Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 584: After wave

At this time in the study of Charles II, Milnor was so excited that when Moore was kicked out of the circle by Charles II, the only core circle of power that deserves attention now is himself!

Based on Milnor's understanding of Charles II, the emperor would surely bring up another nobleman to check and balance himself, but in the face of Everta's problem, no one stopped it.

"You take the place of Moore, count the nobles who can fight, and hand in the battle plan as soon as possible."

Charlie II was in a bad mood, and after a few words, he let Mirno back down. He also knew that Moore would not be targeted, and dissuade himself from rumors without a source? How could one Count win so many victories at this level?

He called the housekeeper to let him inquire about the current news of Everta, but the content of the feedback made him realize that Mirno was right. "This is what Roddy said that he killed the 100,000 army of the undead and killed him. Augustine? Is this cowhide blown out to be believed? Really stupid ... "

He threw away the letters and decided not to pay any attention to the information.

Anyway, the task has been given to Mirno. In such a fragile situation, if Eta is so weak, there is no difficulty in seeing it. Just wait for the good news to come.

In the Elsen City laboratory, the blue circle shining in the blue is reflecting the scenes of different regions.

For the Prophecy Magister, it is not difficult to explore the area that is not protected by the Array. Before Roddy left Elson to Tasman, Houdini repeatedly explored Tasman's terrain, and after analysis and comparison, he showed Rodi which dammed lakes might cause the bank to break.

At that time, he hadn't understood the specific reason why Roddy did this. Even if he heard that he wanted to deal with the undead, he never thought that he could really kill the army of 100,000 undead by breaking the embankment.

After Roddy's triumphant return, he first held a celebratory banquet last night, but at the meeting, all core circles such as Soderol, Camilla and Akasha were talking and celebrating. Thanks for the nomination, but also know that it is not necessary to go up to grab the limelight at this time, and found a reason to return to his room in advance. However, after thinking about it, Houdinis suddenly found that he had some inexplicable changes in his attitude towards Roddy. He couldn't find the reason, couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, he got up and cast again, observing Tasman who had fallen into chaos at this moment.

The scene in the French formation now locked a town.

Countless human beings are beating and building in full swing. Humans working in the drizzle are filled with unprecedented smiles. The words they talk about are inseparable from the title "Master Kulka". Obviously, the "Rebel Army" not only overthrew the rule of the undead, but also made the original "Lamb The internal stability was broken. The high-level nobles controlled by the undead lost their background one by one and were conquered by Kulka while leading the army one by one. By now, their original "Starfire" has been completely With the power of Ebara, silently occupying two-thirds of Tasman's original "lamb" ruled area.

Obviously, the integration of all humans is a matter of course.

The scene in the magic circle changes again: In the spooky house, the leader of the "Awakener", who is dressed appropriately, Dascoe sits tightly and whispers to a pale-haired undead in front of him. The nobleman was old and wore a blue-and-black robe symbolizing the earl. The content of the conversation was nothing more than which big aristocracy the Awakening would support in the future, etc ...

Obviously, the rift of the undead ruling class has begun to appear, Augustine has not appeared for a few days, basically everyone has confirmed his death, and then the aristocratic forces began to stand in groups, and began to argue and fight because of different political opinions.

The "Awakeners" were originally enemies of the Tasman aristocracy, but immediately after this chaotic political struggle began, they immediately became the leaders of many fragrant Dascoes. The earliest political purpose was to seek freedom. And overthrow Augustine's rule.

But now that Augustine is dead, the so-called pursuit of "freedom" has gradually tasted ...

The higher the station, the more you want. Individual political demands will gradually be distorted by the "collective." All the undead who joined the "Awakeners" organization essentially consider themselves to be humans. Deep down, they and Tasman's original undead stand on the opposite side.

In other words, they now have a new understanding: they are truly orthodox undeads, and those who are forgotten by brainwashing are not even undeads.

Now they are only a minority, but over time, as new undead awakening procedures are changed and more and more undead have a lifetime memory, the "minority" may move to the "majority". Waiting for someone ’s existence is like a stick, which has made the disorderly political world more chaotic ...

Houdini drew his eyes from the circle. Even with his magic, long-term detection and analysis can be a bit overwhelming. However, after this round of casting, he saw more clearly the consequences of Roddy's trip ~ ~ A person, with a team of 100 people, simply relied on sufficient preparation, accurate intelligence and contingency He discounted limbs and cut off his head when a country was ready for aggression.

This kind of thing sounds like heaven and earth, but it is happening. Houdini now understands that his previous respect for Roddy was in fact only a homage to the powerful magical civilization of Elson City; and now ... he was truly in awe of this terrible leader.

Very pedestrian and very decisive. Now that he has decided to stand on the same tank with Roddy, Houdini understands that he now has no way out. To move forward, let's move forward together. Since cooperation, everyone will go further on the road of win-win.

Houdini thought about this a lot. He was in a daze in front of the magic circle that had finished casting, and repeatedly read the experimental records he had written in the Elsen City laboratory. Unconsciously, it was It was found that a touch of white fish had lit up outside the window.

The drowsy Houdini sighed. He glanced at the city's main house not far away, but found that Roddy's study was always on. This scene made Houdini can't help but sigh that success has never happened. He summarized this. After thinking about all kinds of thoughts, he decided to talk seriously with Roddy.

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