Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 660: Murloc 3rd

"Mutant species?" Roddy had a strange hunch in his heart. He waved his hand and Misha, the "infected beast" who had been hiding in the cabin, ran over, and when she saw Elsa, the tentacles and tail pin It seemed as if something had been detected and suddenly stood up, and Roddy looked at its performance and had a spectrum in his heart.

"Deep sea ... are there some strange creatures? Are there any clever people?"

Roddy changed the subject and motioned to Houdini to speak.

"Rasiman has studied the ocean for more than a decade, and he did find traces of intelligent people. However, they have no effect on the sea and land in the depths of the deep sea, and ... the strength itself is not strong."

"Really? Mermaid?"

Rody's eyebrows raised, the message was beyond her imagination.

"Because the corpse that was accidentally picked up was about the same length as a fish, but it had limbs like frogs, so we called it a fisherman."

"Mermaid ..."

Roddy had a weird expression, and inexplicably screamed "Wowa Lalaa" in her head, thinking that the world was really amazing.

Houdini understands why Roddy asked so, pointing to Ay Shark: "If it is a new breed deliberately bred by the fisherman, or if there is a change due to some reason, it is really possible."

Without waiting for Roddy to answer, he saw that Misha suddenly opened her mouth after sniffing for a long time. She actually rips off a piece of meat from the Al Shark, and chewed!

"Ah! This thing can't be eaten. Al Shark is a Warcraft with a magic crystal. It will be poisoned if you eat it!"

Houdini hurriedly stopped, but Roddy looked at Misha's status bar and waved his hand: "It's all right, let it eat. Arrange the sailor to cut a part and leave it, and the rest will be processed according to the procedure."

Houdini has no doubt about this, all he has to do now is to record the incident and write down as many details as possible. After all, the "Poratini" is capable of counterattack in the face of this threat, and the simple transport ship is directly sunk into the future. The transportation trade with Evta is a matter of course. The transport fleet does not have a "wave "Latini" this flagship protection.

So the Al Shark that struck the ship cast a shadow on Houdinimon, and what he didn't expect was that it all seemed to be just the beginning.

In the next ten days, the fleet encountered a total of five similar incidents, including the flagship of the "Poratini" and the transport ship that followed. Fortunately, the creatures that attacked the fleet were not as huge as the previous Al sharks, and the damage caused was within the tolerance range, and no serious accidents such as casualties occurred.

But what most puzzled Houdini was that at the same time as these incidents occurred, many crew members witnessed dead fishmen floating on the sea ...

"Does it really have anything to do with Murloc?"

Houdini tried to send a boat to salvage the fisherman's body, because the life area of ​​the fisherman is far from the coast of Rasiman, at least since the founding of the country, there has never been a record of the fisherman ashore, so all the research on the Information and clues provided by voyage ships. But to his disappointment, when the ship circled around trying to find it, the corpse was long enjoyed by the underwater creatures ...

There are all kinds of creatures in this area, and no one can guarantee the safety under the sea. Houdini had no choice but to give up. In combination with these attacks, Houdini also roughly made a preliminary judgment: the behavior of these creatures is abnormal, completely different from their usual habits. And these creatures completely lost their minds in the attack, and even a small mutant swordfish that died a little bit was killed on the spot because it hit the bow and smashed its head ...

These creatures were as docile as Ayr sharks, but now his body became fierce and manic suddenly. This situation made him realize that there might be some abnormality under the sea, but even he could not go to the sea to investigate Therefore, this information can only be recorded and written into a professional journal to provide research materials for those who specialize in marine research.

However, such things did not last long. After that area of ​​the sea, the fleet returned to its calm and calm conditions, and it never encountered any attacks.

However, "Misha" next to Roddy enjoyed the blessings in these days. The meat of the dead Ocean Warcraft was greatly enjoyed by him. After eating for several days in a row, Roddy found that this guy's level had been raised by five ... There have also been small changes.

Its original muscle-knotted body has become slimmer and looks very streamlined. There are webs between the claws, and the tail with the tail pin is much flatter. Roddy is also surprised by this change, but judging from the information obtained by the "demon master" in his mind, the "infected beast" does possess this ability: in addition to being able to infect ordinary blood with demon blood, they can By eating the flesh and blood of Warcraft, which possesses the blood of the demon, to gain a part of the opponent's ability, and slightly improve your own strength.

So far, Roddy also confirmed the fact that these marine creatures that attacked the fleet were all those who had awakened the blood of the devil.

The wave before the "Devil's Gate" closed seemed to have a greater impact than I thought.

At the beginning of September, the Rasiman kingdom was basically busy for the upcoming "Crown of Twilight".

Because the main goal of the council has been changed from "showing strength" to "deterring the messenger of the Karen Kingdom ~ ~", each college has spent more money than ever to decorate the venue of each project and try to Make the show bigger to show the most prosperous side of the kingdom.

Anyway, now that the country is prosperous, there is no battle to fight. Although the "Crown of the Twilight Autumn" costs a lot, it is a good thing to show off the national prestige.

Everything can be damaged, only face must be supported ... Rashiman's members not only strengthened this position, but also spent a lot of publicity on newspapers, plays, slogans on the wall, publicity in various squares, etc. With the help of other means, slogans such as "This is the symbol of the great rise of Rahman" were quickly publicized.

Up to now, it seems that the old man who just finds a bread seller on the street can talk about the significance of "Crown of Twilight" to Rashiman.

Regarding the application of publicity propaganda, Rashiman can be said to be ahead of Everta. However, for the upcoming messenger of Everta, Rashiman's mages obviously did not pay much attention.

"What's the point of making such a big show? Although our focus is to show the national envoy to this envoy, you must clearly distinguish the key point of 'showing national power'. As for this envoy, what does it have to do with us? "

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