Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 599: Agricultural reform

The memory in her mind seemed to be full of holes. She only remembered that she was assisting Master Khadgar to manage the laboratory in Elsen City. She didn't know what specific project, when it came, or what she encountered.

Akasha looked at her like this. The first thing she did was find out in the consciousness whether the other nine mages had a similar situation, but the information she got back was relieved. It was estimated that the distance was relatively long, and other high-elven mages were not affected. The impact is still the same. As for Silvia, who was in a state of instability, she immediately made a decision in her heart and said, "Elsen City has been attacked before. I am the team responsible for rescue."

"When is Elson's turn to rescue humans?"

Silvia's face showed a disdainful expression, but Akasha cooperated: "I'm a human ... mage, and will make spells."

When she was studying Gao Lingwen, she could not help but understand some customs and discourse habits, so when she wanted to say that she was a "priest," she changed her mouth in time. There was no religion in that era, and there was no such thing as a "priest."

As if in order to prove her identity, Akasha raised her hand and directly released the "hypnosis" spell, which was almost ineffective for a prepared mage. Silvia was also prepared to resist when she realized Akasha's intention, but Her casting failed at all, and there was an irresistible obedience in her heart, as if there was a voice in her head to make her stand upright and accept the spell ...

So Silvia rolled her eyes without suspense and fell asleep on the spot.

Akasha rushed up to support her crooked body, and her forehead was also sweating at this time, but the little priest couldn't care less and wiped Silvia on the ground. She released "Hypnosis" again "Ensuring that the other party was in deep sleep, he turned around and rushed out of the laboratory and ran towards Pashaar's Tower where Camilla was ...

"Sir Prime Minister, do you mean ... Is there a problem with the way farming is done in Everta?"

The Duke ’s Court meeting in Holytown has been going on for three days. From the earliest strategic direction to the details of the agricultural reforms to be carried out now, the lords felt that they had learned something new in the past two days. More up.

"The two-bed system does have problems, and the problems are not small."

Roddy took out a piece of parchment paper and pointed to the illustration above: "The two-farm system is to cultivate one land, and the other is idle. The two fields are alternately cultivated, right? In fact, this is a very stupid way."

Seriously, he hadn't studied the technical level of agriculture in the Karen Kingdom before, but now a systematic investigation has found that these people ca n’t be starved every year because of bad rain or hard work. People, Academician Yuan has produced more than 3,000 kilograms of rice per mu. It is a reality. At present, this kind of primitive two-farm farming system in the Middle Ages is really behind for nearly a thousand years. You must know that the Chinese have their own "vegetable talent". Yes, when the two-bed system became popular in Europe, China disappeared after the Spring and Autumn Period. As for the later cultivation methods and the application of fertilizers, it is really higher than a group of Europeans.

Although Rodi was not a graduate of agriculture, he also lived in the countryside as a child. Deep farming and fertilization, as long as it is a reliable land, where can you get the rest by "fallowing" ...

"The land is no longer nutritious. We can fertilize and grow other crops as a supplement. Drying for a year and doing nothing is completely wasteful. But in fact, all farms in Everta have been in this mode until now. As a result, we ca n’t even be self-sufficient when the year is bad. ”

This theory made the lords dumbfounded. After all, the big aristocrats who could enter the cabinet were not bales. The most basic way of farming in the collar was always known, but because of this, they could not understand why Roddy considered the "two-bed system" stupid. He didn't know what "fertilizing" meant in his mouth. After all, in this age where everyone urinates, no one even realizes the importance of feces on the land. Farmers in Chinese history ca n’t wait to collect all the feces they can collect. Pick it up, who will waste it out?

This is actually the limitation of the times.

As long as you have compulsory education, you will understand the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on plants in the field. This basic principle is not explained by the general term "land nutrients". Roddy, who had been to university, is an intellectual, even if he hasn't taken it for years. So before he came here for a meeting, he had already implemented a series of measures in Elsen City, opened up "experimental fields" for comparison, and came up with a reliable answer: "The new farming method I have promoted has been in Elsen It has been verified. By comparison, it can get at least 70% more grain than the two-farm system, and it does not waste a lot of land without fallow. The new farming methods will also be different, and it is necessary to mix wheat when growing Other crops are used to balance soil nutrition. This is the result of many group experiments, which is real, effective and credible. "

The lords were suspicious, but they also looked forward to it. After all, Roddy has never been an untargeted person. He has always promised to do what he promises. So far, he can score a perfect score in terms of credibility.

"Of course, these things will be handled by the newly established 'Ministry of Agriculture' in the future, and the lords only need to be responsible for implementation. At the same time, the 'Ministry of Agriculture' will recruit some wood elves as consultants ~ ~ Spells will be the key to future food production guarantees in Everta, so we must respect them as they should. Can you understand? "

This made the lords stupid. They obviously did not know the role of advanced wood elves such as "Druids" and "Jungle Guards" in promoting agriculture, but apparently Roddy had made plans for the village chief. There must be many similar characters in the Wood Elf Village. Various methods are used. Roddy is not convinced that he can't dig out the Wood Elves who are willing to help out.

Three thousand cats per mu is not for now, even if it can be done to double the output.

"Well, let's talk about agriculture first. I will talk about the planning of the 'railway system' later."

Roddy continues to throw out a concept that confuses the lord and even Sally. Today, the carriage is the only means of transportation on land. Today, the entire Karen Kingdom has a handful of "roads" that can have hard roads. "Road systems" I don't know if I can come up with a decent network, let alone the "railway system".

Even Sally hasn't seen the appearance of the transport ship, so at this time she is very interested in what Roddy said. She pointed to the drawing that Roddy subsequently extracted, and reached out: "This is what you mean by 'transportation' Ship '? Huh? Aren't you parchment? "

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