Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 514: Fraud


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 514 Fraud

The assembly line operation of the arsenal is obviously a product of exceeding the times, not only the Karen Kingdom, but also the current Rathman Kingdom. This kind of extremely efficient production method has not appeared-you must know that in this era, the good weapons always look only at The smithy's sign didn't ring, depending on the craftsmanship of a master blacksmith.

Houdini could not help but come up with the names of Rahman's famous blacksmiths. However, even the most famous "Melger" Demans, it can be efficient to have three boutiques all year round. He leaned closer to pick up the tomahawk in front of him, only to find that he could only lift the axe with enough strength-he was startled by the horrible weight and could not help looking at Roddy.

"This is the weapon provided to the elite troops. It naturally weighs more than a normal long sword."

He had clearly instructed the display of the arsenal, but at this time just made a gesture, and not far away came a group of barbarian soldiers with a large body and a good armor.

"Master City Lord!"

The voice of Erwin, headed by him, brought ten of his tribe to salute in front of Roddy. Although there were only eleven of them, the barbaric soldiers wearing Mithril enchanted armor gave these Rashiman mages an inexplicable expression. Sense of oppression-because their average height is only to the chest of these barbarian soldiers ...

Roddy snapped his fingers, and Irving took off the tomahawk he used lightly. This axe is obviously the same as the product on the assembly line, with a slight magic wave on the surface. At a glance, the magician at the scene can see that it has a low-level "reinforcement" enchantment. Although it sounds not as powerful as "yangyan" or "icy", Houdini screamed for it. eye.

In real wars, the "reinforcement" enchantment can greatly extend the life of the weapon, so that soldiers no longer have to worry about the maintenance and repair of weapons. With this enchantment, it proves that Roddy is really ready to put these soldiers on the battlefield. Ready!

This group of people was born for war, and they are fundamentally different from those of the royal family who pull out their ceremonies.

Houdini could not help thinking about the appearance of thousands of such soldiers on the battlefield-and then involuntarily fought a cold war.

With such arsenals, as long as there are enough ore, the penetration rate of armor and weapons is not a problem at all. In an era in which most wars rely on farmers' "part-time" participation, the consequences of owning such troops are self-evident.

Roddy pretended not to see Houdini's frowning expression, smiled and continued to take the mage to shuttle through the arsenal. After passing through the "armor pipeline", Roddy stopped at a gate and shrugged: " The latter content is basically related to strategic weapons. I am afraid that we will not be able to visit you for the time being. "

The word "temporary" is imaginative, and Houdini could not help but clenched his fist under the robe-Rodi obviously said this to him: Want to see? Yes, come back with some chips!

In fact, Houdini no longer hesitated to make this deal at the moment. He was thinking more about Raciman's political situation ... Now these things shocked him so much that he just took a few things and went back. Enough to greatly enhance his status in the kingdom. But how to do it actually faces extremely difficult choices.

He is not the King of Rahman, he wants to get more, he has to pay more, and even to take out his accumulated wealth for many years ...

He was previously promoted as a ambassador to Rasiman, which was actually the result of the defeat of Houdini's political struggle. After a few efforts, he was disappointed in his career and failed to enter the core circle of power in the parliament. The upper level gave him this to “palace” him. A task that went across the field to refuel for oil and water killed things.

But how could Houdini be willing? He dreamed of stepping on those political opponents under his feet, but only woke up to the dangling porthole.

Now that the opportunity for salted fish to turn around is in front of him, what is he hesitating?

After the tour of the arsenal is a tour of Pashaar's magic tower that allows a mage to hold his breath-after taking over the city, the internal structure of the magic tower has been renewed, whether it is a glamorous laboratory or those esoteric and obscure. The moire pattern made Houdini and others like dead head geese with a stick, and opened their mouths for a long time.

However, this does not mean that the magic tower at the core of Elson will be completely open to them. Roddy just took them around the first floor of the magic tower to announce the end of the visit. The wolf of the year went round in front of the roast lamb, and then said, "Let's go, let's go ..."

Mage Rasiman turned his eyes to Hu (Neh, the begging intention on his face was undisguised, but the latter frowned, without any objection, and followed Roddy to end this time without saying a word. tour.

The atmosphere of the team was a little silent and depressed, but Roddy was still smiling and very calm.

At dinner, Houdini directly asked to sit with Rodie alone at the table. After the first toast, he unfolded all his hole cards in front of Rodi without reservation. The resources that can be used for trading talked to Roddy one by one, and even added "private goods" in his own collection:

"I took everything I could, and I took it if I couldn't, so ... this is my sincerity."

Without using any negotiating skills or bluffing, Houdini's performance at this moment and his full presence in the presence of the royal family show two extremes.

"Master Houdini makes a lot of sense."

Roddy poured a glass of red wine for Houdini, with a faint smile on his face, but the boss breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he had made the right decision in a hurry!

Of course, I ’ve heard of classic diplomatic cases before crossing, and I ’ve seen pigs run without eating pork, so today ’s light and light “tour” seems to be simple, but in fact he has tried his best to “cheat” the other party A hand!

Why do you say "fraud"? Because Roddy used the way of introduction to tell the truth, Hudini misjudged the current level of Elson City. In other words, the prophecy mage didn't realize that many of the buildings were not opened because Roddy's current city level was not enough-perhaps because of excessive awe in his heart after being bombarded by Roddy, he put the current level 9 only. Elson City is directly regarded as Level 17 in its heyday, and there is no doubt at all!

You must know that the gap between the 8 levels is completely different in terms of city size and technology level.

It was precisely because of the incompetence of being crushed by "magic technology" that Houdini immediately lost the courage to negotiate on an equal footing at the beginning and directly acknowledged that he was in a weak position in the negotiation!

With this scene, Roddy knows that what he can gain next will far exceed previous estimates.

"About everything Elson can offer your country ..."

At the main table, Roddy and Houdini had a good talk. At first Houdini frowned, but as the topic deepened, he finally began to toast frequently and even laughed—this scene naturally fell to the mage around. In the eyes of Camilla, Akasha, and Melinthella, it is clear that the cooperation between the two parties has started very well.

Camilla was the one who assisted Roddy in her layout. At this time, there was some unexplainable excitement in her heart, but she frowned slightly when she set her eyes on Melindra. Fortunately, the two were sitting far away. The sense of vigilance was not noticed by Merlin Sera, who tasted the food with a generous smile. From time to time, he talked with Akasha who was sitting with him. comfortable.

The banquet lasted until late at night, and the mages of Rasiman saw Hudini drinking happily, and naturally relaxed and returned one by one. And after Roddy sent Houdini away, he finally sighed in an armchair. At this time Camilla had returned to deal with government affairs. Neffi was unable to participate in the banquet because of her identity and age. Akasha was holding a hangover. The drink gave Roddy a glass upside down, but helplessly, Roddy had a very poor drink. Although he tried to stay awake, he had stuttered:

"What did you just ask?"

"I ask you ... can such a thing get drunk?"

Her body was completely different from human beings, so there was no concept of "drunk". At this moment, she raised a glass of red wine and asked in a playful tone.

It's ridiculous. In fact, Melinzela is more curious. After all, Roddy has always been calm and calm in her impressions. Now, this kind of unresponsive and confused Roddy is really new to her. The Dragons were not curious if they were curious ... If Akasha was not there, she would have been up and pinching and dragging to see how Roddy reacted.

"Allergic ... a little allergic ..."

Lydia replied with her eyes closed in the back of the armchair, but apparently no one understood what "allergy" meant. Melinzel only treated him as nonsense, anyway, she didn't care what Roddy answered. Chatting, and at a certain moment, when she talked about Roddy's previous experience, she suddenly asked: "Yes, you said that Pakalo City was completely hidden by the undead? So what are you going to do? "


Roddy opened his eyes sharply. The word seemed to wake him up a lot. His bloodshot eyes narrowed and husky said, "I, but I'm vengeful, these bones are scum, very fast. Will be liquidated. "

"Liquidation? How can it be liquidated? Can you still find the past?"

Melinzela didn't believe it. She turned her lips away and turned to look at her, but found that Roddy had fallen asleep in Akasha's arms-the power of red wine was too strong, and Roddy did not resist.

"I take care of him first to rest."

Akasha smiled apologetically, called the servant to help Roddy back to the bedroom, and the hall was quieted down very quickly. The city of Elson in the night had a mysterious beauty because of the faint light of the French array. However, Melinella on the armchair felt inexplicably indifferent, and it seemed that without Rody to accompany her to chat, everything around it became unattractive.

This strange mood swing left her scratching her head, looking up at the night outside the window, and Mai Linse stretched his hands and rubbed his cheeks, and a slightly distressed voice echoed in the living room—

"What's wrong…"

Across the dark night, from the city of Elson to the north, as the vision passed through the dense forest and the ridge of Gondola, a figure was walking in the darkness in the dark forest path.

He was dressed in a uniform, no different from a fugitive refugee. His skinny figure walked along and wobbled. If he was faint in the moonlight, he could see that his skin was pale and lifeless.

Obviously, this is an undead.

He had a short sword at his waist ~ ~ Although it was just ordinary ironware, he could see that his master had maintained it. Halfway through the road, the undead suddenly stopped and walked over a distance of five meters like a teleportation, skillfully hiding his body behind a giant tree.

Seven meters away, a patrol with a torch walked across the forest path. There are four normal humans in the patrol!

They seemed to be struggling with the figure of a widow, but were unaware of the undead hiding nearby. The undead, after hiding a few breaths (walking forward, walked in the direction of the patrol team-not too far, he came to a prosperous village and town, and the figure disappeared into the shadow of the building.

This is a seemingly normal village. The barking of chickens and dogs breaks the silence from time to time. Occasionally, the children of a farmer's house can cry.

But what's abnormal is ... this is the Kingdom of Tasman, the kingdom of the dead.

In such a weird situation, the vision of the elven ranger Nata was taken back from the patrol in the distance, and then she leapt to the side, and the whole person disappeared into the night silently.

After a while, there was an extra figure flying in the night sky, but the sleeping kingdom was unaware.

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