Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 518: Unsheath


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 518 Unsheathing

Fighting in the northwest of Everta quickly strained the entire territory, and as smoke erupted along the border, all peripheral villages began a "vertical wall clearing" operation. But when most people focused on the northern border, the territory on the southeast side of Everta was also lit with smoke ...

"Kill! Kill them all!"

The big-faced man on the warhorse yelled at the men who were looting in the village. While talking, he wielded a sharp blade in his hand, and a villager who was too late to dodge was immediately chopped to the ground.

"It's worth grabbing as much as you want! As long as you can take it, don't leave it! Women play whatever they want! Hahaha!"

The wanton laughter echoed in the air, causing an excited howl. Even on the spot, someone jumped off the horse, slashed the men who tried to resist, dragged the struggling village woman to the house next to it-more and more blood was spilled on the ground, and gradually, the whole village became quiet. Down, only the fire under the billowing black smoke wiped out all traces.

"This is a lot of robbing!"

"Haha, the girl you grabbed is really good! How about I trade mys for you?"

"No, I keep it by myself! Whoever robs me and who is anxious!"

More than a dozen gangsters in different styles of leather armor brought together war horses or "loots" and loudly showed off their gains-yes, they are a group of "sounding horses" wandering in the wilderness and looting for a living.

Speaking of which, "Sound Horses" appear more frequently in the northwest of Everta, and their equipment is often tattered. Even many bandits' weapons are nailed wooden sticks. They came and went like the wind. Most of them robbed the village in the name of "borrowing food", but rarely did they commit such atrocities as killing the whole village, because once they did, it meant that they were on the wanted list List, it won't be long before the fortress knights hold their heads in exchange for titles and rewards.

But now these more than 20 gangsters are brazenly burning and looting, and don't care if they will be wanted.

They were originally just a group of bandits who dared to stop the road to fight the autumn winds. Until a month ago, they were brought together by the "boss" and five powerful deputies. Then they quickly became the most powerful nearby. One of the imperious ringing horses. Before today, they had ransacked three villages and killed more than 130 innocent villagers, including even children and the elderly.

At first they were still hesitating whether they should raise a butcher knife to the innocent, but after all habits, killing became a natural act of drinking water and eating.

Alfred's forces are mainly hoarded in the northwest, and nobles in the southeast are mostly killed or injured because of spring hunting by orcs, so they can't organize troops to clear them. For various reasons, these gangsters have become more arrogant ...

At this time, the gangsters after the village slaughtered one by one, and blew their cowhide loudly while drinking, which had a kind of pride that could not be beaten in the world. But when the men enjoyed the spoils, the strong man who was the leader of the gang did not follow the carnival. He narrowed his eyes and wrote a short secret letter with charcoal before the bonfire. After rolling it up, he inserted it into a letterbox with a magic seal and seemed to hand it to the deputy who was always following him.

"Tell Master Milnor that Hans is waiting for further instructions."

His deputy nodded and took the letterbox, shoved it into the inside pocket of the wallet, silently passed through the loudly laughing gangsters, stepped on the horse, and disappeared into the darkening night.

However, within two days, the contents of the letter were placed on the table of Charles II, the emperor of the Karen kingdom, under the elaborate vocabulary decoration of Count Milno.

"This guy has a lot of preparation."

Charlie II took a look with a smile and was very satisfied with the actions of Earl Milnor: After Everta used various means to make an "independent" gesture, Milnor's series of economic sanctions have gradually come into effect. effect. Especially after learning that the orc's vanguard has begun to attack, this "backyard fire" behavior will certainly make Sally's head burned and lose her prestige quickly ...

In Charles II's view, the fall of Everta under the orc offensive is only a matter of time. It is undoubtedly pleasant to use this method to accelerate her failure against her.

As for the civilians who died innocently, who cares if their lives are worthless?

He turned around and stared around the map of Everta on the desk for a long time. It seemed that he had seen the orcs go straight ahead, and in his mind made various plans for negotiating with the orcs-yes, "negotiation".

The orcs must have been unable to continue their aggression after eating Everta. Charles II believed that ... he only needed to let the Karen royal army directly push up, and the exhausted orcs had no choice but to accept the truce ...

Properly done, Charles II thought he could easily regain Everta without even having to rush up to fight. Such means have emerged endlessly in history. All that is needed is proper operation and an excellent opportunity.

"Then all we have to do now is sit down and watch a good show."

Charles II's mouth was slightly tilted, and he waved his hands on the housekeeping channel: "Tonight's theater should be Cassia singing" The Fall of Slovenia "? Arrange it, I want to enjoy it up close."

The latter responded quickly and drove a group of attendants to prepare. The magnificent palace's atmosphere is cozy, and even a sense of relief, which is the opposite of the tense situation of Everta, thousands of miles away.



With the help of two recruits, Davian removed the enchanted breastplate encrusted with the magic crystal, reached out and wiped the sweat of his head, and sat on the haystack beside the school yard with a butt, waving his hand: "Okay, go. Break up your own. "

"Yes, sir!"

The two recruits stood saluting, and then helped each other to take off their fine iron armor.

This is the Par collar in the middle of Ivta, the territory of Baron Soderol. Unlike other lord estates, Soderlor's "manor" is actually more suitable as a "training base". Because most members of the "Dragongun Knights" are here, conduct comprehensive training and teaching for the expanded new soldiers and cavalry.

The existence of the Par collar is extremely special. Except for the self-use of the city ’s troops, the rest of the sophisticated equipment built by Elson City is supplied here first-ordinary soldiers are equipped with fine iron armor, and dragon lancers are equipped with magic chests. I'm afraid I can't see the situation in Karen Kingdom. Not only that, the most advanced cavalry regiments have even begun to use the "Enchanted Crossbow" using "explosive crossbow arrows", and even the tip of the lance has been replaced with the enchanted weapon strengthened by Thorium, from a single "piercing" damage Transformed into range "shock" damage.

This allows them to match the power of excellent warhorses with heavy tanks. Compared with the common cavalry regiment, they seem to be the arms of two eras.

And David, lying on the haystack at this moment, was one of the earliest scouts who followed Roddy's battle. The young warrior who used to have unstable swords has now become a powerful dragon gun knight and the captain of the twelve recruit squad. He sat on the haystack and summoned the recruits in front of them what they needed to correct during the exercise. Then he waved his hand: "Okay, there is no task this afternoon. You take care of your horses and rest."

"Yes, sir!"

The intensity of the exercise is actually very high, and serious injuries often occur. Unless the priest of the Rose Cross is always on standby, no one would dare to fight at such a high loss rate for practical exercises. However, the effect of this is very obvious: those recruits who have never been on the battlefield have been a bit of "professional soldiers" under the "torture" for two consecutive months. Regarding strength and adaptability to war, I am afraid that it is more than several times stronger than the scout team initially led by Roddy.

But even so, these recruits who have not really experienced the war are a little embarrassed after all.

"Roy? Hanson? Are you still back? Are you planning to stay with the guys in the loser group to practice more?"

David took off the gloves weaved with a small piece of dragon scales, carefully placed them, and looked up at the two team members who were left. "Why, what do you want to say?"

The two recruits were one of the two best performers in the team, and they were also the deputy captains in David An's heart, but at this time they did not have the self-confidence during the charge, and their eyes flickered a little: "Sir-Chief, we heard Orcs are coming ... "

Davidan stood up, stretched his arms and stretched his arms. "What's wrong with the orcs? Do you think that the formation of our exercises is for the personal soldiers of the noble masters?"

He sneered dismissively: "Just the kind of waste, it's enough for you to go up and chop ten each, okay?"

Although David didn't have an Orc, he said that he inexplicably increased the confidence of the two recruits, and when he spoke again, he didn't have the previous crunch: "But ... we have never fought the Orcs after all. I heard ... I heard they were Strong. "

David didn't answer his question, just smiled, turned his head and shouted at another Dragonknight not far away: "Otal, when we were scouts in Nolan Village, how many orcs did you kill?"

"Fourteen were hacked in those two months. At the time, Ruger was still ridiculed that he was not half of him."

Ottal is tall and has a scar on his face. He seems to be a little sorry when he speaks. "It's not as good as anyone. Ruger's knife is much better than mine."

David turned to the other side and shouted, "Hal, how many did you hack when you hunted the orcs in March?"

"It can't be compared with Ottar. The wolf cavalry is not easy to chase. I have only seven dead from beginning to end."

Hal was wiping the cavalry knife with a faint blue light on his cloth, and he did not raise his head when he spoke.

"So ... you think the orcs are strong?"

Davidan looked back and looked at the two recruits: "So what's so powerful about the orcs I don't realize."

The two immediately stood up, and the recruits behind them also stopped, and the anxiety that had lingered in their hearts had completely dissipated at this moment, and they looked at each other in an uplifting spirit.

David smiled, and was about to leave, but suddenly his gaze was fixed, and he was saluting almost like a conditioned reflex.

Not far away, Soderlor, wearing Thorium armor, strode in everyone's sight.

There are obvious keel covering marks on his armor chest, and the long sword at the waist radiates a powerful magic breath that everyone can perceive even in the scabbard, but what most surprised the soldiers is that Soderol himself has Strong momentum.

His swordsmanship seems to go even further now ~ ~ you can feel the incomparable ambition at a glance.

There were more than three hundred human soldiers and barbarian infantry in the school ground. The noisy sound after the end of the exercise disappeared as soon as Soderlor stepped into the school ground. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the soldier's leather boots colliding.

"Stop it."

Soderlor stopped, his voice was not loud but clear: "The battle plan was issued in the afternoon, and all the teams in the plan are ready tonight and set off tomorrow."

He looked around for a week, and drew his sword softly: "You, Everta's blade, are ready to unsheath."

I have been busy with all kinds of things these days, and I must be coding when I have time, but if I do n’t have time, then I ca n’t really change it. But the frequency is much faster than before, right? : -d

Urge more welcome to Qunli, [Rodi's Hearthstone Driver Brigade: 239443128]


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