Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 786: Kill

Outside the "Helsino" tower, Elder Crawford's team has been waiting for five days. ???? One ~ ~ His team has set up a simple camp beside the magic tower. Eight arcanists took turns on duty at the gate of the magic tower, and twenty arcane warriors were armed at all times. As an elder, Crawford held his wand and closed his eyes, looking very calm.

The forty-man engineering team carried enough supplies. The corpses outside the magic tower had been found by him for burial, but he did not tell other elders about the killing of Elder Aubrey. Let's talk about the magic tower.

The gate of the magic tower was always open, and it looked the same as before, but at a certain moment, the surface of the gate suddenly flashed a hidden wave.

Sitting in the camp, Elder Crawford suddenly opened his eyes. He stood up and strode forward, while waving his magic wand, the halo representing the "beginning of action" was passing over the camp site!

Suddenly, the standby Arcanist and Arcanist started quickly, and everyone lined up into the tower. Elder Crawford is located in the middle of the team. In addition to the engineers, in the end, only one Arcanist and five Orson warriors remained outside the tower to stand by.

The bright first-floor lobby is as usual, but Crawford understands ... the "defense mode" that was turned on is now closed. Now you must rush to the core as fast as possible!

As the elder who has studied the magic tower the most, Crawford's magic tower also has a legal array similar to "power suppression", and has heard of the existence of "space prison" in the literature, so he immediately confirmed the tower There are currently two types of bans inside, carefully moving the team up.

The troops rushing into the tower quickly found the stairs upstairs. This time, the "staircase" is no longer a "portal door", but actually leads upstairs. The servants and magical apprentices inside the "Herchino" tower were basically on the ground floor, and at this moment they were taken aback by this team. However, the Arcan warriors walking ahead proclaimed words such as "Elder Crawford visits the magic tower" to calm down the emotions of these servants and apprentices.

After all, everyone is "own", and this situation did not cause resistance or fighting in the end.

The marching team had been warned against "casting," but after Elder Crawford saw these overwhelming apprentices on both sides, he stopped and spoke to one of them to "borrow the badge and use it". Where would the apprentices surrounded by many people dare to say no? Hurry up and hand over these emblems.

As soon as Crawford grasped the emblem, he realized that he was right. With it, the prohibition of "space prison" has been lifted!

So the four Arcanists and Crawford are no longer trapped by "space prison", but these low-level badges can only solve the casting problem. The emblem that can solve the "power suppression" is estimated that only the Arcanist and Dominic in the tower are qualified to wear it, so he called an apprentice to lead the way and rushed upward for a while.

If not, these teams of Elder Crawford could not go upstairs so smoothly. However, in the last three days, all Arcanist and Arcanist in the magic tower were basically outside the "prisoner" near the top of the tower, waiting for the first person to step out of the "defense enchantment".

During these three days, Dana and several other Arcanists were suffering, but just now, they all heard the buzzing sound from the house in front of them, which meant entering the "defensive enchantment". The crowd finally reached the end.

The "prison" is in the center of this tower and is circular. The surrounding walls are made of unknown spar, and the thickness is amazing. This layer is unbreakable because it is used as a "prison". The only entrance is a corridor of seven or eight meters, which has been closed. Only Dominic, Dana and Bruce have control of the corridor in the entire magic tower.

But to be honest, they have never used this right since they came to this magic tower.

Several arcanists were a little stunned. After all, they all think that they are going to face a "holy congregation" elder, and in the future, they are expected to eat under the influence of the other party, which is similar to the idea of ​​employees waiting for the boss to interview.

When the buzz disappeared, all the onlookers and arcane warriors were stunned because the originally dark walls around the "prison" suddenly became bright, and then became transparent instantly!

Everyone saw the situation inside the "prison", but what they saw at the moment surprised them ...

Dana slightly opened his mouth. He thought he would see Elder Kyle appear with his team in his field of vision, but if you look left and right, there are only three people in the "prison" ...

Elder Kyle, who was still talking to him about the conditions three days ago, was lying on the ground, apparently seriously injured. A good-looking female Arcanist next to her was kneeling on the ground, as if pressed against the elder's chest. The other is the Orneng Samurai, looking around and shouting.

"Anyone? Come and help! Elder is hurt!"

Although the surrounding wall is transparent, it seems that people inside cannot see outside. Dinah glanced at a few arcanists around him, and immediately realized that something was probably going on inside, without much thought, he immediately opened the corridor and ran in together.

The two high-level arcanists were in front, followed by four arcane warriors, and a group hurriedly walked through the corridor and Dana, who knew about the "defense circle", walked and said: "It is estimated that it is the 'half position inside' "Some living creatures attacked the team, otherwise how could Elder Kyle's team have only three people left?"

A few people nearby did not understand the structure of the "defense circle". At this moment, when he said that, he also had a preconceived concept. As he walked in front of the three, Dai took out his voice: "What happened? What happened to Elder Kyle?"

"We were attacked by monsters!"

It was Roddy that spoke the high elven words that Dinah used to ask questions, and he answered them with no flaws: "Others died on all sides in order to cover the elders. The elders were seriously injured! Is there any way to rescue? ? "

Kardashian, wearing the Arcanist's robe, lowered her head and held Kelmer silent. The elder had been out of breath for a long time, and at this time in order to cover up the facts, his face was covered with a lot of dirt. And Dana and others did not realize that this was a big trap. They got up and rushed back to the Arcanist who stayed outside: "Get the healing potions! The best effect!"

However, the Arcanist outside didn't have a bite to go down ~ ~ Instead he replied loudly: "Someone came up under the magic tower! It seems that there is a team of other elders ..."

This made Dana take a stun, he immediately realized that he was patronizing the "prison" in front of him and forgot to close the gate of the magic tower at the same time, and it was obvious that someone had found a hole!

"Stop them and rescue Elder Kell before talking!"

He made a decision like this, but did not notice the look of Rordy and Kardashian staring at each other. Turning around, Dana raised her hand and cast, preparing to drag Kyle's body, but before the spell was finished, she saw a sudden flash of light in the corner of her eyes ...

The four Arcan warriors around were thinking about what happened to Kyle, but never thought that the half-squat Arcanist suddenly got up, and the sword in his hand was stabbed out without warning. He is good at melee, and at the moment has the ability to cast because he wears the emblem. However, their own level is not advanced to level 15. When faced with Kardashian who was advanced to level 30 after being suppressed, they were killed on the spot without any response at all!

Spike, pick, chop, chop. Dinah only saw the slender figure spinning around, and a large swath of blood spattered around him. When the Arcanist samurai fell to the ground, the spell in Dana's mouth just stopped ...

The corners of his eyes saw the arms of two of the Orion warriors already glowing, but apparently the shield failed to block the weird sword light, either the heart was pierced or the throat was slit open. The limbs twitched on the ground and saw that they were not saved.

"you guys…"

Dana was frightened, and her wand turned and pointed to Kardashian, but with a flower in front of her, the front of the wand flew out under the sword light. Roddy, who was on the other side of him, raised his bow and fired. With a "", the passively triggered shield flashed in front of Dinah. In a rift, the long arrow deflected after hitting the shield, and flew in his ear!

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