Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 650: Master recruitment

Regardless of the silence of the nobles around him, Charles II looked down and read. The first newspaper is the latest issue detailing the beginning and end of the "Temple" war. Those words on the front page frowned Charlie II. He didn't believe this at all at first. He took a closer look at the other contents of the newspaper and found that it turned out to be the work of the "Elsen News Agency".

"Does such a thing really have objective content?"

Charles II's mind is not stupid. From the perspective of the ruler, if he edits this newspaper by himself, he must praise the great cause of the royal family and the stability of the lives of the people. At the same time, he must also attack the darkness of the hostile forces. In his opinion, it is not surprising that more than 80% of the content of this newspaper is fabricated.

However, even though he said so, his heart was still full of anger: every newspaper has a date, and when you flip it, you can see when the earliest newspaper was issued. Regardless of whether the content is true or not, the dignified emperor has not seen it until now, which means that something has gone wrong.

"His Majesty, the statistics on casualties and the war process in this newspaper are basically true. I have verified it in many ways. Only ..."

Count Deweydon was a little hesitant, and Charles II was in a bad mood, frowning: "Just say, don't sell."

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty. The only unreliable news may be about the involvement of Prime Minister Roddy of Everta Cabinet in the battle ... It was said that he alone defeated two elders of the 'Viper Cross' three guards. It's exaggerating, showing his personal force ... "

Charles II didn't say anything. What he thought at the moment was not that Roddy was not very powerful, but that he looked directly at Deweyden: "Do you mean that the other data in this newspaper are true?"

He had seen the evaluation of Mirno and the "Viper Cross" in the newspaper. Last night Mirno sent an urgent report saying that he had encountered an enemy and was currently retreating in danger. If what the newspaper says is true, then Mirno obviously does not know how to make a difference at all, so he is looking for a reason to fool past!

"His Majesty, the casualties and processes above are basically consistent with the answers I have sent to people in the past few days. The army of the 'Viper Cross' suffered heavy losses, while the 'Temple' also lost a cardinal, an elder and A lot of soldiers. "

Deweyden was exhausted in order to bring down Mirno, but he apparently has not cultivated a specialized intelligence agency. These messages have a certain lag, so that at this time he has not learned that the "Temple" has been affected by Ivtar. Facts controlled by the army.

Charles II belonged to the most lagging group of people. After knowing this, he could not help but glance around again, and finally understood why the nobles just dared not to look at themselves. Except for Deweyden, they did not dare to offend Milnor, As for being so deaf and blind for so long, he was always blinded!

He wanted to tear up these newspapers now and scold the nobles, but reasonably told him that it didn't make any sense. On the contrary, the solution to this matter is not who is held accountable now, but how to get the whole thing to a successful conclusion while reducing losses.

Taking a deep breath, Charles II's expression showed almost no change, and he whispered, "Let Mirno think about his words and come to see me again. The operation of attacking Everta has ended, and now everything is started to restore the order of the territory. Is important. "

This sentence is actually announcing that Milnor has been carried away. Although the war was provoked by the "Viper Cross", now he cannot turn his face against the "Viper Cross" and the "Rose Cross" has a tendency to fall to Everta. At this time, he must not push his opponents out.

Charlie II, who tried to control his emotions, managed to keep calm until the end of the meeting, but when he returned to the study, he still couldn't help smashing a tea cup. After taking a deep breath, he sat back in the armchair again and began to read the contents of the newspaper. On the last edition of the latest issue of The Karen Times, a news made him feel more and more wrong as he read it.

"Everta civil service exam ... regardless of your origin, you can be qualified to apply for various positions as long as you pass the exam ..."

Charles II's frown grew deeper and deeper, he felt the crisis contained in it, but this mechanism has only appeared in the military selection before, but no one has ever applied it to a department with real power. The official position of the noble world is not " The "capable people live", but the "family trustworthy people live", what kind of examination will break the boundaries between civilians and nobles, what the Karen emperor really can not imagine.

When the emperor wondered about the actions of Everta, the eighth issue of "The Karen Times" began to sell out on the streets.

After the end of the "Battle of the Temple", the circulation of newspapers decreased significantly. One is because of the fees, and the other is that there is no need for comprehensive publicity. After all, paper is the most popular product of Everta. Even the old newspapers now start to buy them with copper coins because they find that the paper can be used for a second time after washing the ink out of the paper. Less spread.

This phenomenon indeed reflects the thirst for paper in the southeast of the kingdom. However, unlike these small traders who are staring at the gooey, the Karen Times and various weekly magazines released at the same time have become fashionable reading books for everyone in the high society. If you don't have the latest issue of newspapers or magazines, you are really embarrassed to talk about national affairs with others at the aristocratic dinner.

The noble magicians also paid close attention to the recruitment pages of the "Magic" periodical and "The Karen Times". These magicians already knew that the war could not be fought. As the group with the highest IQ in the entire continent, if this situation is unclear, it is more appropriate to plant land.

On the front page, "Earl Milnor defeated and fled" they didn't even want to read it. Basically, they just flipped their lips and went over, and then carefully read what Elson City ’s post had to offer.

"Finally! Finally news! Look!"

"What did you say?"

"Read it fast!"

Inside the magic crown of "Crown of Ice", an experimental assistant rushed into the laboratory with the newspaper he had just bought, exclaiming suddenly attracting a group of apprentices around.

"The Elson School of Magic is currently recruiting magic teachers: all candidates who pass the low-, intermediate-, and high-level magician tests can get the Magic Academy 'Lecturer' position."

"Instructor salary standards: base salary is assessed according to test results, commission is assessed according to teaching scores, and bonuses are calculated based on student exam results at the end of each school year. Low-level lecturers start with a minimum base salary of 2 gold coins, and high-level lecturers start with 30 gold coins.

When reading this, a group of magic apprentices and assistants whispered, because the newspapers have previously popularized the concepts of "floor salary", "commission", "performance", "bonus" and so on, and at this time, they will soon have Intuitive concept. For example, a low-level lecturer with a minimum of 2 gold coins a month, after taking into account commissions, performance and bonuses, it is possible that the average monthly salary can reach three gold coins or even five in a year.

"How much can Lord Crohn take if he goes?"

Some people couldn't help but ask a question curiously, they knew that the Karen nobles also gave a lot of resources every month. However, the resources were not given to them, but to Crohn, and it was up to Crohn to decide how much the following apprentices and assistants could get. If you put aside salary for experiments and other necessary expenses, it is not bad for a low-level magician to have 2 gold coins a month. If there are many ways to make extra money, it will be able to reach 3 or even 5 or more.

So Everta's recruitment didn't sound very attractive, but as they were talking, the assistant with the newspaper continued: "There is a special note at the back: all the mages who work in the magic school, every Earn magic points equal to the number of gold coins per month! "

"Magic points can be used to lease laboratories, buy charged spar, borrow library books, and at the same time obtain the corresponding 'academic level' based on the accumulated points! The higher the level, the more resources you can use for free!"

"It is also noted below ... A low-order charged spar only needs 1.5 credits to my heavens ... There are also middle-order, high-order and extremely effective charged spar !?"


"Really ?!"

The cool atmosphere suddenly warmed up. They all came around to inquire about the details, but the newspaper was limited in space and did not write specific content. The magicians suddenly had some imaginations.

"What the **** did Elson do? Did n’t they use low-grade spar, Master Crohn?"

"It should be like this. I will say later that only low-order spar is open for sale."

"Academic level is interesting, does it mean that we can have a higher level through theoretical research and qualifications, even if we ca n’t reach higher-level magicians? If the theory is solid, a few more papers will be published, will it be low? Can Wizards also use the Labs of Higher Wizards for free? "

"It really seems like that!"

"No, aren't there so many labs in Elson?"

"Who knows ... but the‘ buy recharged spar ’alone ~ ~ is enough to make a lot of people interested?”

This statement is indeed a fact. After realizing the benefits brought by the "charged spar", the magic circle of the Karen Kingdom now knows such a magical spar energy, but Elson's "charged" "Spar" is too few, many magicians just smell their names, which leads to a few "charged spar" on the black market from the initial 45 gold coins to 850 gold coins!

You know, this price is enough to buy a basket of ordinary magic crystals of the same size.

But even so, after various experimental conclusions proved that the magic of spar, this price has not yet fallen, but continues to rise. Because of this extreme supply and demand relationship, ordinary laboratory assistants and magicians ca n’t afford to ask themselves. .

And now, as long as he successfully applies to Elson, there is a chance to have these things that can only be imagined before ... the magicians present could not help breathing a lot.

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