Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 565: reverse

At the same time as Roddy's voice fell, a fierce elemental fluctuation suddenly came, making Augustine's offensive movements freeze for a moment.


The deafening explosion sounded up the countless dust and lifted up below the "Devil's Gate". The ice cone, which seemed to be very ordinary, exploded at the same time, causing a chain reaction shock that almost caused a landslide!

This is Kardashian's own "Burst of Ice Cone" spell. The disorder's magic is contained in the ice cone, which can be detonated at any time through her magic control. Such an explosion caught off guard and was extremely powerful. At this time, the broken moraine and splashing stones almost blasted the tentacles on the surface of the "Devil's Gate" into large pieces, slowing down the completion of the entire portal again.

However, physical damage does not prevent Kazvila from continuing to complete the construction of the portal. Numerous tentacles have popped up again. A solid ring structure has appeared on the periphery of the portal. Within twenty seconds, everything will end!

However, Kardashian, who was always floating above the portal, still seriously released the spell. Her raised hands went down again, casting a huge "bursting ice cone".

This time, the "Burst of Ice Cone" did not go towards the "Devil's Gate", but flew directly into the large pit under the portal that had been blown open by numerous "Burst of Ice Cone" ...


Because the pit that was just blasted was already six or seven meters deep, the sound of the explosion at the bottom of the pit seemed a little dull at this time, but the power was also greater ... The solid ice cone broke through the rock formation and lowered the depth of the pit again. Four meters.

This is equivalent to Kardashian digging a huge pit ten meters deep under the portal.

Quio and Augustine couldn't afford to continue fighting at this moment, and the same thought flashed in their minds: Can she shoot too far at such a short distance?

But Augustine's mood was agitated and excited: in a few seconds, the "Devil's Gate" was completed. The Frost Dragon's attack at the critical moment was still too biased, really help me too!

Quio's eyes were dying, and she was staring at the "Devil's Gate" tightly, as if she had seen the golden ring portal completely completed.

But at this moment, the tentacles on the surface of the "Devil's Gate" were straightened collectively like blasting hair, and a pale golden light was also mapped from the bottom of the portal at the same time, a dangling light The ball is so visible!

From the angle where Cuo was, it was impossible to see the bottom of the pit, but the "demigod" had long been out of the realm of observation by eyes alone. As soon as the light and wave appeared, he burst into a swearing voice with a dragon, yelling, "Short it up! Come on!"

No doubt, this is exactly the portal "node" that Essien has not found for a long time!

All Kardashian's previous actions were paralysing Augustine. In fact, her true goal has always been this "node", and such a way of searching was exactly what Roddy told her.

When the Devil Army invaded the world for the last time, it was this small and medium portal that successfully attacked several high-elven cities, so the high-elves researched it in the late war and succeeded in finding the fastest way to destroy it: directly below Digging!

Each portal has more than 17 space-time nodes, which are respectively responsible for positioning different coordinates of the portal. The other 16 nodes of the "Devil's Gate" are hidden and cannot be captured. Only the node that determines the position of the portal directly below will always condense in a fixed position!

This "trick" is not even known to Red Dragon Lord Cuio, because the level of war he was involved in involved the large portals used by the "Demon Lord". The structure of the nodes is completely different from the small and medium-sized "Demon Gate". So Rody's superiority in this information made the demon monarch on the other side of the door panic ...

Although space-time nodes have shields, they cannot resist too many attacks at all. Just now the last "Blasting Ice Cone" has brought the shield to the end of the crossbow. At this moment, it is estimated that you only need to make it up casually, and the enchantment will be declared broken ...

Knowing the success or failure, the countless tentacles of the demon monarch Kazvila spread like crazy hair immediately, and flew straight towards Kardashian, who raised his hand to cast!

And Augustine also tried to attack Kardashian after realizing the problem, but he was immediately seized by Queo and knocked his body ...

The ice element condensed at Kardashian's fingertips, but was blocked by a large tentacle just after it was cast. Kazvila is limited by the rules of this world and cannot directly attack Kardashian through spells, so only physical tentacles close to the nature of "infected beast" can prevent thousands of tentacles from forcibly blocking Kardashian in front , Stupidly intercepted the final "burst ice cone"!


The explosion did not penetrate the protective net formed by the tentacles, and this blow also seemed to declare that Kardashian's final effort was a failure.

Augustine was knocked to the ground with a punch, but a triumphant smile appeared on the deformed face.

Kuo's eyes were stricken. At this moment, he was two hundred meters away from the portal, and he could only watch the structure of the portal move towards the final form ...

Roddy and Merlin Serra have already retired at this time through the cover of Queo, and sprinting Roddy glances back without looking at all, but looking for the one that everyone has forgotten in the corner Figure


Because she has a demon atmosphere, and her strength is low enough to be similar to the "infected beast", whether it is Augustine, Kuo, or the demon monarch Kazvila on the other side of the portal, she is not included in the scope of her attention. The ants that can kill in a breath, who cares about her influence on the battle situation?

However, it was such an inconspicuous character, but when Kardashian took the final blow, she suddenly ran forward from the edge of the battlefield. She used both hands and feet, and the speed was not fast at first. In the eyes of the "demigod" -level strongman, he was even slow like a snail, but when he took the third step, Nora's figure suddenly accelerated, and it quickly became a ghost without warning.

When Roddy confirmed the plan to destroy the portal, the only thing in the entire team that could help him was Norah's individual strength, and even Melinthera was a "mite" on this battlefield. Can have extreme speed, but can make Nora the last insurance to destroy the portal!

The ability to “accelerate” just a short time ago distorted the scenery in front of Nora's eyes. The severe wind pressure made her eyes sore and unbearable, but Nora always remembered the purpose of Roddy's arrangement. Stepping on the soft sand and gravel all the way into the pit, when the tentacles of the "Devil's Gate" blocked Kardashian's "Burst of Ice Cone", Nora never appeared in front of any obstacles.

So, she rushed to the golden "space-time node" in this way ...

Raising his arm, Nora gripped the half dragon horn that Kardashian personally handed over to her, and stuck it fiercely on the shield shining with yellow light!


There was no explosion, no flickering light, and no flying debris. The next moment after the dragon's horns touched the shield, everything looked like a pause, but it didn't seem to change at all.

Nora didn't know if she was doing right for a while. She stopped completely because of the inertia of running, but when she looked back, she saw that the dragon horns had disappeared!

"Do not"

Augustine's roar rang, and Nora looked up, only to discover that the huge "Devil's Gate" above her head ... disappeared out of thin air!


Looking back, the "space-time node" that originally floated in front of it suddenly fell to the ground, and the sphere-shaped matrix array made of energy broke into numerous fragments when it contacted the ground, sounding like a broken pottery jar.

Nora didn't know that Kardashian's dragon horn was stored by her father and the Frost Dragon Lord himself. The forbidden spell "Extreme Frozen" is a fast-release, powerful but invisible spell that looks nothing. Inconspicuous, but at this time directly let the "space-time node" scrap!

Kuio was dumbfounded, and Augustine was stunned, and Essin, who had fallen to the ground because of the injury, swallowed.

No one expected that the war would be reversed at the last moment ... turned out to be a mixed-race demon!

Without this node, the "Devil's Gate" suddenly lost its positioning coordinates, and the direct consequence was that it began to flash continuously at random locations throughout the continent ...

In the eyes of Queo and others, the "Devil's Gate" disappeared. However, from the perspective of Kazvila, the scene outside the portal flashed through countless kinds of oceans, mountains, plains, castles, and haystacks in a second in a second ... without the proofreading coordinate nodes, this fan The portal is like a blinking eye, and the scene you see every moment is always different.

However, Kazvila did not want to give up on this. He forced the spell, and used the tentacles outside the portal to stabilize the coordinates of the magic array. The strong mental power immediately made the interval between the "Devil's Gate" flash, but the power of the world law Still repelling the channels of this ectopic plane back and forth ...

In the battlefield of the Karen Kingdom, Sauron is just leading his team to launch a desperate charge. The wolf cavalry team has begun to accelerate with full force ~ ~ The bright scimitar is aimed at the infantry array that Count Moore stacked with nearly 10,000 soldiers!

Just as the two sides were about to go all out, the "Devil's Gate" appeared without warning on the land between the two armies.

Sauron and Moore stared blankly at the huge trembling sphere in the air. The tentacles covered with the surface made the "Devil's Gate" look like a weird hairball, while emitting a strange buzzing sound while emitting The magic wave of scalp tingling ...

However, within three seconds, the "Devil's Gate" completely disappeared, and the battlefield returned to its original appearance.

At the same time, the "Devil's Gate" appeared above Charles II's palace. It disappeared again when the aristocratic parliament looked up in surprise and the royal mage was alarmed. After several consecutive jumps, it actually appeared on the periphery of Elson City.

At this time, the scattered orcs were being chased and killed by Soderroll. The crushed flesh on the ground was exuding a strong fishy smell. The appearance of the "Devil's Gate" did not attract the attention of the orc troops because they were killed The injury is now focused on escape.

Only a giant snake walking through the woods stopped suddenly, and looked up in the direction of the portal.

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