Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 590: Reborn and reborn (on) ...

Theoretically, the 29 to 30 level is very difficult to rise. Many players are stuck on this advanced task because of their strength. Because no matter what the profession, this task is very difficult, and it usually takes 1-6 months to complete.

At the time, Roddy completed the "ranger" advanced task and almost ran through the entire Jingyu Forest. He borrowed a lot of money and props, and finally he successfully completed the task BSS by himself.

At the moment of upgrading, Roddy felt that he was really exhausted.

But now ...

Roddy directly took out the shadow dragon crystal hanging on his neck. Although Melincela was not an enemy, Long Jing gave it to herself in a sense. In a sense, it should belong to the trophy after "defeated".

Thinking about it this way, [Energy Drain] shows a hint of successful release.

Roddy himself was a little dazed: Obviously, this task does not need to do any preparation or errands, and just wait for energy to be completed.

"That's over?"

He looked down, but then realized that it was not that the task was simplified, but that he was too strong now.

How many people can kill dragons and kill demigods when they advance to the tenth level? How many people can become the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, the Lord of a city?

It wasn't until now that Roddy realized that he had to swim the river desperately before, but now he passed by one step. Sighing, Roddy suddenly felt a little funny. He put his skills in the right place, put away Long Jing, and began to assign advanced talent points.

Even with bonus talent points, Roddy now has a total of 19 points to assign. He has always added the "strengthening" talent, so he went up and down, filling the points of "Enhanced Arcane Explosive Shot", "Enhanced Guided Arrows", and "Enhanced Silent Shot". The active skill "Make: Energy Arrow" at 20 o'clock in the talent tree was added.

[Manufacturing: Energy Arrows]

Cost: 150 mana

Cooldown: 3 seconds

Effect: Create a pure energy arrow with mana.

Duration: 30 minutes

Energy arrows

Effect: 15 additional damage

This skill gives Roddy more ways to fight: because the energy state arrow has a short existence time and the energy state itself is not particularly stable, so physical damage is simply not as good as a long arrow with a metal head. Correspondingly, the range of energy arrows is extended, with less interference, high consistency and high accuracy. There is definitely room for the future.

The talent of the "beast control" system is directly skipped by Rody, and the active skill "climbing" when adding 10 points to the "survival" system:


Cost: 10 energy / second

Effect: You can keep climbing on a vertical object without falling.

Then Roddy filled it up with "Enhancing Afterglow" and used up the last two talent points of the "Hunter Demon Hunter" class.

He switched to the [Elemental Summoner] page, and looked at the new skills that he had after rising to level 17. Compared with the highly practical skills of "The Demon Hunter", most of the lower-level skills of the clerical staff obviously did not keep up with the times. Skills such as "Basic Ice Shield", "Primary Earthen Armor", "Primary Flame Enchantment", etc. are basically useless, because the additional effect of Rody's current equipment is comparable to this " A 15-second cast for three minutes. "

The ability to "wake up" only at level 10 is what Rordi values.


Release: 100 mana consumed

Cooling: 1 day

Effect: 5% mana restored per second for up to 12 seconds

This is an effective ability to quickly recover mana in battle. Many of the key skills of the "Hunter Demon Hunter" class will now consume a lot of mana, and with it, Roddy can quickly add mana with means such as "intermediate magic potion".

Then came the [meditation] skills that the legal professions attach great importance to.


Continuous Casting

Effect: Increases Intellect by 1 point every hour during meditation.

Effect: 150 mana recovered per hour during meditation

This is why the mage is usually "meditating". However, Roddy doesn't have that much time to meditate now. It is estimated that he wants to work hard and can only take time out every night. He turned on the last three skills and confirmed that this was the real purpose of his promotion to level 17:

[Summon: water element]

Cost: 680 mana

Cast time: 12 seconds

Reagents: Water Magic Crystalx1

Duration: 1 hour

There are also [Summon: Earth Elemental] and [Summon: Wind Elemental]. The contents of the skills are similar, except that the magic crystals used are different. And this is also the first skill that Rody has learned that can be linked to the name of the "Elemental Summoner". However, this is not a skill to open a portal and sign a contract with an "Elemental Plane" creature. It is simply constructed by magic crystal energy. A kind of "傀儡".

After all, this is only a level 17 skill, and it is not enough to cross the plane. However, Roddy took a closer look at the properties of these elemental creatures and found that they are indeed much stronger than those of the undead bones.

The starting point of the health of the water element is 8500. It comes with the "Frost Arrow" and "Frost Nova" skills. Although the spell skill level is not high, it is absolutely horrible to ordinary soldiers. More importantly, it comes with a "pure water flow aura" ", You can restore 10 mana per second for allies within a radius of five meters.

For Roddy, who had ten mages when he went out, a water element was standing there, it was a magic supply station.

Earth element life is the highest ~ ~ reached a staggering 14,500 points, but the disadvantage is slow movement. It is a melee-type element and has its own "Power of the Earth" passive ability. As long as the ground is under your feet, you can restore 150 health per second. In other words, this guy is very suitable as a meat shield, or even a wall to carry around.

Wind elemental health is very low, only poor 1500 points. However, with the passive ability "Wind Shadow Invisible", there is an 80% probability to dodge physical attacks and a 50% probability to dodge magic attacks. The speed of action is the highest of the three elements, and the speed is even comparable to that of Roddy who turned on "Sprint". At the same time, Roddy's favorite is that it has a "strike by the wind" aura, increasing the movement speed of allies within 10 meters and 10% attack speed.

At the same time, the Elemental Summoner can only control one elemental creature to fight. Roddy's current job level is not high, so the "fire element" and "thunder element" are not yet learning.

Roddy now feels that he has a "zoo" tendency, and his brain makes up for the scene of Nokia, Misha, and water elements on the battlefield. Roddy really feels that in the face of ordinary enemies, he may end the battle without shooting arrows.

The increase in power brought about by the explosive rise of levels has almost doubled. In particular, Roddy's overall level has now reached an astonishing level of 67. Looking at the Karen Kingdom, it has become a high-level combat power.

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