Demon Lord

Chapter 68: Bloody Rain (2)

"The warriors of our tribe are brave because of their confidence in their strength. Humans are weak and debilitated because they cannot fight our strong warriors alone when fighting, so they have fear, fear, and no fighting spirit ... Once they fight, They simply don't trust their comrades-in-arms, and they often flee. This is the most important reason why we have never suffered from a border dispute. "

"But once they start tasting victory, they start to lose their fear of us, and they no longer fear our warriors. Sauron, you will gradually find that we are not as powerful as we think. Our objective is that our soldiers are indeed stronger and taller than humans. However, human beings can make up for such defects through war horses ... they have better weapons and armors, which is a gap that we cannot ignore. "

"Judged from the trace, their number is even less than forty, and by now, they may have killed more than three hundred of us soldiers."

Saw Sauron frowned, and then whispered, "Teacher, then we are here to."

Before he finished speaking, he found out that Sarota reached out and pulled a piece of sandpaper from the pocket of his robe, and handed it gently-he took it with both hands when he was surprised, and after turning it open, he realized that it was actually a Maps.

You must know that the orc kingdom has a lower cultural level than humans. Although it has its own cultural heritage, the proportion of "illiterate" is almost 90% or more. Only seven or eight of the nearly 100 wolf knights can read outside, and it is only Salo. It is possible to study things like “maps” that look like ordinary things to human beings, such as towers and Sauron.

不 It is no exaggeration to say that the orcs rarely use maps, not to mention the precise "high-end goods" marked by Zoron!

No matter how you look at it, Sarota is a stranger who is brilliant among the orcs. He understood the reason why humans could expel orcs to the grassland nearly a hundred years ago, so he never stopped the pace of exploration and learning. Now, this learning has shown results.

This map drawn on grass paper is almost the same as that of Roddy's, and even more accurate than that in some details.

The village had been destroyed by Rody and the locations where the two wolf cavalry had been attacked were marked on the blueprint. These locations were very regular. Solow soon discovered that the locations of the incident were almost along the "Rohar's Hammer" and "Blood Spear". "The borders of the tribe ...

他 "He-if he did it intuitively, then he is."

"very scary."

Sarotta nodded, looking a little cautious and serious, "I even wonder if a spy like that of Count Francis has appeared among the orcs, otherwise."

He shook his head and added in a low voice: "Anyway, such a guy ..."

"It must be removed."

He turned his attention to the map, and then gradually understood why Sarrota came to Cossack Village-because according to the rules of the previous Roddy attack, this was almost the best choice for the next.

"They have successfully provoked the hatred of the two tribes. It is difficult to imagine that a human who has never been to the orc kingdom knows the contradictions between the tribes and knows that this simple and effective way has caused us internal friction. "Sarotta sighed and said a bit helplessly:" Even if we tell Chief Rohar that we are inevitable to fight with blood spears. In fact, whether we can intercept these humans, we have lost. "

"This time I acknowledge my failure, but these humans who killed more than 300 of our tribe must ... get rid of it!"

Sarotta's eyes were cold and stunned, Sauron knew the teacher's character, and now he understood what to do next.

"Then I'll go to ambush the soldiers now and wait for them to come ... throw the Internet cafe."


In the early morning, heavy rain stopped.

In such an environment, it is almost impossible to say that you want to fall asleep at night, but scouts have become accustomed to trying to restore their strength in difficult conditions, so when the order to get up is given, their mental state is still full. One by one out of the camp, began to organize equipment, drink water for the war horse, and began silently to prepare for the last raid in the entire operation.

Captain Soderroll returned to the camp from a distance when the team was ready. Before the sunrise, he went to investigate Cossack Village himself, but unfortunately at that time, it was raining heavily. Soderall couldn't obtain enough information because of the problem of vision. After returning to normal, he returned to the camp.

"Captain Roddy."

他 When he arrived in front of Roddy, his armor was soaked, his face was a little pale, and it was obviously uncomfortable to be blown by the morning wind.

"I don't think you can see anything?"

Roddy raised his hand and handed him the sachet, while he kept twisting his legs and swinging his legs in order to get his body into combat as soon as possible.

"It's raining hard, and the village has no lighting, but ..."

Sodroll slapped his lips, seeming a little embarrassed.

"what happened?"

"Nothing. I can't see clearly, I can't make a judgment at all, and I don't find any abnormal signs."

Soderol shook his head and said ... There is no difference between the Cossack village and the village that the team raided before. I just wanted to say that this village is a bit wrong, but that is just an inexplicable intuition and there is no basis for any substance For him, Roddy has already become an unmountable mountain in his heart-so much that he is afraid that his "intuition" will cause Roddy to make wrong judgments, which will affect the entire operation.

Rodi, who just woke up, was pondering the issue of herbal medicine in his head. He didn't notice the hesitation of the other person, but just nodded, and collected the "thorn leaves" before taking it out and distributed it to all the soldiers for them to go Feeding the prepared horse to the battlefield, although Ruger and others did not quite understand its role, they strictly executed the order at this time.

Roddy turned on his horse, looked into the distance, and said, "After this mission, go straight to the southeast and return around the death swamp. You must follow the team carefully and report at any time if there is any situation."


The response of the puppet soldiers was not as passionate as when they had just left Nolan Village, but showed an indescribable calmness and calmness. Such emotions have already shown the difference between this team and the time of the expedition.

Roddy nodded with satisfaction, then clamped the horse's belly lightly, settled the replaced warhorse, and immediately led the team to the distant Cossack village ...

Because the rest position was very hidden, they were not far from the Cossack village at this time, and they soon saw the quiet village in the field of vision. At this moment, the grassland after the rain seemed a bit slippery, and the horses were struggling slightly when they went uphill. Roddy slowed down a little, and then he set up a pergola with his hands and looked at the distant target.

Dozens of tents are scattered, rooted like gentle mushrooms on a gentle grassy slope,

"Ready to fight."

Rody raised his palms to make tactical instructions. Soderall and Ruger immediately conveyed the order to the soldiers. For a moment, the atmosphere of silence was broken by the crisp sound of the scabbard pulled out by the scabbard. Under the silent command, it spread out to both sides, and within a half minute, a standard two-tier rush formation was formed.

The team continued to advance and gradually entered the kilometer range.

The wind passing by my ears was so cold after the rain, and the breath was fresh and refreshing. The scouts squeezed the sword in their hands, their bodies were slightly lowered, and they made preparations for the next sprint.

Everything seems to be no different from the five villages that they had attacked before—they just need to charge forward and wave their swords in the wrong eyes of those orcs who have too late to resist, and this operation can be perfectly received ...

But just as Roddy was about to raise his machete and order the charge, Soderol, who frowned increasingly, finally shouted, "Captain Roddy! It seems something is wrong!"

The morale of the army is most taboo to stop halfway. Soderol's doing this is tantamount to a taboo. Carter and other scouts just feel strange, while Ruger looks very ugly. Sodrore ~ ​​www. ~ obviously very dissatisfied with his behavior.

Rodi, who couldn't help but rush forward, seemed to notice something, slowed down for the first time, and turned back and asked in a low voice: "What's the situation? Make it clear."

There was no blame or dissatisfaction in his words, because Roddy himself felt a little bit wrong. The awkward feeling of being peeped and staring at was always there, although it was not obvious, but the vigilance in his heart was always maintained. At the highest point, Soderolle suddenly spoke, as if to prove some premonitions in his heart ...

In the eyes of others, Soderol is now just a small captain, but Roddy understands what this guy can do.

"It's too quiet, this is not right-the orcs should start to move at this time, but now the village can't even see half of the orcs, and they don't even make a fire, this is abnormal."

"Captain, I don't see anything unusual, maybe just a coincidence?"

Jairug's tone was a little dissatisfied, but before he finished speaking, he saw that Roddy raised his hand and made a "snoring" gesture to himself ...

Familiar sign language kept appearing in Rody's hands. The instructions of "quiet", "stop forward", and "standby" stopped the whole team silently, and then even the designated person-Roddy raised his hand to Sodroll to follow Go up to yourself, and make Luge and the rest of the team go to the southeast side of the village. After a series of gestures to simply formulate the combat plan, Ruger nodded and accepted the order. Although he was a little confused, he immediately led the scouts away Go around.

Rodi and Soderauer, who were here to stay, followed the circuitous route towards the Cossack village.

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