Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 576: Jinyinshan

So when Roddy's team entered Elson City, at least half of the people in the city came around to celebrate the triumph of the team. Even the floating tower came together to sow the flying petals of flowers. The soldiers sang loudly, the joy brought by the victory of the war was like a glass of delicious wine, which was very evocative.

Roddy knew that he had done too low-key things, not to mention the Karen Kingdom. Even the people of Everta rarely heard his name. For the credit he made before, more than half of the civilians have not even heard of it. After this victory, Roddy understands ... the time for him to stand up has arrived.

Now that he is going to lead Everta forward, he must be the focus of everyone's eyes and make them aware of his strength and invincibility!

Admiration and worship were spreading, and that was exactly what Roddy needed. The grand welcoming ceremony was only an appetizer. Under the guidance of a caring person, he took the team that followed the expedition to the city square. He took Soderol and the cavalry captain as a representative, and personally came to the stage and awarded them the "guardian knight." "medal!

This medal is not conferred the title of "Knight", but pure glory. But when the civilians thought that this was the end, he threw a blockbuster directly: each "guardian knight" received a reward of at least 100 gold coins!

This is not a blank check, but a real, real money Roddy three days in advance to prepare Camilla, just to let most people in Elson City witness this moment ...

So all the audience who watched the ceremony of honours watched an Elsen city transport ship slowly enter the venue, and pulled a whole ship of gold and silver coins over.

Because of the scarcity of gold coins, most of the 10,000 gold coins were eventually calculated as silver coins and distributed to the hands of soldiers. When the money of this entire ship was stacked together, the visual impact that was brought to people was beyond description ...

Real Treasure Mountain.

In particular, Roddy also made people talk about the number of gold and silver coins in person, and personally handed a bag of gold and silver coins to the "guardian knight" who was awarded a honour. The pocket full of coins was taken by each soldier. I took three of them, and the sound of "wow-wow-wow-wow" was endless.

And Roddy did not forget to let seven or eight people take turns to take the stage, and in the presence of the audience, he slowly told the amazing record of these soldiers' bravery, regaining the fortress and killing thousands of orcs several times.

"Avtali Blade!"

"You are our glory!"

"The orc reaper!"

When Soderol came to the stage to give a short speech, various nicknames were already shouted by the public. Although many of them were arranged in advance as "childcare", most of them had learned through Camilla's propaganda. In view of the mighty power of the general, at this moment facing the general who was really guarding their safety, they all followed the shout.

The onlookers were impatient from beginning to end, sulking while watching all the soldiers quietly while receiving a reward.

In this regard, Roddy is extremely satisfied.

The impact of this ceremony of honor is profound. Most of the honors have only been awarded to nobles, but as soldiers, they have won huge bonuses and honors, which has made civilians feel a political atmosphere that is completely different from other cities ...

Roddy then made a short speech. He did not pull any fake content, but directly acknowledged the fact that he led the team to kill the 100,000 undead army and designed to kill Augustine!

This is also a moment of historical significance.

All the speculations have been acknowledged by Rody. The titles of "strongest lord", "strongest prime minister", "invincible", etc. have been fully implemented, which is undoubtedly a dose to all people in Elsen City and even Everta Strong heart. The group of people who were still in doubt was completely relieved, and then shouted the slogan "Long live the owner" in cheers ...

In the voice of thousands of leaders, Roddy and the soldiers slowly left the field. The soldiers returned to the barracks, and Roddy set foot on a transport ship and returned to the main residence with Camilla and others.

As soon as she stepped onto the transport ship, Nefi's figure fluttered in the same wind and jumped into Roddy's arms. Roddy laughed and raised her for a few laps, but when she was ready to put it down, she found that the girl was unwilling to pull alive, and she let her ride on her neck with both hands. Neffi giggled, eyes Didi swept around, and the corners of her mouth were almost to the sky.

Camilla was unable to persuade her, and she knew that Roddy's pet Nefrey could not do it, so she could only talk about the current situation with Roddy, whose hair was chased by Neffi.

"Sauron's troops went to Bergen's collar? And now they're out of the country?"

When he heard the news, Roddy didn't turn his head for a moment ... History has been completely chaotic, the orc's aggression has not ended yet, and the Sauron army, which is the absolute main force, escaped the kingdom from the gap. Boundary Roddy had to admire this guy's bravery, even if he changed himself, it is estimated that the final choice is just that.

Sauron's team wants to survive, and it is the best choice between the borders of several countries. Hiding thousands of people in this "three no matter" zone is easy. It is estimated that even from time to time, Karen had a fall breeze, and Charles II was absolutely helpless.

"Now they can't control them anymore. Next, we will solve the problems in the territory. There are still greater challenges waiting for us."

Camilla sounded a little dazed: the bigger challenge? Isn't it big enough to deal with orcs' attacks and undead crises?

Suddenly she thought of something ~ ~ but she couldn't confirm whether it was true or not, but Roddy had smiled and turned to say hello to Houdini and others, and her doubts could only be swallowed. Back in the belly.

And while a group of people was traveling on a transport boat, while Roddy and Houdini talked about the lethality of the dammed lake, he glanced at the map bar as the crowd in the city gradually dispersed, Teflin's team was now Quietly entered the city from the northern gate of the city with the fewest people, and was placed in a separate area under the leadership of the soldiers.

The residential in this urban area is located in the most deserted part of the outer city. The reason why Roddy arranged this is to temporarily isolate these Teflins. Although they used to be human, changes in their appearance and body are not acceptable to ordinary human beings. If they are allowed to live with civilians now, it will certainly lead to conflict.

It's not difficult to get them into human society. There are many ways for Roddy to give these people the ability to disguise themselves as normal humans. But the next thing Roddy has to do is continue to brainwash them. As long as they are convinced that they are just "somewhat special" humans, they will eventually be perfectly integrated into the territorial system under their control!

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