Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 530: for freedom


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 530 Long Live Freedom

On May 8th, the assembly of the Tasman Army was basically completed. Undead soldiers gathered from various locations across the country have been led by a lord to station near King City. More than 10,000 undead troops were displayed outside the city walls, but far from being surrounded by human forces ready to fight. If you look over the city walls, the only difference you can feel is the extra rows of camps and the occasional crowd.

Undead who do not need food are not "perpetual motion". Although the entire undead army does not have a heavy force to transport food, each undead needs to absorb Tasman's unique "dead spirit" to maintain its own energy.

The "Death Aura" near the King City is extremely strong, but once out of the Gondola Mountains, these undead people will also face the problem of energy consumption-because of this, the Undead Council has conducted a long time of argument.

After all, since the undead appeared in the Gondola Mountains, it has been more than 700 years since they have walked out of this "necrotic spirit" area. Those who go out on missions can be nourished by carrying shards of crystals, but large-scale marches cannot be so luxurious. Even if Augustine had long given a solution for the large-scale replenishment by the French Front, the Parliament was still discussing it.

After all, this is also a kind of "logistics", every decision must touch the cheese of countless nobles.

Fortunately, the situation in the parliament has finally become clear these days. The constant pressure exerted by Augustine brought the discussion to an end. The determination of the second batch of conscription and the conversion of undead missions also indicates that the war is about to enter a new stage.

Regardless of the decision made by the upper echelon, Lord Poki, as the "Shepherd", is now distressed by these mission objectives.

You must know that he has just issued a series of indicators to his housekeepers. These tasks beyond previous years can be accomplished well, but now it is even worse ... I am afraid that he will need to take out most of his savings over the years to fill this hole.

The lord was not greedy for money, and although reluctant, Poki was not stupid. If this kind of knot is not completed, the task given by Emperor Augustine will not be completed, and the last name of this territory may be changed next year ...

He is very clear that he is just a puppet of the undead empire, so he never had the idea of ​​"independent portal" or "out of control".

"I still can't hide when it's time to bleed ..."

Tagani is a small town with no walls. But it was prosperous enough for a baron like Lord Porch. At this time, the room he was in was dry and comfortable under the fire, much more comfortable than the supermarket house where civilians live.

Pocky was getting a little bit annoyed by the troubles these days. Now he just wants to relax, but just got up but heard the faint bells from outside the house.

The bells of the town will only be sounded during major festivals or alarms. Pokey paused for a while and was going to look outside, but saw the steward rushing into the house with a look of astonishment—

"Master, there are, there are, and there are enemies attacking ..."

"Enemy? What enemy?"

Pochi frowned, and he didn't fight. The friction between the nobles sometimes had to be solved by fighting a few battles. But at the important moment when Emperor Augustine was preparing to send his troops, who didn't have a long eye to jump out to pick things?

"What to panic? Go tell Boramy and Holden the Cavaliers and let them take someone to solve the problem immediately!"

There are two great knights in Baron's manor and nearly a hundred private soldiers, so at this time there is no fear of so-called attacks.

"But, but ... Boramy and Holden Cavaliers have just been-they were both found dead in the bedroom!"

"what did you say!?"

Pokey couldn't be calm at once, holding on to the butler: "What the **** is going on! Tell me clearly!"

“Master, I do n’t know what ’s going on. Just now there was a lot of noise outside the town. It was said that there were thousands of troops attacking. I wanted to quickly inform the two knights to prepare, but the servant found They were all killed in their bedroom ... "


Pooch immediately realized that this was a premeditated attack. He immediately took up the sword and asked the steward to gather the remaining private soldiers together. He rode on the war horse under the protection of more than fifty soldiers who had come over temporarily and asked the steward Notify the undead mage who guards the place, but before leaving the manor, Baron Pooch saw the crowd coming in from all directions

"Why ... so many people?"

There are tens of thousands of leaders under his rule, but these leaders are scattered in various villages, and it is impossible to get together on weekdays. The crowd in front of me now says less than two thousand, and the small manor is surrounded by a sturdy man. Even with most of the farming tools in his hands, Lord Poki has deeply felt a sense of despair.

"Traitor! The culprit!"

"Collusion with the undead!"

"Human shame!"

The shouting slogan in the crowd changed Baron's face. Recalling that the information of the butlers around him seemed to have collectively delayed in recent days, he suddenly realized that there might be a collective rebellion in his territory ...

But at this time he was not desperate, but immediately instructed the private soldiers to form a formation, and let more than a dozen horseback guards cover themselves and prepare to break out.

However, before the breakout began, seven or eight gray-white "skeleton soldiers" staggered out of the manor, and they rushed towards the farmers who were approaching them, and then they were chopped to the ground without suspense.

"See? This is evidence of his collusion with the undead!"

"Destroy the traitors! Give me freedom!"

"Kill! Kill all the traitors!"

The sudden appearance of these skeleton soldiers became the fuse for the beginning of the battle. Pochi knew that he might have been accounted for, because the undead mage who guarded the territory would never do such a stupid thing-but for now he can only be hardened. The scalp broke through, but not long after rushing into the crowd, his warhorse was tripped over by a bone spur somewhere, so Pocky, who fell to the ground, was captured immediately.

Until then, the undead mage who was supposed to guard the place did not show up ... Pooch knew that the other party was aware that the situation was difficult to reverse, and he gave up directly.

He looked at the excited crowd in front of him, and all his words turned into a sigh:

"Finally ... will it change?"

The lord was tied rudely, his ribs were broken after falling off the horse, but no one in the crowd around him would hesitate about the lord's feelings, and even some people slap when he was pushed and moved.

"Exploit our pigs!"


This team of civilians apparently no longer fears the authority of the lord, and the constant screaming slogan has convinced them that the lord is a traitor, and their leader, Chur, who was once the head of the Orion Card had also taken off his humble leather armor at this time, surrounded by everyone and put on a silver metal armor.

Pooch can recognize that it is a set of Mithril Light Armor that he has collected. Obviously, the inferred civilian has already had the leadership status confirmed by everyone, and Pochi ... has become his superior Stepping stones.

"Stupid ... you don't even know who you're fighting against! You will all be robbed and become fertilizer in the land!"

In the end, Pooch, who was **** as a mule, saw Kurka on the balcony on the second floor of the manor. He cursed the sentence with pain. Kurka, who can be watched by thousands of people, did not choose to respond to his words, but just shouted to the crowd looking up at him: "Remember this day! From today, we will be the only one on this land Free people! "

"for freedom!"

Zhentian's shouts sounded, and Pochi understood that these people may not really be for the so-called "freedom". The more reason may be that his lord is becoming increasingly oppressed, but in cooperation with the skeleton soldiers who just rushed past However, these people have to believe that so-called "fact".

Pooch understands that there must be an undead mage behind, but ... will these people succeed?

The slashing sword made the baron never have a chance to know the answer.

"The rain is getting heavier."

Akasha tugged on her poncho and made a sound.

"Be careful not to let the rain wet your clothes. The temperature is low at night and the temperature is too low, but it will cause a big problem." Roddy reached out to help her fasten the straps, but then said to herself: "In fact, the rain is a little bit heavy it is good…"

"To be honest, I am afraid that mushrooms will grow on my body in this environment every day. How can these people bear it?"

Merlin Serra walked in the rain deliberately, the raindrops were separated by an invisible knot, and her hair couldn't get wet.

"They are very dry in winter, and then you will miss the weather now. Don't say this, you will soon find your goal."

Roddy glanced over the "map bar" in front of him. After the "demon subspecies" escaped last night, the team followed the trail today. Melinthera confirmed the direction based on the magic mark she left, and when Immediately after approaching the target, Roddy's "Tracking: Demon" immediately became effective.

He saw densely marked marks on the map, roughly one hundred full.

However, this mark relies on color to distinguish the strength of the opponent. Under Roddy's current strength, this "democracy subspecies" is basically gray or white-which means that they do not pose any threat to Roddy at all.

"Wait a while, everyone is cautious. The target may have other groups, so we must first hide our movements as much as possible." Roddy turned his head and explained the battle plan. "The cavalry team pays attention to the encroachment. .Akasha, let your mages start to do their best to hide the team ... Remember, our goal is not to kill, but to control the situation as soon as possible. "

Roddy turned to Merlinthella and said, "If you can, try not to die."

There was a hunch in his mind that these guys' significance in Tasman was far more important than those of the "lamb".

"Rest assured."

Melinthella responded with a flick of her fingers, looking relaxed.

"Okay, each in place."

Roddy is not nonsense, UU reads www.uukanshu. Comm waved his hand and started.

Akasha on the side immediately instructed the ten undead mages who followed them to cast spells, all enchantments quickly unfolded, the rain was cut off, the air dried, and the sound around them was reduced a lot. Organize armor and weapons.

Everything went very smoothly, just ...

Akasha frowned slightly and took a deep breath.

Since entering Tasman, she feels that she can always feel a special breath in her breath, and now this special magic rhythm seems to have become more and more obvious-but let her specifically describe what it is and say no come out.

Turning his head to look at the following high-elf mage, Akasha always felt that when they came to Tasman, their bodies were a lot more flexible, and the female mage who always followed her seemed to have more eyes in her eyes. .

Why is this?

She couldn't figure it out for a moment.


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