Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 776: Time and prison

"Lord Edith, can the Tower restore your strength now?"

Camilla took a deep breath, feeling that the hope of escape was finally in sight, and the words could not help but be a little excited. ?? I want to read the book ??? ... But Edith's reply disappointed her a little: "Because there are many layouts related to" space "in my magic tower, I feel better, at least don't worry now The issue of energy exhaustion after a month. "

"But I'm sorry that being in a magic tower alone won't allow me to accumulate the power to send you out."

Edith's words are coherent and her voice is clear, much better than the previous intermittent state.

No matter how better or better than before, Camilla honestly thought, but before she asked more questions, she listened to Edith's voice suddenly lowering: "No ... how is the Tower now in a` `defense state. ''"


Camilla's heart suddenly hung up: "Did he fight with the people in the tower?"

"I don't feel that there is a conflict in the tower now, but if a powerful spell spreads to the tower body, this defense state will also be triggered."

Edith's voice paused for a moment, and then for the first time seemed a little hesitant: "I can't detect the scene outside the Sphere of Imprisonment now."

When she said that, Camilla's hand holding the spar couldn't help but tighten.

Suddenly someone blindfolded will inevitably develop a sense of inexplicable fear. Roddy is now in a dangerous situation, but he can't detect it. Camilla really feels that she is sweating on her forehead. She worked hard to stabilize her emotions and asked, "What will this state of defense lead to? Will they find the core of the magic tower?"

Edith didn't answer the question directly, which made Camilla's face paler and clearer. The great Arcanist was pessimistic about the result.


Roddy, holding the "Ball of Imprisonment", looked down and found that no matter how much he chanted, he couldn't detect the condition inside the crystal ball as before. This gave him a lot of bad feelings. One look? Book ??? · ?????? ·

Immediately after entering the tower, Roddy felt the strange surroundings. Unlike other people, he does not need to rely on feelings or other means to directly look at his [Status Bar], and he can find that there is an additional debuff on it: "temporal chaos."

He wanted to study the effect of this debuff carefully. As a result, the explanation above was just one sentence: "You have been affected by the chaotic flow of time and space."

What effect?

Roddy glanced at his health and mana and found that it did drop, but not too much. He raised his arms himself, and it was no different. But when he turned to look at Kardashian, he found that the latter's footwork stopped slowly.

The hall in front of you should be the first floor of the magic tower. According to the rules of High Elf Master, it is mostly a "waiting area" for visitors. So there are many seats and tables around it. The city's Pashare's Tower is quite similar, presumably this is a habit inherent to High Elves. But there are no overly complicated carvings or patterns here, but rather a concise beauty, which is "minimalist style" in Roddy's words, which is obviously closely related to Edith's personal style.

But the surroundings were obviously too quiet. After all, there were just so many people in it, and such a large living room wouldn't be gone immediately. When Roddy came in, he was ready to fight. Unexpectedly, there were no footprints on the floor as bright as new ...

You know, these people who came from the outside are full of mud.

"My strength is suppressed."

Kardashian was obviously a little uncomfortable, and she felt like she was **** with a thick yoke, and she felt a little stuffy even sucking. She raised her arms and waved left and right like Roddy's, but her brows grew deeper and deeper: "What's going on in this place? I feel that my physical strength is sealed a lot."

Her level is too high and she is very impressed with the experience. Roddy heard a re-examination of his "strength" and "agility" values, and found that the total number was reduced by about 20%. When he looked at Kardashian's panel, he realized that the opponent's power had been suppressed more than Jiucheng!

In other words, the two of them are now talking about the value of the attribute, but they are actually at the level before the advanced level 30 threshold.

"The elements are thin here too, I feel"

"Don't cast!"

Roddy looked at her hand and tried to condense the elements, apparently forgetting her warning just now. But at this time, it was too late to stop his words. He reached out and tried to hold Kardashian's arm, only to see that Kardashian's hands had gathered a frost dagger ...

His hand rested on Kardashian's arm in this way, and both eyes fixed on the blue dagger for a second so silently.

"It seems nothing ..."

Before Kardashian finished speaking, the two felt a huge force sucking them into another space at the same time. This power cannot resist or even react. When Roddy looked again at the scene in front of him, he found that there were mountains around him, and that he was in a clear pond.

"This, how is this possible !?"

After hearing Kardashian's astonishment, Roddy turned her head and found that she was standing not far away, facing a stone bench in front of her, and now they clearly realized that the previous "casting" had indeed brought unpredictable consequences. It looks like ... they were inexplicably moved to another place.

"Sister, do you know where this is?"

Roddy also traveled north and south in "Cracked Soil". He has seen a lot of text and pictures, but he has not seen this scenery. He walked to Kardashian, and suddenly felt that her clothes were not the same as before. The original blue robe became white, with a typical high-elf style, but it was more ethereal because of the beautiful cutouts on it.

Kardashian's expression was obviously a bit wrong, and she was trying to suppress something. After glancing around, this whispered: "This ... this is the domain of the Frost Dragons."


Shocked by this answer, Roddy looked around again, only to realize that the dragon was moving across the sky. He tried to calm his emotions and whispered, "This magic tower can still move instantly?"

He checked "The Ball of Imprisonment" again, but still didn't respond. I glanced at the "status bar" and accidentally saw that I had another debuff: "Time and Space Prison".

Open it and take a closer look. The above description made him feel a little stunned: "Any caster will be imprisoned in the time and space you least want to face. Want to go out? Face your inner fear."

This is obviously the punishment that Edith punishes the "caster" in the tower, which seems to be a prison that can be evacuated actively, such as "room escape" ~ ~ but because of its speciality, it both teaches people a lesson , Also played an educational role, so really want to come is the only skill of the Arcanist.

Roddy feels that Edith is a profound and broad-minded person, so in the face of disobedient visitors, it is a very clever design to "punish" lessons in the face of "fear."

But this also made Roddy feel a bit horrible: to be able to passively trigger such a skill, not only to control "time and space", but also to have an extremely deep "spiritual" magical attainment, presumably her level above this is better than Tao Ruisina This kind of semi-slinger is stronger than some level.

Kardashian didn't react slowly, but realized what she was facing after a few tens of seconds. This is what she said: "What we see should be an illusion. The master of the magic tower specially lets the caster face some unfavorable environments ... Here, I am not afraid to tell you a joke. I was in trouble for 80 years ago, and my father ordered me to reflect here for two years. "

"So I felt uncomfortable when I saw this pool ..." She said as she raised her hands and rubbed her face. For the first time, Roddy saw her in such a move. It can be seen that this place obviously left Kardashian with a very bad impression. .

"Space confinement, combined with memory ... this great arcanist is really a little doorway."

Kardashian never dared to underestimate Edith's ability at this moment, and she could even say that her heart was full of awe. But she wasn't scared. Instead, she pulled Roddy: "This kind of space blockade has either a time limit or a secret door. No space-type spell can achieve a perfect seal."

This judgment is naturally correct, and it also made Roddy re-know her level of strength. After all, she has a bug-like system to assist her, and her inference depends entirely on her deep accumulation.

But the question now is, how can I go out? (To be continued ...)

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