Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 619: Pub chat

Roddy used magic to cut away the extra vegetation and carefully turned it over, but he felt that the pits and the cannonball pits in the impression were similar to the traces on the land that had long disappeared. The dents that can be seen now are all stone buildings. What remains is that, on the side close to the dent, Rody can still see the lines of the stone that have been deformed due to high temperature and cracked after cooling, which makes him feel more strange.

Could it have been hit by the forbidden spell "Meteor Fire Rain" here?

Roddy stood there and thought for a while, really didn't know where this was once the High Elven Kingdom. When he saw that it was still early, he stepped up to Kodak and flew directly to the west for a while. He landed in the northern part of Bergen territory, walked into a small town that was still intact, and so many newspapers were released. The target area to see how the actual effect.

To his surprise, just when he approached the tavern, he heard someone reading the contents of the latest newspaper aloud.

"Hot recruitment ... Um, you guys have to listen to this too? Well I think if you think you have a skill and you want to find a stable and well-paid job in Elson, then don't hesitate!"

"Tailor, tanner, baker, blacksmith ... It seems to include all professions, even theater actors ..."

The young man who reads the newspaper is obviously not the first day to do this job. He scanned all the occupations he recruited and read Elson's salary to those who are eligible in the audience: "Professional blacksmith 12 Silver coins! You can reach 30 after passing the promotion exam! Braondo, you really shouldn't be wasting where this bird doesn't shit! "

Elson provides a lot of "public rice bowls". Leatherworking, blacksmiths, tailors, city patrols, etc. are all vacant. This is different from other cities. Occupations such as tailor blacksmiths are basically passed down from generation to generation in the Karen kingdom. It ’s normal for generations of people in a shop not to move their nests, but these occupations in Elson have brought the nature of “state-owned enterprises”, because Roddy wants to engage in large-scale production, not small workshop customization.

He found a seat casually, ordered the best meal in the pub, and continued to listen to the other person turning pages.

In order not to make a piece of superb equipment too eye-catching, Roddy approved the gray cape. So when he walked in, he didn't attract much attention. Instead, the new headline in the newspaper population caught the attention of everyone in the house. "Elson currently recruits a large number of clerks. As long as you know how to write, you are eligible to apply. Specific departments … Um, the Academy of Magic? The Ministry of Agriculture? I have n’t heard of any of these. No, the newspaper is the place to write newspapers. It seems that whoever goes to Elson really has a chance to edit the newspapers for everyone to read! ”

In fact, the newspaper's job advertisements are mainly for people in the Everta area. In this era, transportation is not convenient. It is basically a nightmare for people who want to apply for Bergen territory to Elson City. It is estimated that the journey will take another month. . However, it is also a strategy for Rody to intentionally print this way: he just wants everyone to feel like "Elson City is a place full of wealth."

The newspaper is over when it reads it, and people around the world have pulled out copper coins as a favor, which has become a customary rule, although not many, but it can also be regarded as a confession. When people returned to their seats, the hotel owner at the counter joked with the young man: "Cose, have you read and read, have you ever thought of going there?"

This young man was Cauchy, a knight who began reading newspapers more than a week ago. At this time he was still staring at the newspaper in his hand, and hesitated to reply: "I really want to go and see ..."

As a knight, Cauchy had no plans to live on the money he earned from reading newspapers every day. But in the immediate future, Elson's journey is really distant. It is estimated that his skinny horse will starve to death in half, and the reality is so cruel, and people have no choice.

"Hey man, then."

Cauchy looked back and saw a shadow passing through the air. After reaching out and grabbing quickly, he found that it was a fine silver coin. The knight shined in the territory of Bergen. This fine silver coin is almost comparable to the two current low-quality nickel coins on the market, which is definitely the highest reward he has ever received.

Looking up, Cauchy found that the men who were in favor were obviously exuding a different momentum from others. He had fought in the war, so it was easy to tell the **** smell on the other side ...

Those who feel this way are certainly not civilians or citizens, and they must be nobles who have fought.

"Boss, I invite this knight for a drink, for the best."

Roddy greeted Cossi and sat down, asking with interest: "Did you just want to go to Elson?"

When asked about this, Cosi naturally felt a little embarrassed and smiled awkwardly: "It's just a thought. After all, I'm homeless. Where is it not to stray?"

After chatting with each other, Roddy fabricated an identity and said, "I also just returned from the east. My father died in the war. The territories were ruined. It looks like I can't get it from the other old thieves. Take it back, so I walked around. "

The identity he said was actually the eldest son of a noble missing in his memory. At the time, Roddy had done the task of finding the remains, so the family background of this noble was very clear. In short, Cauchy confirmed that he was indeed the eastern part of the kingdom. The nobility of the descendants of the aristocracy had disappeared, and the topic of conversation eased.

"This battle was inexplicable, but even more inexplicable is that His Majesty should continue to fight. I heard that Mirno did not gather as many men and horses, I really don't know how many troops can go to Evta in the end."

Hearing this, Roddy laughed secretly in his heart that he published a newspaper and constantly used public opinion to pressure the nobles for the sake of the present scene: who would have done things that were hard to please? As long as Mirno finally gathers no more than 4,000 people ~ ~, then Rody only needs to send an elite assault a few times, which is enough to make these bales fall apart. As for siege or something ... Roddy has countless ambushes waiting to pit him.

"Even though, if you don't fight, there is no way to make money ... although I have some silver coins left, I will starve to death after such a long time."

Roddy pretended to complain a few words, deducing the role of "homeless noble descendants" more realistic.

The words in his mouth are actually the complaints of most knights or young nobles in this era. The only ability of nobles without family business is to fight on horseback. It is difficult to earn any income without fighting. Therefore, there are always various reasons for duel or small in the kingdom. Scale conflict. Even Charles II could only open one eye and close one, because he couldn't control it.

"Actually, there is a way, I don't know if you want to," Cauchy whispered, pointing to the guys in black robes in the corner of the tavern: "Viper Cross recently recruited knights for Count Mirno," If the knight nobles join, they will be paid once a week, and a lot will be given. "

"Oh? Viper Cross?"

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