Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 519: Solution


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 519 The Solution

The two major forces, the undead and the orc, have been in friction with Everta one after another. The war is like a cloud flowing from the sky, letting people nearby feel the danger. Those who can be far away, but always have an optimistic mentality of the onlookers, believe that such a war will never burn themselves.

Charles II was very pleased with the experience of Everta, and Roddy stared at the "new task" before him, distressed by the solution to the crisis at hand.

[Judgment of the Bone Throne]

"Finally, your victory over and over has completely annoyed the owner of the Throne of the Bone Throne. Now he will use all resources to eliminate all threats and crush the obstacles in front of him!

Stop him, defeat him! "

From the task description point of view, this should be the last step of the entire task. From Rody's previous experience of doing a series of tasks, the final step of the task is very difficult, and the duration and intensity will be more than the previous steps-but no matter how difficult it is, it means that the task hint is given. To have a chance of success. Judging by the handwriting of the "orange" task in front of him, this task is not "difficult" to the current "Prime Minister of the Cabinet", Roddy.

It's just that Roddy is clear that the difficulty of the task is only a one-sided description. Now the orcs and the royal family of the Karen Kingdom are attacking at the same time. If it is a multi-line battle, the difficulty of the task will naturally increase significantly.

But now there is no room for compromise in this task, and Roddy must grit his teeth and go up.

"It's a reward ... it's really a mission-specific style."

Gaze glanced at the mission reward below, Roddy couldn't help but sigh.

In addition to the 2.17 million reward experience value, "Basic Talent Points", "Advanced Professional Talent Points", "Rune Enhancement", and "Skill Enhancement" all show "Determine rewards based on task completion".

The mission also rewards epic-level equipment, and the number is astonishing, one each is a long sword, short sword, long bow, belt, necklace, and ring. The attribute and level also say "determine the reward based on the completion of the task."

The final step reward of the task is comparable to the sum of all previous step-by-step tasks. This is the main reason why countless people once wanted to take on a series of tasks. But they also ignored a cruel reality: most people couldn't even complete the task.

Roddy sighed, but turned to another task called "defending foreign invasion"-different from "Trial of the Bone Throne", this task is classified as "territorial task". It's strange because he also took a series of territorial missions before, but none of them involved "war". Most of them are trivial tasks such as "open the library and run for 15 days, reward the city with **** points". However, this task made Roddy have to look sideways:

"Successfully defending Elson City rewards: Unlock primary floating building construction authority."

It's like giving a dish of braised pork just made to a person who has been hungry for three days. After seeing these tasks rewarded, Rody has only one idea: I have to do this task!

Although Elson City has a lot of floating towers, they are all products of the high elves more than 700 years ago. Without drawings and guidance technology, I want to rely on the current group of human mages in Elson City. Floating towers are simply impossible-and once they have such technology, it will mean that Roddy takes a big step in air control!

In an era in which land battles dominate the absolute mainstream, air dominance means absolute initiative.

Roddy clenched his fist secretly ... These two tasks must be done as much as possible, because he knew that if Elson City could survive this crisis, no one would be able to stop it from taking off!

"Now that so many enemies are coming to trouble you, Roddy-are you sure you can survive?"

Merlin Sera's voice dragged Roddy back from fantasy to reality, and it also cooled the determination he had just ignited.

In the study room, Nata brought the orc and undead intelligence in order, waiting for Roddy to ask for details. Melincela sat and relaxed eating fruit on the wooden collapse, Camilla stood beside Roddy, waiting for him to give all orders for preparing for the war.

Akasha knew that she couldn't help, and she continued to practice spells like Neffi, so the room was quite quiet while Roddy was thinking.

Melincela raised a simple map hand-painted by Roddy curiously: "Three forces declare war on you at the same time, what are you going to do? Send troops and fight him back?"

"I'm sure I can do this if I can, but I can't support the active battle. I can fight once or twice, and I'll be ruined if I can't hit the third time."

Roddy shook his head. He had already done such calculations. After all, Everta's resources are not enough, and it is even more stretched after the royal family gets stuck in the food trade.

"Actually, Everta's current combat readiness work is already complete. If you only rely on the fortress and the city's defensive end, the orcs may not be able to do anything-they do not have enough siege equipment."

Camilla tries to analyze the situation. She is exposed to a large amount of intelligence every day, so she can say it with certainty.

"It's just that the orcs are definitely fine. That's what I originally planned. But if the undead interjected, the result would not be certain."

Roddy couldn't help recalling her past experience and sighed after a moment of loss: "The undead is like a beast that can infinitely mutate and reproduce rapidly. If you lock it up, once it is released, I'm afraid it can't even control it The direction of living development ... "

In the face of the sea of ​​skeletons and zombies, and the bones of the undead mage, the fall of any city is only a matter of time-Elson City may be able to stop it, but the entire Karen Kingdom who owns Elson City Defense level?

"Cobalt and gold cannot be lost, so this group of bones must not be allowed to cross the boundary." Roddy drew a line on the map's position of the Gondola Mountains, and at the same time clarified the strategic thinking, "Can't Let Houdini know the crisis I'm facing and resolve it as soon as possible, otherwise these things can't be hidden ... "

He brought together clues and inferences, stared at Everta's map, and slowly deduced what could happen-this is the biggest advantage of the rebirth in terms of information asymmetry.

"The battle of the undead is to snowball. Once they start to win, they will become more and more fierce. Until then no one can stop them ... and the orcs are the opposite. After their front three axes, they often start to fall into chaos. At this time, the trouble will be small. some…"

Roddy's eyes slowly moved away from the outer defense line of Everta, and he looked involuntarily towards the Tasman Empire.

"So-the solution is always in sight ..."

Numerous thoughts in his mind suddenly condensed into a light, let him breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked up and asked: "Nata, Tasman has been raining?"

Everyone in the room was embarrassed. Melinzel was almost choked by the fruit in her mouth: "Ah ... Rody, have you always been thinking like this?"

But when the words fell, she remembered the scene when she faced the incarnation of Platoulu. If it was not for the seemingly inexplicable instructions given by Roddy, I am afraid that she has become a sacrifice for the restoration of demigods ...

She realized this, and turned to look at Nata, who was still confused, and the latter answered sternly: "Yes, it has been rainy since I crossed the Gondola Mountains, and there is almost no rain."

"now it's right…"

Roddy narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth, which had always been rigid, finally rose slightly.


"Chief warrior! My warriors can't wait, why can't they attack the weak humans now?"

"Great Chief, as long as the Wolf Cavalry is rushing out now, aren't those villages still in the bag? We can take them down first, and we can alleviate the burden on food!"

The noise was endless, but Sauron, riding a wolf, looked cold and unmoved.

Orcs are simple, and there are not too many carriages carrying heavy weight. As a combat unit, the wolf cannot pull as many cargoes as possible. Therefore, the orc's large troops are not traveling fast, which is a third slower than that of the villagers of Everta who are in an emergency escape.

At the same time, because the orcs are generally not educated, it is difficult for the current team to talk about "order". Humans in the world-famous are probably hard to understand the pain of this "mentally run", and Sauron now has to face such troubles.

Except that the guards he trained with great efforts can barely "prohibit", the clans who have just been attached for a long time are completely scattered, even if Sauron and several Overseers emphasized countless times, the results are the same- — He feels not only that these guys are mentally handicapped, they are also mentally handicapped with their supervisors and their men!

Saying "go forward", "go left", these guys can execute correctly. However, when Sauron gave the order of "forward 150 kilometers, set up camp to rest in the evening, and maintain a horizontal distance of 10 kilometers from the large troops", the tribe fought internally because several orcs leading the team did not understand the order. , Causing the entire team to be delayed for eight kilometers before being found ...

Sauron, originally from an orc tribe, thought he knew the same, but when he ruled the big tribe, he discovered that this group was not driven to the Nehemia prairie by accident. Because more than a third of the orcs couldn't even distinguish between their left and right hands, and the counts within ten were unfavorable.

This made him even hope for a "united formation".

Therefore, he has been afraid to make orders easily, even sitting in the middle of the army himself every day to ensure the execution of the orders. The menacing army that looked menacing was really as thin as ice in Sauron's eyes. Once a unit gets out of control, it is likely to cause a chain reaction. This is the risk brought by the **** of the tribe. The pressure from recent days has made Sauron describe it as a bit embarrassing. is worth it.

But this good mood ~ ~ a wolf cavalry who continued to explore until the return.

The news that the frontline was badly hit caused a thousand waves, making the overseers completely unable to sit still.

"The chief chief ... we can't wait any longer!"

"These humans must be ready!"

When the four overseers learned the news, they immediately rushed over to put pressure on them. Under the pressure of your words and words, Sauron couldn't continue to be forced to press hard, but nodded: "Mugol, your troops are in the forefront. You can now speed up and start the attack from the village on the northern border! "

"Yes! Chieftain!"

The overlord named Mugor laughed and jumped onto the wolf, laughing, and quickly disappeared into the noisy and crowded troops with his skilled riding.

In the quarrel of the remaining three Warlords, Sauron narrowed his eyes-he thought of the deadly enemy that he would eventually face. I do n’t know what the other party ’s identity would be to face himself after more than one year. ?


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