra row of books on the bookshelf. Augustine's fingertips traversed the spine of his spine, and he eventually pulled out a bulky, dark tomb.

The cover did not have any handwriting, but the complicated pattern caused a chaotic and mad mood to haunt my heart, and there seemed to be some whispers in my ears.

If Augustine hadn't heard it, he opened the pages forged in sterling silver and glanced over the handwriting that no one had ever seen.

"Slayer hunter ..."

"This ... this turned out to be their private action?"

By the campfire's bonfire, Duke Sally's eyes widened and her face was incredible: "The number of wolf cavalry is more than three hundred. This is at least all the armed forces of a large tribe!"

Not only Sally, in most people's impressions, the orc tribe is always loosely structured. Medium and large tribes such as "Rohar's Hammer" are also very difficult to gather four hundred wolf cavalry. If Rodi is not impressed with Godal, I am afraid that everyone thinks it is a chief who is "leaving the army" .

The living orc prisoners of war were interrogated by Roddy, but these guys who knew they had no way of life had little energy but little brain. Obviously, their IQ could not understand what the "super tribe" meant. The scattered information let Sally Etc. quite confused.

However, Roddy can basically guess what happened through the "memory". So looking at the nobles around him, Roddy thought for a moment, and said, "From their performance, there should have been a drastic change in the orc kingdom."

"I am afraid that the scattered tribes have begun to integrate on a large scale. So many wolf cavalry are just a‘ recon troop ’that set off on their own. It proves that the number of orc troops is far beyond our imagination. Perhaps the total number has exceeded 20,000.”

He looked up and slowly said, "In other words, the war ... is about to begin."


Catherine and each of the more than a dozen surviving aristocrats face each other. Humans haven't experienced war for too long. Before, they thought that "war" was a trifle between the nobles. But after that night, the tragic reality had made them completely sober-- Just a few hundred orc wolf cavalry brought countless losses to the kingdom. Looking at the corpses of villagers who died innocently and were "resurrected" around them, everyone felt chills on their backs.

"Report commander ..."

Some soldiers came to report the casualties. Rodi did not avoid it. He looked up at the nobles and the bishop of the "Rose Cross", and let the other party report the numbers directly.

The final casualty result was not optimistic. In the pre-dawn battle, the appearance of the Augustine avatar made the casualty number much larger than expected. Three members of the "Dragongun Knights" were killed, four barbaric heavy infantry died, and follow-up A total of 29 people from the noble personal soldiers and the Rose Cross troops rushed over, including three nobles-nearly a hundred people who were seriously injured and slightly injured were in stable condition after treatment, but this team is obviously not much at present Combat effectiveness.

Roddy had no expression on his face, but in his heart he couldn't help cursing: "Augustine, a bone scum, wait for Laozi to take revenge!"

"At least most people have survived, huh, as long as you can safely evacuate to the nearest fortress ..."

The next viscount touched the bandage on his face and sighed softly.

But after he said it, he found that everyone around him was looking at himself.

"Viscount Mosso, I'm afraid you're exhausted," Sally shook her head. "One night is enough for Senna to 'tell the situation' to the fortresses around. Now our status is 'treason', which fortress do you think will be The 'treason' opened its doors? "

"This ... he ..."

Viscount Mosso was speechless and wanted to refute, but as a nobleman, he was not slow-minded, and after a little thought, he realized that this was indeed a plight of others and others. He looked around at the other nobles who were involved, and whispered, "If we say we just escaped the hunt of the orcs—"

"Viscount Mosso, don't be fanciful!"

Catherine interrupted him rudely: "Even if you run down to Senna and kneel down to lick his boots to show loyalty, do you think he will believe you?"

"Since he has the courage to murder and stigmatize a duke, do you think they are really afraid of us lords?"

"In order to stay alive, you have to be the meat on that chopping board? Rather than holding such a fluke ... it is better to fight directly to death last night!"

It seemed that she had touched the pain in her heart, and Catherine's mood seemed a little excited. The two old nobles around her hurriedly held her and whispered comfort. Viscount Moso also knew the pros and cons, and dare not to argue, and no longer spoke.

Although the words are fierce, Catherine's words are true: Although the threat of the orcs and the undead has temporarily disappeared, it is Senna and the royal family behind him that really make people's throats!

Even if these nobles knew that they did not have "treason", if Senna worked properly, "treason" would likely become a "fact" in the eyes of others.

"Then where do we go from ... is the team running out of course now?"

"It's no use relying on speculation. I have sent someone to investigate the situation around you. You can rest assured and recover your energy. Everything will be discussed when there is news."

Roddy is now a thorough leader. No one will question what he said. Nobles nodded and then dispersed. After a long day and a night of exhaustion, they really needed to rest.

"Erwin, split up some people and take them to the surrounding mines to collect food."


Hundreds of people's rations are not small numbers, and they can only be collected in the case of "It is difficult to return to the city". After being instructed to go down, Roddy covered the wound and sat down to rest.

The "Judgment of the Bone Throne" mission finally showed "completed", a huge experience reward of 6.72 million, two advanced talent points and three opportunities to strengthen skills automatically appeared.

However, after the task is completed, the subsequent prompts no longer appear. Obviously, this epic task has already completed a stage again. I do n’t know when the next step will be triggered.

Roddy looked at the prompts and thought, after thinking for a while, he did not immediately use these task rewards, but simply flipped through the skill bar.

"Skill Enhancement ..."

Rody saw the flashing description under each skill icon, and the light yellow text shows the effect of strengthening ~ ~ Generally speaking, it can roughly increase the effect of the skill itself by 30%-such as adding "Teng Yue" Distance, reduce the cooldown, increase the damage of "Ning Shen Strike" and the like.

The reward for strengthening skills in the impression will only occasionally appear in high-level rare tasks, and the opportunity is extremely rare-but with Roddy's vision and experience, if you casually use this opportunity to "jump", "strengthen a blow" Such skills are definitely a waste.

It does not need to occupy the rune position, does not need to change the fighting posture, and it is completely strengthened, so it is basically the most suitable "core skill" for each profession-and at the current level of Roddy, he does not yet have this level of skills .

Especially after advancing to the legal profession of "Elemental Summoner", there are hundreds or thousands of skills for Roddy to choose from. At this time, these three opportunities will be left for later ...

"The orcs haven't fully called yet, but this country has collapsed ... it was unexpected."

Thinking of the difficulties now facing, Roddy whispered a sigh of emotion, but instead of being half cowardly and concealed, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Since you both like calculating, I'll accompany you for a round."

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