Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 525: Tinder


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 525 Tinder

Rainy Tasman is still shrouded in mist as before.

Speaking of the size of the country, Tasman is not much inferior to the Karen Kingdom. However, because of the natural barrier of the "Gondola Mountains", the habitable areas in Tasman are mostly concentrated in the southeast. According to the classification of the two major races of the undead and humans, humans as "lambs" have been assigned to the lands of more than ten lords on the periphery and are collectively referred to as "peripheral pastoral areas".

The real undead lives on the east side of the country near the Gondola Mountains. Because of its high terrain, rich minerals, and rivers, several large cities have been built here, becoming the heart of the entire kingdom.

The ruling class of the "Lamb" is controlled by the undead as much as possible, so the battle between the lords is naturally under the watch of the undead. The fortresses and fortresses built by the Lambs didn't make much sense to the undead. "Lambs" will always be "Lambs". The undead do not think that the flock will one day kill the shepherds-so the military fortresses of the undead are generally located in Gondo Several gates of the La Mountains are guarded against possible enemies.

Of course, the "enemies" can only be the Karen Kingdom, and whether it is hundreds of years ago or now, the Karen Kingdom has no time to send troops to attack Tasman with a natural barrier.

To this day, no undead will regard the Karen Kingdom as a threatening enemy. For the "Lambs" in Tasman, they don't even know the existence of the Karen Kingdom-they are always controlled by the direction of their progress. They are called "flocks". For those "Lambs" who have excess curiosity, the undead The processing method is very simple: just kill it.

"So ... if we continue to obey, the result will be doomed."

Kurka said to the pale hunters in front of him in the rain.

Since agreeing to cooperate with the undead Dasco, who claims to be the "Awakener", Kulka has continuously instilled the idea of ​​"resistance" in the Orion team, and to this day, these words that have contributed to the flames have finally arrived. Moment of action ...

This is because Lord Baron Pooch once again raised taxes and doubled the goals of previously difficult missions, while also ordering the hunting team led by Kulka to complete the mission within the time limit, otherwise they would have to collect a portion of the so-called " fine"!

Behind every hunter is a family, and behind a hunting team of more than 20 people means a village. If the task is not completed, it means that more than half of the people in the village will be hungry ...

Therefore, the Orion think they can no longer be slaughtered by others.

Kulka did not reveal the "facts" and narratives told by Dasco, but chose to discuss similar topics privately with several of his confidants. Such a speech was very effective-it didn't take long for almost everyone to realize the strangeness of the disappearance of a hunting captain over the years, and they began to cast their suspicion on Lord Poki.

Of course, now they are not facing Pokey, but Pokey's steward. The latter stepped out of the manor house angrily at this time, facing Kulka and other people standing in front of the manor door: "What do you mean here? Didn't I say that? If you fail to complete the task, you will be at your own risk!"

The steward looks like he is in his thirties, and his skin is very white, but his face is all mean and disdain. Obviously in his eyes, these poor hunters have no qualifications to talk to him, so he ignores Kulka and waves. The two personal soldiers beside him guarded: "Let this group of guys get out. What's wrong with me? What's the matter? Get out of here! It's been a month and you can't catch a single alien. Beware that Baron Pooch puts you all on the whip! "

Fifteen Orion standing silent in the rain, some of them showed a flinch, but they were also afraid to move because nobody was moving around. Some people standing in front of them glared, even touching the wet hunting knife with their palms ...

As the Captain of the Orion, Kurka did not shout much at this moment. He just glanced around seemingly casually: the house where the housekeeper is located is not small, but there are not many personal soldiers to guard. Perennial class suppression has caused these private soldiers to forget what vigilance has long been. Only five or six people can be seen in the field of vision. It is estimated that the entire manor can be hit, and the rest are only maids and servants.

"Wright steward, I have something to say."

Kulka stepped forward, and the private soldier who was holding up his hands was pushed away by his seemingly inadvertent push.

"I've said it before, these people--"

When the Wright steward turned back and wanted to scold, he only saw a white light splitting the rain curtain, sweeping across the field of vision ...


His head was cut in half on the spot, and the splattered blood had not yet landed, and the unremarkable hunting knife had been turned to the left, splitting the private soldier with a look of astonishment-and another who had just reacted As soon as the private soldier wanted to draw his sword, the other hunters who rushed over behind him had already thrown him and severed his throat with a dagger ...

"Kill them! We have no way out!"

Kurka's voice awakened some fortunate hunters, and there is still no room for recovery, because killing the noble housekeeper's principal offenders is a death sentence. From the moment Kurka waved his sword, these hunters And the village behind them has stood opposite these nobles.


Just as the Kulka people chopped down the personal soldiers who came over one after another, a puppet figure wearing a gray robe suddenly appeared in the manor. After seeing the **** scene in front of him, he yelled, raised his wand and pointed at Kulka!

This is Chandler, the undead mage who is responsible for the transformation of the local undead. He casts his thoughts and quickly thinks about how to report the "turmoil" that appears now-in his eyes, he is absolutely crushing these ants-like humans .

His bone marrow has been hidden inside the manor house. After waving and calling, these guys with the typical “skeleton” image rushed towards the hunters with the weapons in their hands.

It is expected that the massacre did not occur, because as soon as the bone scabs approached the Orion, they were split on the spot by several figures suddenly appearing from the surrounding area, and a "bone spear" approached Chandler. He hurried aside ...

Then he saw one of his arms spinning and flying away.

"You ... you ..."

Chandler looked intently, but looked in horror at the figures that appeared one after the other. In the end, his eyes stopped on the guy with the machete in front of him: "Dashco ... You and this Humiliating ... "

His head flew up, and the undead Dasco didn't bother to listen to the other's nonsense. He just nodded his head towards his heavily armed companions, and then went to Kurka and others who were panting for a short battle.

"Now we are standing together."

The hunters held their arms with their white arms and looked at the more than twenty undead who suddenly appeared in front of them, completely unaware that this scene would always be remembered by history.

The fire of the Tasman Revolution was ignited.

While Tasman's rulers were still intoxicated with blind self-confidence, Everta was under full attack from the orcs.

The orc army is under pressure all over the country, and the daily battle reports can even pile up Roddy's desk. It looks like the borderline is at stake, but in fact Roddy's mood is relaxed.

Because he had no worries about how the orcs could take these forts.

Just kidding ... Begin preparation years in advance. Armaments, forages, and soldiers have accumulated for so long. If you can't defend against orcs without siege equipment, humans should have perished long ago!

What weird tactics are not needed for a real large-scale war. I just use resources and defense against the walls. What can you do to me?

And through the feedback of the battle report, Roddy can also see the flaws gradually exposed after the orc's strength is unfolded: Sauron is clearly unable to command as the chief warrior, and the scattered clans have begun their own wars, so that the fronts are long and chaotic. , But no progress.

"There are many ways to win the war. Personnel, heavy weight, morale, etc. will be the key factors affecting the outcome. It seems that the offensive is not fierce, and it will not necessarily be the last laugh."

Roddy laughed and chatted with Hodini, the magic teacher in front of him, as if he didn't have the concealment before.

"War fights for resources, which I very much agree with."

Houdini nodded, standing in front of the sand table wearing an epic robe presented by Roddy, and analyzing the current battlefield situation with Roddy.

The reason for this scene is entirely because of Roddy's long night's talk, Houdini chose a station very wisely.

In other words, Houdini has now become Roddy's "very close strategic partner."

The entire Karen Kingdom can no longer find a second place where the magic level is stronger than Elson City, so on the magic resources, Rody's monopoly power directly won him the full strength of a Magister from the Rahman Kingdom. stand by!

Houdini will use "prophecy spells" to provide Roddy with spell support, and his apprentice will also participate in the defensive battle of the Fortress for a certain employment fee to accumulate actual combat experience-the price paid for this is Open part of the laboratory, give away a set of epic robes and a promise to advance with Houdini in the future.

This is definitely a heavy weight on the war balance.

"Technology at hand, I have it all in the world", "Magic technology is the first productive force" and so on are the real emotions in Roddy's heart now. With the support of a prophecy magic teacher, he has successfully expelled the last part of the Tasman Kingdom from the mist and officially led his team to go out ~ ~ Of course, this is not a "conquest", but a plan for ten "Dive Into Mission" for about five days.

Thirty knights who completed their transfers went lightly, one with two horses. Sixty barbarian soldiers brought compressed dry grain and high-volume baggage with high elven craftsmanship. Nata, Akasha, and ten high-elf mages followed together, and in terms of the average rank and level of this team, Roddy's confrontation with thousands of orcs was easy.

Not to mention that it wasn't easy to learn about Melinella after Houdini's standing team—the solitary army went deep into Tasman. Now that a powerful magician can join, Roddy naturally wants it.

Nefi, who is also a magician, apparently did not receive this treatment, and when he wanted to speak, Roddy was glared from speaking.

So on May 4th, a team of only a hundred people quietly left the city of Elsen in the early morning, under the protection of the "silent enchantment" and "pseudo-color enchantment" toward the northern Gondola Mountains. go with.

At this time, the recruitment process for the undead had just ended.


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