Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 603: Would you like to try it?


Verda looked at the question mark, and then realized that his experimental data was too "perfect", causing the Magister in front of him to think that he was simply fabricated ... He always was honest where he was willing to be wronged, and quickly took out the only remaining Of the three energized crystals, describing their findings word by word.

Crohn took the spar and glanced at it. At first he felt a little contempt. He felt that Verda's lies were too clumsy. After comparing the three spar, his face changed, and he held them silently. After putting it on his circle for three seconds, he took a deep breath and held Verda to say: "I apologize to you, I shouldn't have doubted you that much just now."

Without waiting for Verda to say anything in panic, Crohn waved his hand and continued: "Take me immediately to where you buy the spar, how much is more!"

However, when Crohn found the Davey shop in person, he found that there was only one copy of it!

"You said it was made by Everta?"

"Yes ... Lord Crohn ... they only sold me a box and told me to contact them if they wanted more. I think they gave them too much price, so they didn't leave any contact information ..."


Crohn did not explain, he turned around and walked, and at the same time Wilda followed the trot: "To arrange new tasks for you, to buy this spar, you must find a supplier that can supply for a long time! I'll give you how much it costs! Did you hear me? "

"I'll go right now! Mentor!"

While Crohn was eagerly searching for a charged spar, more than six mages in the entire east of Karen had discovered the power of this magic spar after accidentally "trying" it, and also started a crazy acquisition. ...

And they didn't know that a large net gradually spread out with the appearance of charged spar in the Karen kingdom.

Roddy, who walked out of the monastery, was inexplicably indifferent. He turned back, nodded to the guard at the temple saluting at the door, and stepped on the carriage of the Ducal Mansion.

Because of the titles of "Pious" and "Captain of the Templars", Roddy's status in the "Rose Cross" is equivalent to that of the bishop, so at this time entering and leaving the monastery received very high courtesy. And such a picture had to remind him of his previous experiences in the monastery.

Came here to meet Sally, and blocked the enemy's assassination at the door. The scenes were reminiscent of what happened yesterday. At first, I was just a little-known scout. Now when I come back, I am already at the peak of the power of Everta ...

Dean Benjamin has developed steadily in his parish. Bishop Rubens is now in a high position, and from time to time he has to contact Sally to show his goodness. "Rose Cross" 's attitude towards Evta is obvious to all. Roddy's visit to the abbey and the current dean is also a political act of "rewarding the peach". Continue to increase support for the "Rose Cross" is one aspect, and more importantly, a series of policies and plans to deal with the "Viper Cross" in the future.

Roddy's words here are a tentative test. He exposed the tip of the planned iceberg and asked the monastery chief to convey it to the "Rose Cross" executives. If the other party really understood it, he would send a real person to come and talk. If he didn't see it, Roddy would take it seriously and switch to another plan.

After all, in his current capacity, it seemed too formal to go directly to the bishop, saying hello in advance was a good buffer for both parties.

The stone road in Hollier City is not smooth, even if you ride the luxury carriage of the Duke's Mansion, you can still feel the vibration from the wooden wheels. Rodian sat in the carriage with his eyes closed, but actually thought about the drawings and illustrations about the "spar core".

Elson City can now create "Arcane Puppets" to assist in logging. The core of power output is powered by "charged crystals". To put it more generally, this thing is the "energy engine" created by the high-elven civilization. Compared to gasoline diesel engines on earth.

The energy source of "charged spar" is mainly the energy essence product of nature or the magic crystal of Warcraft. On the one hand, it is safe, efficient, and non-polluting, but the problem at the same time is that the current labor force is insufficient to obtain enough "magic crystals". To manufacture. Rorty is now thinking about how to solve the problem of mass production of "rechargeable spar". He believes that ... if projects such as the Three Gorges Dam can be completed to improve energy, it is not just "trains". In the future Hollier It is not difficult to run "cars" on the city's streets.

The improvement of transportation means that the distance between people is shortened, so that the excess output value can become a tangible wealth, and when people no longer regard the distance between Elson City and the capital of the capital as a **** of nature ... it is Roddy When using the ultimate killer.

But now he hasn't fully stated all his plans, because everything will take a long time to settle, maybe five years, maybe ten years, but there will always be a day of bright swords. In contrast, Milnor's lame offense is almost no longer considered by Roddy.

The carriage stopped at the Duke's Mansion, and Roddy stepped down and looked up and saw a smile waiting for her Duke of Evtar ~ ~ Apparently long-term heterosexuality made Sally want to talk to Luo every moment Dee sticks together. If it wasn't for the formal talks today, she would have liked to follow the past directly in the Duke's Mansion, and Sally put down the shelf during the meeting a few days ago, holding Roddy's arm directly and not letting go.

"It's all over the talk, and finally I can let you stay with me. My voice is almost smoking these days ..."

Sally took Roddy lightly into the mansion, "Would you like to go hunting tomorrow? It's not right, it wouldn't be good to go out just after the battle. Then go and watch Pashallil's performance at the Opera House? You agree with me and let someone arrange for her to play a separate game tomorrow! "

The "cabinet meeting" was held yesterday, and now it is a rare moment of leisure, so Sally lingering on Roddy for a while, and even ignored the duke's hold.

Now is the time for afternoon tea, and the servant has put snacks on the coffee table in the living room. Sitting in an armchair, Roddy smiled and agreed to the proposal to watch the opera, and then said, "I feel like there is no entertainment for the aristocracy. What else can I do besides hunting and watching opera?"

"Yes, some guys will call a lot of ladies to go to the bedroom to be happy. I heard that they have been for three or four days. Would you like to try?"

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