Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 779: prison

While Elder Kyle was looking for a way out of the trap, Dai Nazheng hurriedly walked around the magic tower.

At this time, the whistling sound was still ringing inside the tower, which was obviously an alarm after turning on the "defense mode". The mage and apprentices who had leisurely lived around the tower were shocked. When Dana ran all the way up to the tower floor, he could see the blank faces, but he ignored the emotions of these people because He had to explain everything to the other Arcanist right now.

The control core of the magic tower is located at the top of the tower, but the top floor is forbidden for them, which is an area that only Dominica is eligible to enter. As a deputy, Dai picked up and lived on the 22nd floor below. He stepped up the self-running staircase at this time and turned left and right, and soon came to the conference room next to his laboratory.

This is the place where all the Arcanists meet, and upon hearing the alarm, all Arcanists will rush forward.

When he opened the door, Dai couldn't help but see all the Arcanists in the tower gathered together: Dominique had eight Arcanists in the Tower, except for himself and a Arcanist named Bruce. "Magister" level strength. The strength of others is below the threshold of "magister". However, the strength in the magic tower cannot be based on common sense because these people all wear "exempt badges", have the casting qualifications, and are not affected by "time and space suppression".

And with the exception of Dominic, the master who can control the core, all others who enter the magic tower will be limited to below the "magister".

This enchantment is so powerful that no one can resist it. However, when the "defense mode" was activated, a number of arcanists couldn't help wondering. After seeing Dana, another deputy Bruce frowned and asked, "What the **** is going on? Did you open the entrance to the magic tower?"

Dana naturally truthfully told the news of "Elder Dominic's death" to everyone. It was no surprise to all the Arcanists that their expressions had changed greatly, and all of them showed flustered expressions.

Bruce performed slightly better and quickly responded: "But why did you open the door for Elder Kyle?"

He narrowed his eyes, his voice cold: "You are Kyle's!"

"Kyle puts his eyeliner in the tower, but it definitely won't be me." Dana couldn't help it either, he tapped the table with his hand: "The point is not this, and now Dominic is dead, no one is here on the first day This magic tower is dead, to be honest, who do you think is qualified to make this magic tower unique? "

Dinah is a smart person, so he understands what these people are thinking at this time: Although the mages in the tower have their own circles, the level of all people is not high, and they all understand that these people are still not qualified as "elders". Far from it, they stole the magic tower arbitrarily. Not only could they not use most of the magic tower's functions, but the consequence was more likely that they would be taken away by the more powerful people sooner or later.

Rather than holding other elders' thighs directly, anyway, they can mix a good position and enjoy good resources.

The most important thing is that as the mage in the magic tower, they know more about the terrible horror of the magic tower. Even after Dominic claims to "control" the magic tower, there are still four arcanists in the magic tower. Disappeared without a trace, so far no one has seen a dead body. Therefore, their group of insufficient arcanists could not bear the extremely strong "contending" heart.

"Without talking about Elder Kyle, when I opened the door, Elder Aubrey also rushed behind, apparently preparing to enter the Magic Tower together for control. Now they may all enter the Magic Tower, so what is the end result? We'd better wait and see "

The remaining Arcanists and Bruce looked at each other. They did not expect the situation to be so complicated. The news that Dominic was killed was a guise, but now it is obviously not a falsehood. After all, Dana did not need to compile two elders to compete for the devil Tower's falsehood is deceiving. Obviously, the magic tower entered the "defense state", which matched the contention between the two elders.

After a little discussion, they quickly stated that whoever masters the core will listen to anyone.

This is also a helpless choice ... As a high-level arcanist under the fence, without shelter and resources, the result is naturally stagnant forever. You should know that the Arcanist of the "Holy Order" is not like a magician. If it is an ordinary magician, Bruce and Dana are independent. There is no problem, but as an "Arcanist", he has absolutely nothing before he has the elder strength. This choice.

After a while of silence, Bruce finally said, "... In the end, whoever controls the magic tower will not mention it. Now that the magic tower is in a passive defense state, none of us can change it. We must know that in this state, the magic tower is closed, and now external observation is done No. "

"What then? Can't we end this enchantment?"

Dana didn't understand Bruce's defense mechanism like Bruce did, because Dominique had always been Bruce's assistant when manipulating the magic tower, so everyone was waiting for Bruce's answer to this question.

"This enchantment was established by the original owner of the magic tower, and the permissions required to control it were not available to the elder Dominic." Bruce pointed upstairs, "When the magic tower is away from the master, any fierce magic near the magic tower. Fluctuations will be regarded as provocations, and then this enchantment will be passively opened. Speaking of which, this 'enchantment' is a maze composed of large independent 'half planes'. I heard Elder Dominic say ... he can manipulate and open while he is The traps and institutions in these 'half-planes' kill or capture any enemies that come in. But now that he is killed, these traps will not open. "

He pointed to the bottom: "If you remember correctly, this 'maze' also has an end point. If the enemies who enter it have good luck, they can eventually reach the" end point ", where there are twenty-three layers of special reinforcement." prison'."

Speaking of "prison", all the Arcanists suddenly looked stunned.

"At that time, we only need to open the 'prison' and let the elder and his team come out."

Dinah took a word and everyone nodded silently. But someone still couldn't help whispering, "... are you so tired of all these tricks?"

Many arcanists should reconcile a few words, and my mind was quite puzzled: Isn't the protective enchantment all blocking the enemy? Why did you deliberately put in such a fee? If you want to die, you just have to die. What are you doing so many twists and turns?

This is the result of different times ~ ~ At the moment, these arcanists clearly do not know that the main purpose of this defense system was to prevent a large number of demonic forces.

Using the opened magic tower as a bait to lure enemies into the flood, hundreds of intricate "half-planes" gathered in the tower body, and its actual area is almost equivalent to a plain with a huge strategic depth.

In other words, this is like a "Nepenthes" with unlimited capacity. Those who are eager to eat will eventually die in the hundreds of "half-planes" put together in the tower. Even if they survive, they will be locked up. In the huge prison, Edith slaughtered.

Dinah had a little speculation about this, but after all, he had not experienced the tide of demons, and he couldn't imagine it. However, he was clearly satisfied with the decision at hand: "We have no other choice, but I guess it will be Elder Kyle that will eventually come out. After all, others in the magic tower cannot cast spells. Elder Aubrey and his mage are afraid They are not opponents of the Arcane Samurai. "

This was an obvious thing. A group of mages looked around and had a general idea. Then they left the conference room and walked upstairs. After all, what appeared next in the "prison" was their "thighs" in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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