Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 511: 1 shot in person!

() The trip by Houdini and Rashiman's mission was actually not an "official visit" in terms of procedures.

Taking into account the royal family's face, Houdini did not tell others that this was "a friendly visit from the Kingdom of Rasiman to Elsen City in the Eiffel Territory", but instead asked Melincela to write a letter in advance, Visit in the name of "Friend Visit". This method is very smooth, that is, taking care of Charles II's self-esteem and achieving his purpose ... but Houdini was afraid that the owner of the city of Elson was very busy, and most of the information was given to Camilla To deal with it, but the letter that Melinthera visited was in a private name, and said "Roddy's Revelation", Camilla would definitely not open it as a public property.

So until now, no one at Roddy or the entire city of Elsen knew the news that the mission was approaching. So when Houdini's team strayed into the "magic experiment area" from the southwest, neither side realized their situation ...

After the first magic alert sentry was removed, Merlin Sera, who was sitting in the rear carriage, also stood up and looked around, but after thinking about it, she sat back-after all, the team was still more than 30 away from Elson City at this time. There is a dense forest in the middle of a kilometer. Even the shadow of the city wall is invisible. From any angle, there is nothing to worry about, maybe as Houdini judged ... this sentry is only used to scare the beast.

With this in mind, the team continued to move forward. What was unexpected was that after gradually entering the forest area, the sharp whistle of the "magic alert" began to sound more and more frequently around the convoy.

There is no need for Houdini to handle this kind of thing. The other magicians accompanying the team will naturally do it for themselves-at first they will quickly cut off the sound of the magic sentry by their own means. In the future, they will even directly destroy the stand without waiting for the trigger. Magic slate by the road ...

Houdini's brows grew deeper and deeper, because from the facts he saw before, he had confirmed that the level of the mage who made these mages in Elson City was really low-yes, only "low" can be used to describe, law The mage that depicts such a bad level in the array will not be accepted by the lowest level magic school in the Kingdom of Rathman!

"If Elson is at this level, it would still be disappointing ..."

At this time Houdini was obviously a little lost. He came with a learning and admiration mentality, but at present it seems that even the magicians raised by the royal family can't match it. The occasional whistle sounded as if to laugh at some of his vague expectations. Floating technology has always been the most difficult problem for Rahman's magic. If this problem is solved by himself, then all the humiliations that have been suffered have been It will be swept away, and those who make themselves suffer will be stepped on their feet ...

But now it seems that I still think too much.

Hudini sighed with a sense of enthusiasm, and found that the carriage suddenly stopped.

"Master Houdini, a village is found ahead."

Someone came to report, this news did not surprise Houdini, after all, there are villages outside the city is normal, so he waved: "Come and don't alarm them."

"But ... sir, it doesn't look right here."

"What do you mean?"

Houdini was still immersed in disappointment, and his words were not very polite: "What's wrong with the village, complete? Is it possible to jump out of Warcraft to attack us?"

"No, no, sir, we found ... it didn't seem to be an ordinary village--"

The mage bowed his head while explaining and handed a wooden sign out of the carriage. Houdini stared at it, reached out to take it, and found a line of hastily written handwriting: "Elsen City Magic Test Zone".

Here is a huge row of scarlet words: "Don't come near!".

This thing is obviously a work of a hurry. There are white stubble on the wooden sign that has just been cut for a long time. The ink on it is very clear, even with some humidity. Houdini sniffed close to it, and he could smell cheap ink. Unique odor.

A lot of doubts popped into his mind, and he immediately realized that things didn't seem as simple as he thought. Putting down the wooden sign, he got up and walked out of the carriage, and looked forward for a few seconds before he noticed the anomaly here: the village in front of him was too quiet, but he was not half popular!

Meilin Sera also got out of the carriage and looked at the village in front of her, and said, "This village has problems. These buildings have just been built and have not been used."

She had very good eyesight, so she just glanced and raised her finger a few hundred meters away, saying: "There is also a cone-shaped array there. If you guessed it, it is arranged to record the impact force ... I think No other village would put this at the mouth of the village? "

In addition to the ordinary guards, there were five mages in the accompanying group. They looked at each other and obviously felt that this was quite wrong. So they collectively looked at Houdini, with a view to achieving the result—the latter was not nonsense, and immediately chanted the spell and threw three golden shells. However, after the successful release of the spell of “benefit from evil”, Houdi Ney's face darkened immediately.

Because these three shells even cracked on the spot!

In prophetic spells, this sign represents the current danger of the caster.

"Damn ..." Houdini didn't question the results of the spell. At this time, his decisive demonstrator revealed: "Everyone goes back! Get out of here now!"


While talking, everyone heard the slight vibration from a distance. They looked up and found that a dense blue rune emerged from the floating tower floating in the air ...

"this is…"

Houdini fixed his eyes and tried to make judgments from the shapes and transformations of those runes, but had to give up because he was too far away to recognize them. At this point, he didn't have time to cast "Eagle Eye" and had to continue to let his men start to evacuate-but Melincela, who stood aside, looked up, and suddenly reached out his finger to: "There is something!"

Needless to say, everyone saw a faint arc trajectory in the sky. It seemed that something suddenly popped up from the floating tower, and then fell over a distance of dozens of kilometers—


The trace of this light nearly passed the lightning when approaching, and fell directly at a distance of one kilometer from the convoy. The dull impact sound could be heard from a long distance, and then a rising black smoke rose.

Neither Houdini nor Melincela are fools. The wizards are also not stupid. They think of the signs that read "Magic Test Area" and then see the scene in front of them. They quickly realize why they are staying in the area. To be warned "Do not approach" ...

I didn't have much time to think about it. The sound of the second collision had come-this time, everyone could see that a large swath of sand suddenly emerged from the open space only three hundred meters away from the carriage, and then started to spray black smoke upwards.

"that's it?"

Houdini looked at the falling dirt, the original tension was slightly relaxed-this attack range is far enough, but if the so-called "magic experiment" power is just that, it is really disappointing.

Don't talk about yourself, the young mages who are traveling can easily handle it.

Is that dark mist toxic?

Thinking of this possibility, Houdini still uneasily released a large range of "air cleaning enchantment", but the immediate urgency was also obviously relaxed a lot.

"What the **** is this guy ..."

Melinzela doesn't know Roddy like everyone else, she knows that this guy always seems to be able to tinker with some incomprehensible miracles. So she always thought that staying here was not a good idea. As she was thinking about how to deal with it, the third impact sounded in the center of the village in front, and the black smoke rose, she faintly saw a figure standing on the floating tower in the distance.

"Master, Lord, calibration is complete!"

"Oh, then fire with live ammunition."

Where did Roddy want to get someone in the test area? She was not in the mood to observe if there was anyone near the village. After seeing the "calibration bomb" to confirm the location, he directly recited the start spell.

Suddenly, the sixteen legal array nodes below the city of Elsen suddenly lighted up, followed by a beam of light, accurately projected directly below the floating tower.

Energy gathers, transforms, condenses, and releases.


The "cannonballs" that popped out were brighter than the previous rounds, and brought a very gorgeous white ripple in the air-that is, the "element retention" phenomenon in the wizard's mouth, usually only struck in extremely powerful energy bodies. Space time.

"Yuan ... elements stuck ?!"

Houdini, who was leaving the team to turn around, saw this scene, and his brain suddenly had a short gap. Because in this wizard's impression, "Elemental Retention" has only appeared in spells at the forbidden level, but now ... this thing seems to be flying towards itself?

He suddenly realized that Rasiman seemed to have enjoyed peace for too long, and he would underestimate the sign of "fortune avoiding evil" because of his mental slackness!

"This bastard!"

Melincela cursed aside, but she was ready to respond immediately after some mental preparation—she did not cast the protection enchantment, but three consecutive "ground subsidence techniques" caused the soil beneath the team to sink into a More than a meter!

"Yes! Ground Trap! Hurry!"

Houdini was not a combat mage, so his first reaction was to cast the protection enchantment, but after seeing Melinthera ’s move, he realized that this was the correct way to deal, so he shouted and cast immediately A "strengthening ground depression"-and just as several other mages supplemented the cast, there was a loud noise in the sky in front of the team!


The flying "53" shell blasted off less than a hundred meters from the ground ~ ~ Countless fragments bombarded the village below at a faster speed ...

The 20-cm-diameter artillery shell directly split the killing area to a radius of about 100 meters by splitting the fragments. And this humble fragment actually condenses the energy of at least thirty standardized magic crystals in Elson City, so when they released energy in a chain explosion, the village suffered a devastating blow directly.

The sound of blasts continued, and the whole ground seemed to shake violently with the explosion. Shock waves, wood fragments in the village, dirt, stones, and surrounding broken trees swept over the convoy along with the heat wave, almost Buried them in the blink of an eye ...

When ten minutes later, a group of mages crawled out of the soil like mud monkeys, there was no other thought in their minds.

"Live, cough, it's so good to live ..."

A mage coughed with tears in his eyes, because when he crawled out of the depression caused by the "ground depression", he found that the village just in front of him had become a flat black ground! Mobile users please visit

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