Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 337: No difficulty task


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 337


Seeing Luther stepping out of the house, Nora quickly greeted him, but the latter waved his hand: "There will be no elders in the future, just call me Grandpa Luther."

It's true that it should be called by generations. Conora clearly didn't adapt to this change. What more to say, but seeing Luther continued: "How many more grandparents learn to use my language, do you understand me? Otherwise you will not be able to understand Lord Roddy's orders. "

"I know, I know."

Nora quickly responded, looking involuntarily to the estate where Roddy currently lives-now she had no previous fear in her mind, but was curious about the lord and the soldiers around him: these seemingly lazy horses 2. How strong is the guy sitting in the room all day patrolling?

Just thinking, the peace in the village was broken by a giant bird falling from the sky. Nata flew down before the giant bird was about to land, and rushed into the manor without looking at the soldiers around.

Within a few seconds, the wood elf ran out of the house and said something to the guards on both sides.

Nora couldn't understand what they said, but she could immediately feel the horror that came from the soldiers in preparation for the war—they originally whispered and immediately began to equip armor and weapons after a few shouts, and the tall barbarian soldiers Pairs of two put heavy armor on each other. The huge metal tower shield was nothing in their hands. The tomahawk held by one hand made Nora frightened ...

Such a guy like a can of steel, she felt that she couldn't break the defense with her full strength.

A soldier ran to Elder Luther and said a few words, the latter nodded solemnly, and whispered after the soldier left: "Damn ... these undead really came!"

"Nora, go tell all the people who can fight and go to that house to get armor and weapons. Lord Roddy said ... ready to fight the enemy."

Nora's face suddenly turned white. She did not expect that the good days would not have passed for two days, and the war would have come. In particular, the enemy was the undead who made the Teflin tribe timid ... the shadow that has been rooted in the bones for decades makes it almost impossible for her to raise any war.

Teflin was so used to solving problems by "fleeing" that "combat" was almost a difficult command.

"Grand Luther, I ..."

"What are you doing! Come on! Do you think this is a joke? Not only you, our group of old bones have also been told to go to the battlefield!"

In Luther's roar, Nora bit her lip and shouted, then shouted another nineteen people in Tevlin enough to be called "warriors", and received a short sword and skin that were not suitable in the tent. After the first division, together with five elders such as Luther, they were formed into a squad and followed a group of tall barbarian soldiers towards the predetermined line outside the village.

"Do you fight head to head ..."

Nora held the dagger in her hands sparsely. She had not used any similar weapons in her life. She looked around. The young Teflins who came out were all with white lips and eyes followed. The coming battle is full of fear. Luther and several elders were also tense, one by one wondering how their fate would be greeted.

His entire combat team was only a hundred people, so all the soldiers became sparse after entering the woods outside the village. At a glance, there was not even a so-called "battlefield".

"So ... can it really work?"

All the Teflins were staring at the dense forest that was gradually sounding in front of them.

Not far away, Melinthera looked at Teflin, whose legs were trembling, and smiled to Roddy: "Why do you let them come out? You wo n’t even hold the sword to the battlefield, rushed to death. ? "

"It wasn't intended to let them go up and down." Roddy's gaze looked forward, but he actually switched "Tracking: Demon" to "Tracking: Undead". He stared at the light spot that was getting closer on the map, raised his hand and took off the waterproof cover on the bow. "After all, it ’s not of my race. If you want to make them messier in the future, you have to fight less. Now you have to fight. Vaccinations ... "

"What is a vaccination?"

Akasha, holding the scepter, asked strangely.

"Uh ... slipping."

Roddy reached out and helped her pull the rain-covering hood, admonishing: "You must not cast spells yourself unless you have to, you just have to stay at ease in the back of this battle."

He looked at the ten high-elven mages who had dispersed, but smiled bitterly: "How do I have an illusion, as if you are the orthodox undead mag ..."

Akasha didn't speak, she just smiled softly.

Aside, Melinse raised her hand to release the anti-detection enchantment, her expression stiffened.

Riding on a galloping horse, Dasco was a little nervous when talking about it.

They chased the team in front of them for a day, but it was strange to find that the other did not seem to be preparing to attack the village to destroy food, but went straight to the edge of human territory, apparently heading for a specific target.

Dasco brought some of the strongest of the "Awakeners" on this trip in order to win the battle as much as possible-no matter what the other's purpose is, they are the enemy after all. Dasco has already Make up your mind: This battle must win beautifully. Only then ... in the actions that follow, the remaining "Awakeners" will better listen to his orders.

"They slowed down and should be preparing to get closer to the target."

Tacris aside judged. He is the strongest undead mage in the team, so Dasco and others are making judgments based on his detection results. At present, through the ground traces and the reconnaissance of Tacris, he can confirm that the team ahead is a The reconnaissance team of about a hundred people seemed to have only one undead mage, and the order was not high.

"Slow down and get ready for a surprise attack. We must end the battle quickly!"

Dasco ordered his subordinates around. There were a total of 140 "Awakeners" this time, in addition to Tacris, there were seven undead mages. It was enough to deal with the team ahead.

"I hope everything goes well ..."

He pulled out his long sword and slowly moved forward.

"Oh, a group of stupid traitors."

In a red and white robe, Yugza sneered, and the bone wand turned around at the fingertips, and inserted into the special socket on the side of the saddle.

As a Gustin, the undead mage who came to capture Teflin, he was naturally not at the same level as those "three-legged cats".

"Undead Mage" is a collective name. It will be equipped with a potion to summon a skeleton that can be called an undead mage. It will also summon the army of the dead to use a forbidden spell. It is also called an undead mage. Within Tasman, there is also a division between mages. The most obvious sign is the official robe-like system. The obvious features from low to high grades are that the color is getting lighter, the pattern of the robe is more and more, and the logo on the chest is more and more complicated.

In the team of Dasco and others, as the strongest undead mage, Tacris is only a blue robe, and the remaining seven are black robes-the lowest level.

In terms of Roddy's classification, Yugesa is a full-level base, with an advanced level of 30, while Tacris is not advanced to level 7, not only the level, the huge difference in equipment, but also the difference in strength between the two sides. Normally big.

"This flawless tracking technique also dares to show it to the eye, and it can be seen that these guys are just so good."

There are four mages with red robes following Yugeza. One of them waved a gray-white enchantment, and cleverly interfered with the "reconnaissance" coming from the back by magic waves. There was a great error in the information.

"The group of" heterogeneous "is right in front of me. I don't want to make a fuss because I'm turning back to deal with this group of waste now." Yugza's face looked about thirty, his face full of confidence and unspeakable pride. After all, as a master appreciated by Emperor Augustine, the resources and entry he received were among the best in Tasman. From any perspective, the mage of this "regular class aristocrat" is not comparable to the group of guys behind him.

So Yugeza didn't pay attention to Dasco's team at all, he waved, "Tasily, Moros, let them go around for a while, and when I'm done with the aliens, I'll take the team and bring them together. Packed up. "

"Yes! Lord Baron!"

The two advanced robe-dead mages in the 20th class are all provided by the royal family, let alone block Dasco's team, it is not difficult to directly kill them if they are fully prepared. Only two people were arranged to block the rear team, which proves that Yugeza is not strategically arrogant and clear-headed.

After arranging these tasks, Yugza cast several spells in succession. His bone staff was given by Augustine in order to reward him to break through the 30th level barrier. Powerful and quick to cast, but four concealed knots were used in a minute. The world shrouded the team.

Hundreds of cavalry troops have been exhausted from the undead army to the present. This is because their majesty are trained skeleton warhorses. These pale-colored horses with blue light in their eyes are powerful and endurable. Times. Therefore, although this cavalry team is small in number, they are all well armed heavy cavalry.

"Ready to fight, remember your Majesty's assigned tasks, we can't let go of any‘ heterogeneous ’, okay?”

"Yes! Lord Baron!"

Later, Yugeza and the remaining two mages began to “call before the war” —the remains of Chen corpses accumulated over hundreds of meters have been awakened ~ ~ Because of the proximity to the village, zombies, The number of undead summoned creatures such as skeletons soon exceeded six hundred, and increased with the staff held up by Yugza.


Released by the spell enchanted by Augustine himself, the original emaciated zombie skeletons were instantly wrapped in a gray mist, and then possessed wide bones and muscle-covered flesh, full of agility between actions, compared with when they were summoned Suddenly a step up.

The strength of these undead creatures has reached the strength of normal human elite soldiers, at this time with the high-level undead mage on the battlefield can be described as powerful.

Casting again to confirm the location of Teflin ahead, Yugeza waved the reins with satisfaction, driving nearly a thousand troops around to the village ahead ...

"It's an easy task."

He sighed and sighed.

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