Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 557: Carpet bombing

"Ready to attack!"

"Catch the rope!"

"Hurry up! Pull forward! You lazy!"

The orcs screamed and rumbled, and the huge siege ladder was slowly pulled. Hundreds of siege equipment, including the slinger, had no lubricating bearings. When they walked through the dead forest, everyone's ears The edges are full of "creak" noise.

No way, although I have manufacturing drawings and also learned to improve the craft in the process of siege again and again, a race with almost no industrial foundation can only be made in a short period of time. In the course of the march, he ran away and broke the bearings, which led to a group of temporary engineers rushing to remedy.

But the two Overseers knew at this moment that this was not something that could be changed in a short period of time, and they had now set their sights on the dilapidated old city wall two kilometers away.

Must attack!

Neither Lakor nor Duda overlords have been since the Gans. Although the two have reached the intention of coordinating the attack here, they are eager to become the unique chieftain of the entire tribe.

As for Sauron? From the information returned by the fortress, this guy actually rushed into the Karen Kingdom with his team. In the eyes of the two Warlords, Sauron's behavior was obviously frustrated. However, thinking of Sauron's elites who are strong and powerful, finally embarked on a dead end, Rakor and Duda can feel more at ease at night.

At this time, the two Overseers did not travel the same way, they agreed on the attack time, and carried out frontal attacks from the southeast direction of Elson City. After all, they were both tribal chiefs, and the troops around them would only listen to themselves. For one person, it is not good to be forced together.

The troops began to move slowly. A small number of wolf cavalry were detected as scouts, and an infantry array with a total of over 10,000 followed behind. The logistical force was constantly transporting heavy kilometers away from the city. Apparently these days, the other fortresses of Everta have not been attacking, and the fortress captured by the orc has also become their strong position, and kept it securely.

All orcs now have a consensus: As long as the city of Elson is captured, the orcs can then use this as their base and start to break through the human defense line by line!

But just as the orcs moved forward with excitement, someone suddenly pointed at the sky: "Hey? That big rock seems to be moving."

"Did you dazzle? That thing hasn't moved since the first day I saw it."

"Really, I didn't lie to you ... he really moved! Look! It seems they are all moving this way!"

The forest outside Elson was relatively sparse. Everyone could see the dilapidated withering of the city wall, and the figures were shaking, but at a glance, there were not many guards. But at this moment, the orcs obviously paid more attention to the floating towers above the sky. The innocent orcs raised their heads and pointed, but they didn't know what it meant.

Elson City has a total of 18 floating towers. At this time, in addition to the central floating tower still suspended at a distance of more than 400 meters in the middle of the city, the remaining 17 small floating towers have been suspended in an array at a height of 200 meters. Above, it faces the southeast direction of the city.

In other words, they now point at the orc forces approaching.

At the same time, Pamela Tower ’s floating tower ’s central core area, Camilla looked down at the magic map that appeared in front of her, and gently touched her finger to start the attack mode of all floating towers.

"The enemy estimated 13,000 people, although it was less than expected, but it was enough to complete the task he entrusted to me ..."

This central control area can instantly control the movement of the floating tower and the current energy release mode. After turning on the "attack mode", Camilla hesitated a moment, then firmly reached out and pressed it in the center of the circle, and issued the "guardian" authority. "Offensive" command!


A continuous booming sound came from outside the tower. At this time, Camilla did not observe the damage of the orc, but stared at the momentarily dimmed magic circle, waved his hands, and quickly used the spell to recharge new pieces. The spar bomb that had been consumed by the energy spar to be replaced on the slot opened and landed, bringing a "ding dong" crisp sound.

Roddy always said that war is "burning money." Camilla previously believed that the silver coins spent on forging weapons were already astronomical. What a small number ...

"Played three times, and the spar that has worked so hard will be anxious again ..."

Camilla pursed her lips, but her eyes were still calmly looking at the "projection" array used to observe the enemy, and at this look, she was finally shocked to take a breath ...

Because the orc's army has already become a human purgatory in the blink of an eye.

No sign of spell hit from the sky, each floating tower based on the energy of thirty charged spar as the basis of the "Arcane Missile" carpet bombing.

The "Arcane Missile" has a lot of power, because it is a pure energy attack spell, and its bursting power is much stronger than that of an ordinary soldier's arrow. At the same time, it has the shock wave damage of an explosive splash. However, when facing a knight in plate armor, he could not be fatally hit. If you want to kill a heavy armor target, at least three "Arcane Blasts" are enough.

However, the total number of "Arcane Missiles" cast by the floating tower now covers over 13,000 ...

This spell was specifically developed by Roddy to deal with siege enemies. In the cold weapon era, dense military formations are simply the most suitable targets. So when these "Arcane Missiles" poured down, the entire Orc army was completely smashed into flesh by the impact of the burst.

No second strike is needed.

The explosion was mainly concentrated in the siege forces and the infantry side. Originally unarmored troops had no time to avoid, and were bombarded by falling blows from the sky into fragments. Arms, legs, flesh, and large intestines almost blooded around them rain!

All the siege equipment was blown up into wood chips, and the engineers who stood next to them became fertilizer in the forest. The tens of meters of trees were blown up together ... The ground of more than three square kilometers seemed to be plowed by "Arcane Missiles", and there was only one place that looked bloody.

This brutal fighting method killed the orc troops directly.

The wolf cavalry patrolling forward escaped because they were not in the strike range, but when they looked back, they didn't even know where they should go next.

The wolf cavalry brigades of the two orc armies survived because they were behind the team. A total of more than three thousand of them panicked and wanted to escape, but were covered by the precise blow from the central floating tower. The "Cannon" shells scattered and exploded, and the bursting shells that could level the village directly blasted the wolf cavalry with their heads covered.

One on one side, the two wolf cavalry brigade did not say how many orcs were killed, but the wolf was basically killed by the impact of the explosion!

In order to save energy, the "Illusionary Realm" that was originally maintained has been closed at this time, and the only wolf cavalry scout on the entire battlefield who saw the actual appearance of the walls at this moment: what made them wide-eyed was Elson City The gate of the city turned out to be open!

Not only that, there are also a lot of well-growing farmland outside the city gate, as well as the newly built village buildings ...

Is this ... really prepared for war?

They did n’t have much time to think about it, because a cavalry force with more than a thousand people had already spewed out of the open gate. The silver armor could tell that this was a heavy cavalry unit. When they ran, the other side Faster than normal Hussars!

Seeing each other's raging momentum, the wolf cavalry scouts turned their heads and ran away: they only add up to dozens of people. Where is this kind of force's opponent?

But it didn't take long for them to run backwards, and they completely collapsed into their sights. All they could see were the corpses of the main force after the bombing. Ten hundred may not be too much, but when they looked at the "bloody road" paved by the limbs of more than 6,000 people, they could no longer bear it completely and stopped one by one.

Some orcs were so frightened that they fell straight down from the wolf, and some directly fell to their knees on the ground and wept and runny. Apparently, it was not the enemy that was terrible to the orcs, but they did not know how to die.

In this strike, thousands of orcs who served as Warlord's Guards survived the vast majority. After all, they are the most powerful orc warriors on the Nehemia steppe. Even if they only wear leather armor, they still bear the "Arcane Missile" blow by their strong physical fitness. However, Overseer Duda's luck was not very good. He happened to be hit by an arcane missile in the chest, and was shocked to fly for five or six meters on the spot, completely unconscious. On the other side, Overseer Rakor was much luckier, only scratching his cheek with the falling stones ~ ~ but at this time he was looking at the battlefield in ruins and could not even speak.

I have prepared more than ten days of siege equipment.

A team of more than 10,000 people was just abandoned?

The forces that I have worked so hard for have been bombed like this?

The enthusiastic and proud Overseer Rakor had a pale face, paralyzed on the wolf like a soul, and left Sodroll's cavalry approaching indifferently ...

The heart is dead, and this battle cannot be fought.

But the lieutenant and the guards instinctively escorted the Overseer to cover the retreat. Even the comatose Overseer Duda was lodged by the loyal subordinates above the wolf, and quickly gathered the remaining troops to flee the battlefield.

But the orcs who hurried away did not notice ... When they rushed into the forest, a snake shadow entangled in an ancient tree opened the eyes of that pupil and moved the body that had not moved for a long time.

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