Demon Lord

Chapter 60: Miracle (6)

At this time, there will not be any court to preside over justice, and no one will stand up and scream injustice for these dead villagers ... dead is dead, and no lord will mobilize for this-Tu Village Appearance may be a major event for Soderlor and others, but for the ruling class of the kingdom, such news will be forgotten after a few meals.

Those who have a little brain will understand that there must be no reason for those nobles to use their troops.

Because of this clear understanding in his mind, Sod'llor's indignation will only feel deep weakness, and what comes with it is a strong desire to desperately fight with the orcs.

Whether these villagers knew or did not know, the orc's behavior was tantamount to provocation to human beings-he couldn't help thinking ... if he left with oblivious silence, would he be himself next?

After simply cleaning up the battlefield, Soderauer finally decided to lead the soldiers toward the deep grassland. If you can find those orcs, maybe you can sneak attack, if you can't find them, stop. Although this behavior sounded a little reckless, after witnessing the tragic situation in Kerry Village, no one disputed the decision.

Only at this time, the human hatred of aliens can make them courageously explode with their enemies-plus understand that the team of Roddy and Nolan Village is working hard for this, so Soderall's heart is completely Never thought of the word "avoid war".

Hate is as simple as that. You kill it, I kill it. If you can stop it, you can stop it. It is dead. There is no more possibility. There is no second chance.

The blood flowing in the blood vessels once made scouts on horseback look forward to possible fighting, but as time passed, when they saw the fire at the horizon, they gradually remembered the fact: what is going to happen now It's a real, life-and-death battle.

"Ready to fight! Array!"

Looking at the orange-red camp that was approaching in front of him, Soderlor issued a command loudly. The sound of the blade's sheath slamming one after another, and among the noisy horseshoes, the fourteen scouts reluctantly formed a conical array. Because it was night, the distance between them was difficult to grasp. The speed is not fast and crooked, just like a train out of control.

Soderlor worked hard to control the speed to ensure that everyone could maintain this formation to the enemy's face-he was very clear ... the fire on the grassland should be caused by the arson of the temporary camp, combined with Rodi's previous Action, I am afraid the two sides have already fought at this time!

I couldn't help feeling a little excited, no matter how the next battle would happen, the fifteenth man on his horse appeared, which would certainly cause morale blows to the enemy.

All kinds of associations emerged in my mind for a moment: If Roddy was at a disadvantage at this time, could he launch a wave of charge to cause deterrence to the enemy?

If Roddy just led someone to finish the fire and ran away, would he follow the trail all the way?

Sodroll thought a lot, but he didn't think about Roddy's victory over the orcs. Because of reason, he did not believe that a team of fourteen or five people like himself could have any impact on the enemy who slaughtered an entire village.

"Ready to speed up!"

When shouting such a voice, the team has come within two hundred meters from the camp. Although they are trying to maintain the integrity of the formation, after all, the scouts who went to the battlefield for the first time in the night were a little nervous, waiting for the horses to speed up After that, the soldiers on both sides had begun to loose because of poor horsemanship, so the entire team rushed forward like a stretched wing.

Sodroll closed his eyes tightly, intently looking for possible enemies, but suddenly appeared face to face, but it was a large area that made him unexpected.

The wolves gathered together appeared in front of the team without warning.

"How is this going?"

There is no way to deal with such messages in my mind. There are only wolves and no orcs, which gives Soderlor a momentary slap, and then instinctively turns the team to the side-because their formation is used to kill the orcs, if they directly hit In the dense pile of wolves, not only is it meaningless, it may also cause unnecessary casualties.

However, with such a sudden change, a lot of the spirit that the entire team had just formed suddenly disappeared. Obviously, no more combat power could be gathered in a short time. Although Soderlor understood the consequences, there was nothing he could do, because the riding of his men was really good and bad, and it was impossible to prohibit it.

The scattered scout team passed by the wolves, and they looked nervously at the flaming camp, trying to find the enemy's figure, and soon found seven or eight strong men with scimitars in their hands. And the figures gathered together ...

This is undoubtedly an orc.

The burning light of the camp allowed Soderlor to see everything-the number of orcs, their location, the direction they might escape, the combat power they could have, etc., immediately came to their minds, and they could turn their heads and want to go under the command At that time, he was somewhat annoyed to find out that the team behind him had been completely scattered, and it was impossible to make corresponding adjustments at all.

In desperation, he had to yell "Come with me", trying to make up for the formation defect simply with an impulse, but before he rushed towards those enemies, he heard a strange horseshoe sound not far away.

When I stared at the other side, the small team ... rushed out of the darkness and appeared in front of him without warning.

The pupil seemed to be enlarged at this moment, and Soderlor was completely shocked by everything that appeared in front of him--the tall army horse, the neat formation, and the soldier wearing armor and holding a long sword stared forward, staring at him in front of his body. Pour, skilled and powerful ...

The morale invisible reached the climax at the moment when the sword was swung out.

No loud shouting, no messy slogans, the fourteen cavalry of perfect formation with that unparalleled momentum, and just ran over to the orcs!

As if the roaring torrent flooded several delicate grasses, the orcs flew upside down in the shadow of the sword, and the corpse was broken by the war horse, and there was no sound.

Everything happened too fast. After the rumbling voice passed, Soderol and the team behind him advanced less than 50 meters. By this time, the second lieutenant had really felt the powerful momentum that the team had during the charge-to be honest, I had seen many noble private guards, and even the family had led soldiers to fight. After a small-scale war, but because of this, he can understand the level of these knights before him!

If you compare these soldiers behind you with others, you are totally insulting yourself!

In the years of peace, most of the knights only pursued the strength of individual force, and never paid attention to the collective cooperation that can better exert the power of cavalry. In order to give his troops sufficient fighting power, Soderauer did a lot of hard training for a long time, but obviously the cooperation of these soldiers is really not good. The team that wanted to play a "magic effect" could not even organize a decent charge ...

On the other hand, the team in front of them actually really flattened the enemy with the standard charge formation, and from the mess in the battlefield, they have been smashing here for a long time!

This means that after more than three charges, they can still maintain such a neat and sharp formation to harvest all enemies!

I glanced at it for just a few moments, and Sodrol was shocked to breathe.

He gradually stopped, and the cavalry gradually dispersed in the distance. It seemed to go to the night to look for some fish that missed the net. In the distance, I could hear someone shouting "the guys are doing well", "doing "Stop these puppies".

"Car ... Carter?"

The sound was vaguely familiar, and Soderlor had a strong memory, immediately reminiscent of the guy in the Nolan village who talked with scouts all day long-but in such an impactful scene, he was afraid to confirm this fact.

No matter what you think, a guy like Carter can't connect with the cold and powerful cavalry.

Looking around, there seemed to be no living orcs in this burning camp. There were all kinds of corpses scattered on the ground. When he narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, he found that none of them was surprising. It ’s human.

The scouts behind them also gradually stopped, and looked around in amazement. They did not rely on clues like Soderol to roughly judge what happened, but when they saw such a scene, they were originally a cricket. The uneasy heart suddenly changed from extreme tension to extreme astonishment.

下 "Dismount, clear the battlefield."

Soderol sighed, and after the order was issued, he turned over and jumped off the war horse. He had already seen the figure at the campfire in front of the camp ~ ~ Rodin's iconic armor and figure He would not admit it, and when his existence was confirmed, Soderlor finally confirmed a fact—

This camp, which belongs to the orcs, was really killed by a scout team with him ...

As I walked towards the burning bonfire, the sight in front of me had an inexplicable impact: the burning campfire was soaring into the sky, but the figure sitting in front of the bonfire always sat quietly there. When I looked carefully, I found There seemed to be something in front of him, burning above the campfire.

Walking next to Roddy, the orc's body fell over, and most of them were far away with arrows in their throats, while those near them were mostly opened their chests by machetes or cut their heads.

The linen bandage was wrapped around Rody's hands, and some blood was leaking from it, but there was no other wound on his body. The machete was placed on the ground on both sides of the body, the arrow shaft leaned sideways, and there was only one arrow left, while the corner bow was thrown at the foot, the other side's eyes were looking at the bonfire, slightly surprised.

"Rody, I--"

"Come here?"

I turned around and Roddy smiled. It seemed that his expression hadn't changed much as usual, but Soderall felt that in such a situation, seeing such a smile, his heart was awkward.

I remembered the village that had been slaughtered. He couldn't really respond with a smile. In the end, he only nodded in response.

"Have you eaten?"


Sodroll was dumbfounded, not expecting Roddy to ask such a question.

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