Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 820: 1 bold idea

Kardashian frowned after the release of the "Mage's Hand", she looked down at the staff in her hand, was preparing to cast other spells, but was held down by Roddy: "Sister ... still in town Be careful, it's easy to cause trouble. "

"Huh? What trouble?"

Kardashian asked a question in confusion, and as a result, he heard the man in front of the pub in front of him screaming in Blinga: "Which one does not have long eyes to throw stones at this ?! Are you free to do anything?"

The guy looked over. There were no people around the street at this time. Looking at the direction, it was determined that one of Roddy and Kardashian had done it. In the end, the bartender said what he wanted to say, but he swallowed the words because of the robe of Kardashian. It was obvious that the "swordsman" might be able to provoke it, but who knew the background behind the "elemental division"?

Watching the bartender return to the hotel with anger and intimidation, the dignity on Kardashian's face became more apparent. She turned and asked, "Is that person played by another player, or is it an NPC?"

This technical term Kardashian also comes casually, and Roddy naturally answers: "Where is the player going to be a bartender, this is NPC."

"Just a computer simulation?"

Kardashian took a breath, which is something she couldn't believe. Although I have understood how "computer" is going on these days, the NPCs of ordinary games are all established programs. In order to save resources, I ca n’t wait for irrelevant characters not to have dialogue. To trigger. However, such an inconspicuous hotel bartender in "Cracked Earth" even knows that people watch dishes? Where can the computer's enthusiasm be simulated?

"Um, it must be computer simulation," Roddy was asked by her, and realized that it had some impact on common sense, so she explained: "This is also a big selling point of" Cracked Earth "because the capabilities of quantum computers and the previous Computers are not at a level at all, so the research of Ai artificial intelligence is also applied to the game. At the outset, the publicity is that this is no different from the real world. All characters have their own ideas, because each of them is an independent AI. ... "

In fact, Roddy did not say the more brilliant achievements of "Cracked Earth". With the quantum computer as the backing, it directly brought "online games" to a new dimension, and even many people said that it was "the real second world", "Daydream" or "It creates a huge sense of nothingness" and so on. The number of online users of "Cracked Earth" that swept the world exceeded 100 million in the first month. If the threshold for hardware facilities is not too high, I am afraid that the total users will exceed Five hundred million is not a problem.

It's ridiculous that quantum computing hasn't been applied in the military field and has already been invested in a game. Since then, countries have even set up various working groups that seek "jazz" cooperation. Because of this, the leader of "Splinter" "Jazz" has an extremely strong international status.

More specifically, Roddy cannot understand this level. However, at this moment, there is a feeling of "self-satisfaction" in his heart. After all, this is "the technology of the earth's human beings", which can bring shock to the dragon of Kardashian, and Roddy is honored.

"Where can this be? Will they live on their own? Do these farmers know how to farm? Merchants know what to sell and bargain?"

Kardashian asked a lot of questions in succession, but the core is only one. Can these be real people?

Roddy's answer is naturally yes ... As a player who can rely on archery to survive on this continent himself, he has naturally understood these powers for more than seven years. To put it plainly, if you hide the various boxes in front of you and use the highest version of the game cockpit, there is not much difference here and in the real world. The NPCs all around have their own beliefs and subjective initiative. They will interact with each other and the nation will fight. Even if the players do not flood in, the world can still run.

Although nominally more than 100 million people are active in "Cracked Earth" and more than 300 million are registered, it is unrealistic for so many people to gather in this continent. Roddy has probably heard that quantum computers distinguish thousands of server partitions for players. The number of real players on each server is not too many, so there is no such thing as "players occupy the mainstream of the population and change the world pattern."

As for the allocation method, Rody has also heard many major guilds complain on the server, because one of the most criticized problems in "Cracked Earth" is that the "player cannot choose the server they are on" mechanism makes the players also confused. After all, many people It was two or three friends who met to play together, and then there were thousands of people in some large guilds to develop together. As a result, because of this rule, they couldn't come together at all. Everyone entered different servers and different places of birth. Therefore, the desire to change the world with unity is almost impossible ...

Over time, players have discovered that people around the country are from any country, every nation and race is different, values ​​are different, and the sense of identity is almost zero. It is difficult to set off any storm at the national level.

In a server, the largest unit of players is the "guild", but this "guild" composed of various people is usually not cohesive, otherwise, it is not easy for Roddy to attack those guild leaders alone.

To put it bluntly, it is difficult for the players in the game to "change the world", they are just the integrators of the world. In the tide of history, it is only possible to follow the trend and work hard, but it is impossible to make any changes against the trend.

The tide of orc invasion and the horror of the undead has caused Karen's kingdom to suffer. Many people have "fevered" because of this, because they complained "why their camp is so reckless." : Everything is the result of quantum computer calculations. This is a "real world". Because "real", there is no model show that "justice will defeat evil".

Later, everyone also wanted to understand that the only thing that can make the game the same as Second Life is this one. There is no choice, so you should continue to play.

So some people continue to dream and die in the game, and some people die for certain beliefs, and in the end they also form a "balanced" world.

And why can Rody completely change this trend? It was because he appeared at the key point of 588 that the wind rose from the end of Qing Ping, and Rody directly rewritten everything at the beginning, so he should have stirred the whole situation with his own strength.

"According to you, when the war came, the players behaved similarly to those of the" indigenous peoples. "Some people dragged their heels, some actively resisted, some provoked division, and some simply went into the forest. Do n’t care about yourself? ”

After listening to Rody talking about these things, she got a deeper understanding of "Cracked Soil". However, the doubts in my heart did not disappear, but I felt that this game was full of doubts: "Rodi ... Are you familiar with these people? For example ... Can you find Sally and see if she is with that Ai The Duke of Forta is exactly the same? "

This words made Roddy hold back, and immediately understood her intentions: Although the AI ​​of this world is complete, these AIs are set by people after all, then the set AI and the people who really exist in the Karen Kingdom Is it exactly the same? If it ’s not the same, if it ’s the same ...

It was really shuddering.

Roddy took a nap, but the question was still to be answered. However, thinking of "Sally", his face fainted a bit: "In this game, Sally died before the service was started. To say to me, someone who knows well ... Akasha is now estimated at the" Viper Cross " I do n’t know if life or death; Soderlor became the leader of the Resistance after the orc invasion, but he should now be a role like a small captain. He has n’t reached the high position yet, and it ’s not easy to find ... Nata can, but from here It takes a few days to reach the quiet language forest, let's

Having said that, Roddy suddenly froze, because he realized that he had just ignored a lot of things: he knew Nata because he knew her reticent nature, and even remembered that she likes to wear red leather armor; took the initiative to make Sodlow Er, because I know that this guy has a clear mind and is cautious in doing things; later, he rescued Nei Fei, and he accidentally made meals according to her taste in the game ...

All this, hasn't it shown that they are the same whether inside or outside the game?

Realizing that, Roddy was sweating for a moment. Kardashian stopped at half of what he said, and asked strangely, "What are we doing?"

Roddy told her judgment again ~ ~ Kardashian shook her head after hearing: "These things you said are not a complete valid proof. But I heard a problem when you said so. : Human life is limited, and personal cognition usually changes drastically in situations such as war. If the historical processes of the two worlds are completely different, I am afraid that many things cannot be verified ... "

"And the biggest problem is that the human brain is complicated, and you can't confirm whether your verification is accurate. What if everything is just coincidence?"

Such a series of questions is also a counter-question. Kardashian is almost going to deny her own approach, but then she banged her head violently: "Hey! I was taken in by myself."

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"I have been thinking about using 'human beings' as the object of proof, but I forgot that I am the Dragon mainland. These disputes have no effect on the Dragon."

Kardashian breathed out a sigh of relief, and Roddy felt that it made sense and said, "The key is that I guess it is difficult to confirm the position of the Dragons. Is there any way for you, sister? Who are we going to find?"

"Find me."

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