Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 810: Drink

"The one who played archery yesterday, you can understand the identity of the Duke's son. He wants to pursue you will definitely use some hard-to-reach means. Another person is a guy who specializes in taking photos ... How do you say, these people are like poor people? Those mice who are eavesdropping around the corner and buying and selling news. He doesn't seem to directly interfere with your life, but it leaves you without privacy, and you can't wait to go to the toilet to peep at the camera ... "Roddy tried to understand with Kardashian To explain, but he did not confirm the identity of the other party, hesitated a bit: "I ca n’t confirm who I am following this one, I"

"What then?"

Kardashian's complexion interrupted Roddy's explanation. She would never tolerate provocations. If she had the ability to transform herself, she might have been flattened by the Ming Dynasty Tombs in Changping District. Surrounded by a group of ants and provoked, she made her feel awkward, and she also smelled of gunpowder.

Roddy is a bit distressed. He constantly glances at the rearview mirror, thinking about countermeasures: Here is Changping, the capital of the emperor. Although it is already outside the sixth ring road, the development of such a place is still comparable to the second-tier provincial capital cities . The narrow but not smooth road can't get rid of each other if you want to dump. The three cars follow each other and they are not the protagonists of "Speed ​​and Passion". A 0L displacement Camry can run even if the accelerator is stepped on. Who's gotta go?

He never considered “attacking” the people in the three cars from beginning to end, because here is his familiar capital, and Roddy first did not think that the other party dared to be more arrogant and hurt others in the street. No way?

At this moment, Roddy is actually considering himself in a vulnerable position. After all, there was no magic help. He and Kardashian were frustrated with four hands. Yesterday they hit the two bodyguards and they suffered. Today, it is difficult to walk. If these three cars come down more than a dozen of similar strength, What can you do?

The car dangled on the streets of Changping, and Roddy gritted his teeth and thought about the countermeasures, but felt that he was passive in everything he did. He originally planned to find an Airbnb homestay without an ID card here, and then use the proxy IP to log in to "Crack Soil" to find the source of the problem. But being so close to one another, what else can I do?

"Rody, what are you thinking?"

Kardashian's words came from the back, letting Roddy return from the anxiety, he smiled helplessly: "I'm trying to find a way to get rid of each other, but the performance of this car is not good and it is unlikely to succeed ... "

"I was asking, what are you thinking?"

Kardashian's voice suddenly increased a lot, startling Roddy. He had never seen each other look so fierce about himself before, and couldn't help turning his head and glanced at him, and found that the latter's face was right in front of them, and their eyes were close together.

"Here is a 'space cage'! Not the real world! What the **** are you thinking about? The appearance of these people may or may not be coincidence. Who knows their existence from time to time to prevent us from going out? Do you still think of a peaceful solution? Everything? "

This long string of questions made Roddy hit a **** suddenly, his forehead was almost sweaty all right ... he was defenseless, or he was taken in by "space prison"!

Where is this real world? Why should I obey the laws of this world?

Who cares what methods are used as long as they can go out? !!

Kardashian's head-to-head drinking made him wake up like a dream, and the latter finally felt relieved to see Roddy's pale face. She didn't want to use this method to stimulate Roddy, but she just realized that she was also being influenced by the world in a subtle way: last night, Roddy said that he must restrain himself from hurting, she always thought that she should listen to Roddy Yes, but the anger in my heart broke through this newly-built prison ... After all, she was an "outsider" and was not so easily bound by the rules of this world.

"I got a sharp horn ... this mistake is really low-level ..."

Roddy wiped his sweat unconsciously, glanced over the rearview mirror, and narrowed his eyes. But in an instant, Kardashian felt the momentum he had when facing the Demon's Gate.

"My legs and feet are not very flexible, but my upper limbs can be used. Sister, how are you now?"

"It might be better to have an arm in the left hand."

"it is good."

Rody responded, then turned on the watch's voice assistant, and said, "Search the hunter's hut."

"Will he find out?"

Li Nan in the back of the car was a little dignified, because the Camry in front of him suddenly started to accelerate, but the "eleven brother" who drove the car laughed: "What happened? Can three cars still lose him?"

As he was talking, he suddenly picked up the intercom next to him: "The target stopped, I went around and stared at the back."


The intercom said that Li Nan and Geng Qing had already picked up the telephoto lens in their hands and objected to the car window because they all saw Roddy parked at the side of the road, and they got off at random and went to the roadside. ATM machine.

"Target # 2 is withdrawing money. Pay attention to Target # 1 in the car."

"Target No. 1 hasn't moved, it's finished. Liang Brother, I've taken a few close-ups from the side, and you stared at the back, finished."

"Received, done."

There was only the shutter sound of the SLR camera in the car. It didn't take long for the Camry to start and stopped at a mall door after driving for a few kilometers. Only Roddy got out of the car. He entered the "Three Husbands Outdoors" under the supervision of the electronic viewfinder, and after a short time brought a pack of things out. It looked very indifferent, apparently not aware of being followed.

Camry stopped and stopped like this, and then entered Changping City again, stopped at the "Feng Speed ​​Motorcycle Walk", went in and stowed something. At this time, the several people following each other looked at each other, and they felt that Roddy was strange to come to this place. But then they saw Roddy carrying a black bag and a barrel of oil back to the Camry, regardless of pouring oil into the car ...

"When did Camry burn the oil?"

The "Eleven Brother" who was driving was puzzled, but the "Arrow" next to it pointed to Camry and said, "This car is a model seven or eight years ago. It is estimated that some problems are also normal. Didn't we investigate? The car hasn't drove much in recent years, and maybe it has been released for a long time. "

With that said, the people in the car no longer doubt. Instead, Roddy and the car owner were pointing at a motorcycle to chat, they did not pay attention, only when he was chatting. The walkie-talkie prompted a rotation, Passat bypassed the street next to him, and Geng Qing, who took the picture, glanced at the screen of the camera and whispered: "The woman sitting in the car is quite calm, let alone, it is longer than the movie The people here look good. "

"What about being pretty? Those stars with bodyguards are still being played by big guys. This kind of powerlessness and powerlessness, and being beautiful is sometimes a disaster, understand?"

Li Nan said so in his mouth, the expression on his face was rather bad. Apparently, the bad breath that Roddy had stunned was still in his throat, which made him very upset.

It's time for noon. They are used to eating in the car, so they drew out dry food and drank mineral water. And listening to the movement in the walkie-talkie, Rody should go to a kiosk to buy a pocket of food and return to the car to eat.

"This guy is clever, knowing that the **** is dazzling and doesn't take it out to eat. But he doesn't buy anything good? Eat ham sausage instant noodles when you run out?"

Opening the sunroof and smoking, "Eleven Brother" vomited, and Arrow next to him said, "Isn't this guy a dead house? I guess he thinks instant noodles are the most delicious thing in the world, right?"

"Hahahaha ..."

Everyone in the car laughed, and the atmosphere was obviously relaxed. So far, Roddy has not shown any abnormality until he parked his car in front of the "Hunter's Lodge" in Changping District, and the people gradually felt that something was wrong.

"What is this place?"

"Isn't it written? Recurve bows, compound bows, and archery equipment monopoly ... Oh, I guess he wanted to buy a bow for that woman? Did you watch that video yesterday? That girl's archery is quite accurate."

"Then why run here to buy?"

Asking this, the people in the car looked at each other, apparently unable to touch the door.

While inside the room, Roddy was choosing a bow and arrow under the introduction of the waiter.

"What is the largest hunting bow in pounds? I want it in stock."

"You want the biggest ... well, we have three generations of Hoyt bison, detachable bows, 60 pounds in stock."

Roddy frowned slightly, 60 pounds sounded like the biggest pound of hunting bow, but in fact the power was just that. He showed dissatisfaction and continued: "Nothing bigger?"

"Young man, don't be greedy for big pounds, it's serious to get your head on first."

The boss next to him noticed his expression ~ ~ with a kind reminder. Roddy shook his head: "60 pounds is not enough. You are the largest bow and arrow equipment store in Emperor Capital, aren't there 80 ones?"

"Yes, imitating the Ming Dynasty bow, sawing 27 inches and 95 pounds. There was a young man like you who had to weigh a lot. As a result, the bow was customized and returned in a week. You can try it if you feel like it. Try, I'll give you a bargain. "

After all, the boss is in business. Although there is excitement in words, who doesn't want to quickly clear out the stuff at the bottom of the box?

Roddy didn't think it was embarrassing. When the waiter brought the small war bow, she was embarrassed. There is a non-standard 15-meter road in the store. Without saying a word, Rody put on leather gloves and buckled his fingers. Pick up the matching traditional wooden arrow and test-fire three rounds. This is not an American hunting bow with a bow window like the "Desert Fox", but a traditional Chinese bow with elegant bows. The arrow is shot on the hand. But to the point where Roddy is, there is basically no difference.

The sound of the arrows nailing into the grass target is particularly loud. Three arrows were shot on the ten rings. When the clerk who looked very strong pulled the arrow in the past, he had not pulled out with both hands for a long time, and finally took two. The glue was wrapped around the hand and only three arrows were drawn. After that, everyone in the shop changed his eyes. The boss spoke more politely.

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