Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 551: Flood

Because there were noises all around during the siege, the undead who were charging on the battlefield did not hear the movement of the surrounding mountains. At this time, it was just a wave of general attacks. Most of the undead used the 70% of the total force of the undead army under the city walls. They surrounded the three walls and focused on the weakest areas of human strength. In order to break through the walls through the suppression of troops.

The undead leader on the offensive side was Caster, a confidant of the Augustine faction, and a full member of the parliament with the title of Earl. The task of "suppressing the rebel forces" seemed to be able to be accomplished with closed eyes. After all, these two people accounted for almost half of Tasman's current concentration of forces, and the sum of undead creatures summoned exceeded 100,000 troops. It is easy to deal with the castle in front of you.

Pursuing this way, Custer has thoroughly understood the opponent's bottom line. And when he saw the other side hiding in Fort Trak, he couldn't wait to applaud him because he knew very well that these humans had entered the dead end properly, and the task of annihilating the "rebels" would naturally be successfully completed in three days!

"Master Custer, there is a breakthrough in the west wall of the main attack!"

The following message came, and the pale count rose up a bit, and he waved his hand: "This group of guys can just stand up to this point, leaving two reserve teams, all the rest up! I want to I saw His Majesty's flag in the tower before dark. "

"Observe! My lord!"

The original armies began to separate a team, and swarmed towards the damaged West Wall at this time. At this time, the trebuchets on the wall had been damaged due to continuous operations, and the skeleton soldiers continued to overturn the wall and interfered. With the defense of the garrison, the pressure of Kurka and others has approached the limit.

At this point, only 3,000 troops left and left the side of Custer. The mages and elites in the army almost all piled up on the front line in this final attack. Undead mage's "acid poison arrow", "toxic poisonous fog" and other spells immediately make the defense of the city wall even more difficult, seeing the city wall will be completely lost ...

That is, at this time, Custer suddenly felt that the mountain in the distance seemed a bit strange.

He heard the muffled sound just now, but because he was in front of the battlefield, he could not hear it. Custer was just a thunder. But over time, there seems to be some unharmonious noise in the wind that keeps coming into the ear. He looked far into the distance and found that there appeared to be several landslides on the surrounding mountains. The trees on the mountainside were shaking, and some even began to break and disappear.

Speaking of which, it is not uncommon for Tasman to experience landslides due to two years of rain. After the soil is saturated with water for a long time, it will shift and slide, and anyone who has entered the mountain area will encounter it. Caster frowned, and didn't think there was any major problem, so he turned his head and continued to focus on the wall.

At this time, the entire section of the Western City Wall has been mostly filled with skeleton soldiers. Although the figures of human soldiers tried to rush through the martyrdom, they were obviously inadequate in combat and gradually fell into the downwind to the end. They could even see Kurka personally leading the guards. Figures going up to fight ...

"What else are you struggling with at this time? It's ridiculous."

Caster felt that the situation was fixed, and he no longer stared at the distant walls, but when he looked to the side, he suddenly frowned at the foot of the mountain at the end of the field of vision, as if something was shaking.

His own profession is "Death Knight", which does not make spells, so he called the adjunct mage next to him: "What is there? Detect it."

The lieutenant cast spells according to words, and hesitated to reply after careful observation: "Yes ... it seems to be water? I remember there is no river here."


As Custer heard, he was very commanding. He knew the terrain nearby: the basin surrounded by mountains on three sides had no river at all, and the largest river passed through the center of the mountain 40-50 kilometers away. The flood will not come here.

"Uh, Lord Custer, there is a possibility that this may happen." The deputy pointed to the mountainside and said, "Sometimes the hillsides will form dammed lakes, other lakes, rivers or accumulated rainwater due to the change of terrain. After reaching a critical point, this water may overflow or burst out of the bank ... "

This has happened to Tasman before, so the lieutenant was right. But Custer's complexion was getting more and more wrong. He looked left and right, his eyes quickly locked on the hillsides of the "landslides" that he had overlooked before. At this time, there were already collapses between the mountains. Traces, the original tall trees were actually washed out of a "channel" of tens of meters by the water!

And there are five such "river channels" at a glance!

While talking, Custer and his lieutenants saw several other rivers flooding in Tasman's land after rain. It was difficult to absorb any water now. The flood that rushed down from the mountain quickly Spread, converge, and soon form a line in the distance!

Everyone knows the principle of "water flowing to a lower place", and Caster is no exception. He looked a little stiffly from a distance to his position, and looked at the lowest point in front of Trakburg, his lips. Shivering and cursing: "Damn! Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

He envisioned a very terrible result: if he did not escape, I am afraid that the attacking army would be completely submerged by this sudden flood!

Although there are many siege soldiers, more than 90% of them are below the city wall, and the bottom of the city wall is the lowest point of the whole terrain. After the flood, tens of thousands of siege soldiers were killed for the first time. Not only that, even Caster, who is not far from the castle at this time, is in danger!

He made an immediate decision and immediately asked people to inform the attacking forces to retreat, and at the same time he ran back with the remaining troops.

On the outside of the battlefield, some teams have encountered the current. The cavalry troops after the charge of the Awakener were far away, and they were rushed by the first wave of current when the flood had not completely converged. However, the flood at this time was not as high as a horse's hoof, so the team was still able to march to the side while struggling.

However, the floods coming from the five directions converged as they approached each other, and the water flow became larger and faster, and when they arrived in front of Fort Trak, a large group of undead soldiers fell on the spot!

Custer escaped because he was not on the path of the current. He led the guard desperately to the distance, and after being safe all around, he looked back at the army that had just begun to retreat, his lips trembling involuntarily. "Who did this ... who did it ..."

He had to admit the fact that his main force might be as dead as possible!

Military orders in this era were transmitted very slowly. It took a long time and even half an hour from the horseback running notice to all the 60,000 to 70,000 troops. So when the flood from five dammed lakes came, only the less than one thousand people in the whole undead army, except for the 3,000 troops in Custer, escaped the birth because they were located to avoid the current.

The remaining troops were swept up, washed away and submerged by the flood.

It seems that the flood with unpleasant flow is actually carrying huge power. No matter how strong the soldier's physical quality is, how good the wizard's spell is, it can't last for a few minutes in front of this natural power. The troops that climbed the city walls could not go up or down, but also caught up with the morale of the soldiers guarding the city. They were suddenly hit by a wave of falls ...

"We ... this, this win?"

Standing on the city wall, Kulka panted heavily, his hands holding the sword trembled because of the pull, and several wounds still had blood on his body, but all the pain was not as good as the scene in front of him. He was shocked: tens of thousands of undead were completely submerged by the black flood, and the continuous stream of dirty water was full of struggling figures, but as the water level gradually rose, those struggling figures gradually disappeared under the current of the undercurrent. movement.

The undead also does not have unlimited physical strength, and he is struggling in the flood wearing an armor, and no one can sustain it. This is the cruel baptism of nature.

On the other side of the city wall, the hooded Dasco exhaled slowly. At this moment, he was really convinced of Roddy: In his cognition, "war" always depends on manpower. To win, but now Rody directly killed tens of thousands of undead army with a "natural disaster"!

The planning, calculations, and execution behind it all made Dasco deeply frightened.

He looked up and stared at Kulka's eyes from a distance. The two had the same idea in their hearts: Never be against such a guy ...


"How did you do this? How did you know that these five dammed lakes could drown over? How do you know that those undead can deploy troops here? The dammed lake can't be simply blasted Thing, how can you make sure all five burst out? "

Kardashian worked hard to keep the voice from changing, but this many problems clearly told others the fact that she was "shocked". Even if the power is strong, trying to directly destroy the army of 70,000 or 80,000 is a crazy dream. The lord can achieve a similar effect by using a curse that has been chanting for more than several hours. However, this human with low strength now sentenced the undead army to death!

It ’s difficult for the dragons to do ~ ~ Roddy has today. His position in the eyes of the three dragons immediately rose a lot. Although it is impossible to "sit up and down," he said again. At that time, the right to speak had been significantly increased without even realizing it.

"I started detecting suitable dammed lakes a few months ago. Not only are these five dammed lakes bursting, there are six other places where Tasman is suitable for this tactic. There are several places where the effect may be better. It can even be said ... if these undead can't come, I have a way to flood the water directly to Odymanius. "

Roddy replied with a smile: "As for how to make the dam lake break the bank ... In fact, it is because I used the" Ground Array "that the high elves used to 'lay the foundation'. The soil structure will smash and then blast, so that there will be sufficient drainage. "

In fact, Rody's psychology has also been hanging. The reason he thought of this trick was because there was an old thing in history that "the dam on the bank of the lake was submerged and the undead army barracks". This happened at first because the undead ignored the danger of the dammed lake, but now ... Rodi directly used the way of forcibly breaking the bank and made the Tasman undead pay an unprecedented painful price!

The Seven Army was flooded and the company was burned. Simple tactics have had an unexpected effect, and Roddie's heart is naturally excited but what excites him even more is the experience record of thousands of pages in the battle record bar.

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