Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 534: stage


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 534 Stage

"Tubeb Fortress" is an inconspicuous little town on the perimeter defense of Everta.

The entire fortress stands solitary on the plain, the area is not large, and it looks extremely crowded after 3,000 people. The fortress walls are not high, and there are neither arrow towers nor wide moats. It seems to be one of the most fragile fortresses in the entire line of defense.

However, it was such a lone fortress that resisted the orc's offensive for three days in a row, and forced the opponent to retreat and leave because of no progress in the battle.

The villagers who have retreated from the periphery of the city have no initial panic at this time. They can feel insecure when they look at the tall figure on the city wall because when the enemies rushed to the city wall, these civilians found the so-called "strong "The orcs" were tall soldiers who had not yet guarded the city walls. Each of the howling orcs had broken their heads without being able to let go of their farts ...

Then the orcs retreated, and the world was quiet.

For three days, the civilians in the fortress even thought that the war was over, but after getting close to the barracks near the city wall, they could still feel the atmosphere of killing. Whenever soldiers wearing silver light armor patrolled, the voices of these civilians even unconsciously lowered.

But the atmosphere inside the barracks was at the other extreme.

The fortress is always cold because of the stone closed structure. The favorite thing for soldiers on rotation is to bask in the sun when the sun is shining. They look like animals just waking up from hibernation. Chatting in the warm sun has become a "compulsory course" every day.

"Captain David, do you say the orcs will come again?"

Recruit Taylor, who had just joined the military for three months, asked, he was diligently wiping David's metal helmet off his shoulders with a rag, and the bright light shone abnormally in the sun.

"Hit when you come, let's rest if you don't. What else can you do?" Davidian didn't open his eyes, and he had a stem in his mouth. Now, are they still planning to pile up 10,000 people to come and hit our little fortress? I have nothing to watch. "

"Well, the captain really said that, but the stupid stupid didn't seem to be very powerful except for his louder voice, and he would give away as much as possible."

Taylor didn't boast. He really felt that way. Although he had only trained for more than three months and fought for three days in the city, but now his mentality has changed from the original uneasy to calm ... without him, when Who will be scared after the horrible enemy is easily hacked to death by more than ten people?

There were also a few new recruits beside him. Davian looked at this group of recruits who had never been on the battlefield matured, and he felt quite fulfilled, but he still warned: "Your group of silly boys who don't know the heights of the earth, really thought they were cutting How many dead orcs are invincible? You don't know those guys you met in the quiet forest and ice plain, come here, just press the dead and we will be as easy as the dead ants ... "

"Will that encounter such a person, rely on Lord Roddy?"

"That's not necessarily true, look over there--" Davie nodded, and the soldiers looked down, and they could see three mages in robes sitting and talking together, their clothes and the Karen Kingdom. Quite different. It was the mages who came to support after reaching an agreement with Rodini.

It is also because of the existence of these mages that the siege of the orcs that was dealt with a few days ago seems very easy. Davidan pointed his finger again at the command post's position: "Master Sodrol is now too weak, and I want to talk about Everta's position as the" first knight "... soon to give way."

"Captain David, you said that our fighting capacity is much stronger than the orcs, why not rush out and fight? I heard the whistleblower said that no one has actively attacked the orcs until now ..."

David spit the grass stem aside: "Taylor, you have a lot of ideas? Come on, repeat what did I emphasize to you when I joined the army?"

"Ah? I ... that, it should be‘ firmly obey orders from superiors. ”

"So what else do you want? This war is under the command of the Knights of Titus. What does he say? Understand? Lord Soderor is more principled than anyone, so don't be blind. 'I want to rush Go out and cut the orcs', otherwise I will be dismissed by military law. "

"Yes! I won't dare ..."

In such a conversation, time passes by. This is sometimes the case in wars. After intense fighting and dying slashing, people always hope that there will be more incidents of such deliberate relaxation.

However, suddenly the collective order came to make the barracks instantly lively, the clanging of the armored weapons and the sound of a collision, the original scattered open space in the blink of an eye will be listed in a neat team, can not see the half lazy.

Soudorol's lieutenant Pavini walked in front of everyone with his sword in his waist and his back:

"First-level combat readiness, the team leader went to the command post to accept the task in half an hour, and it was complete!"

"Yes, sir!"

After formulating the order and answering, Pavini made a military salute, and then smiled and said, "Everyone who has itchy bones can have more orcs than anyone who hacked."


Whistles and cheers rang out, an atmosphere completely different from all the other cavalry forces, and I am afraid that the entire Karen kingdom is unique. Davidian is also one of the lieutenants, but he is in charge of the cavalry, and Pavini is in charge of coordination and logistics, so he laughed and chatted a few words. After learning that it was indeed an initiative, he immediately pulled his own smile. Go down and open the market.

Pavini knew that they were betting on many orcs who killed, and smiled. Then he went to the three Rashiman mages and invited them to the command post to discuss.

The four stepped into the cold and wet command post in the fortress. Due to poor lighting, there were a lot of grooves inside the command post for torch insertion, but now these positions have been hung by Elson's "Spar" The "energy lamp" will illuminate the inside of the command post like daylight.

The three mages are young and good in strength. They came from academy and did not experience the brutality of the battlefield. Originally, they did not see the soldiers who only knew to kill, but after the orcs were repelled continuously, the three mages all Honestly put away that pride.

When they entered the lobby in the core area of ​​the command room, they even lightened their footsteps.

As long as anyone who has seen Sodroll enter the battlefield, he will have a sense of awe in his heart.

Neatly piled up documents filled the table, and a huge and precise sand table was placed in the center of the room. All kinds of details show that this general who is clinging to the fortress is by no means a solitary audiovisual generation. Soderol, who was meticulously dressed, was sitting tightly at this moment, and when he looked over, he had faintly brought pressure to several mages ...

"Hollywood has given me new strategic goals, and I'll deal with them at my discretion." Soderlor pointed to the sandbox and whispered, "Mage Houdini has sent the enemy's position over, so ... I I hope that the raid tonight will continue to receive the support of several distinguished mages. "

The three mages said nothing and bowed together: "This is our duty."

"With the help of three mages, this raid is bound to succeed."

Soderol's formulated flattery sentence, when looking to the sand table, the original calm eyes had already ignited the fighting spirit.

This is the stage where I can show my skills ...

Just as Sauron was celebrating a banquet for his army to finally capture two fortresses ~ ~ the army rushing out of the night had already waved toward the camped orc army like a death scythe.

Because of the fact that Everta completely adopted passive defense in the early stages of the war, the orcs already had a mindset: humans can only shrink their defenses, and they dare not bridge the frontal attack of the hard horse.

Until now, the battle on the plains was the only time the Knights of Wellington rescued. No matter how provocative the orcs are, the human soldiers will never step out of the fortress-this behavior will make the orcs' vigilance at night weaker and weaker, and the defense measures will be more and more sloppy.

Of the entire orc army, only Sauron's guards used a layered anti-shock formation when they camped. After the other orcs dispersed, they did not even consider the impact of the camp layout on the nighttime enlistment. For the orcs of "Tama Fort", they have their walls down to the lowest point.

The castle was captured for its low walls and insufficient guards. The orcs would not maintain the repaired city walls at all, so at night, they only sent a small team to guard it, which was regarded as a sentry post. Most of the other orcs rushed to the women in the refugees in the city, venting one after another—as for the tribal guard captain Gru, who made the contribution, directly

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