Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 824: ID card

On the other side, Roddy and Uncle Zhang greeted him from the house, and declined the other party's invitation to dinner on the grounds of "have already eaten". When I walked out of the yard, I found that it was still early at this moment, and it was estimated that it would be dark in an hour.

He pulled on his hood and left the village on the street with the fewest pedestrians. After a large circle, he trot all the way, and found a place where he stored his motorcycle. He covered the tent, which was close to sand and soil, and suppressed it with stones and slag, but found nothing in the distance.

Roddy started the motorcycle specifically, confirmed that the battery was working properly, and then turned off and hid it. Then he walked around the village without any traces, ready to enter from the other end.

And he didn't know that Uncle Zhang, meanwhile, was chatting with a group of neighbours on the open space in the village.

When the weather was not getting warm, everyone liked to discuss Zhang's parents, Li Jiashuo, in fact, this scene has not changed since ancient times. Whose daughter is not married, who has a big fat boy, gossip is the favorite thing among the old ladies and old women in the village. However, with the development of the information age, these topics occasionally become international current affairs such as "Who will the next president of the United States" and "Will North Korea fight?"

There are so many people in a village. Everyone looks down, so civil servants, such as village party secretaries, sometimes join the discussion after work. The policemen at the police station next to them are no exception.

"Uncle Zhang, are you in a good mood recently?"

The police officer Jiang Muzhen was transferred here just two years after graduating from the police academy. This kind of grass-roots errand is often the best way to grind off a person's edge. The ambitions of graduating from graduation are enough to die now. Thanks to the overwhelming camera and fast-growing economy, the number of stealing dogs is not a fraction of what it was decades ago. Therefore, being a policeman in a small village is also good: there are many free time.

When you do n’t have to go to the police, a bag of tea is gone after watching a day of novels, and the salary is so much. Apart from the occasional study and training, there is basically nothing to worry about. Over time, my spirit slowly burns down. Xiaojiang has nothing to do recently. I had a few meetings in the morning and sat drinking a lot of water in the afternoon. At this moment I left the police station after work and saw Uncle Zhang who was bending. He asked casually, the original intention was to say hello, and what he thought was what to eat tonight, but Uncle Zhang's reply made him a little stunned.

"Isn't there a‘ donkey friend ’these days? The guy is very sensible and chats with me every day. Of course I ’m in a good mood!”

When people are old, they will chatter. Uncle Zhang is holding his back, obviously preparing to tell this story with Xiaojiang: "Well, my son is almost forty, and he will call once a month. You said that the guy who came to travel On the contrary, I knew that I would accompany me every day to listen to those broken things ... I also know that people may not like to listen, but anyway, this is also polite! "

"Huh? Uncle Zhang, can we still pass by in tourism?"

Jiang Muzhen was alert inside, but his face remained curious, and he said quietly, "Where are you from? You need to pay attention!"

"Emperor's. This guy has perseverance. He said he traveled on foot. He said that he wanted to stay here for a few days recently. I did n’t want to collect money. He had to stop it. What a conspiracy, where would he be so kind to me? What oil have I bought for my family these past few days, and we do n’t lack this, but they are real! "

Uncle Zhang said as if he noticed something: "Xiaojiang, don't you mean to check people?"

"Check what? I'm off work. Listening to what you said, I guess there should be no problem. I just asked it habitually. Don't care!"

With that said, he said goodbye to Uncle Zhang and walked side by side in a frank way. Jiang Muzhen didn't plan to bother with such things. Uncle Zhang, a native of the village, has hardly moved in the last 40 years. It stands to reason that you don't need to worry about this business, but ...

Suddenly he settled down, with an inexplicable emotion in his heart called "doubt". In the end, Jiang Muzhen glanced back at Uncle Zhang who had already walked towards the square, turned back to the police station, and said to another colleague who had not left: "Just a son, go and check the household."

Rody turned calmly from an alley outside Uncle Zhang's yard. He carried a bag of corn in his hand and bought it for Uncle Zhang. But looking up, when he saw the two police uniforms in front of the courtyard, his body suddenly tightened ...

As a common people, seeing jc will not have any extra thoughts. But when there was a ghost in his heart, the blue clothes and police badge made him chill up like a flashing red light, and Roddy felt a moment of confusion in his head, but was calmly suppressed.

This is a prisoner of time and space.

Thanks to what Kardashian gave him in the first place, Roddy is no longer easily trapped in this world. And when the two of them cast their sights, Roddy immediately relaxed his body, made a sloppy expression, and stepped closer: "Two police officers, is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Muxi deliberately chose Uncle Zhang to come back with a guy when he hadn't returned. At this moment, when he saw Roddy, he basically confirmed that the other party was the "empire donkey friend". Jc is used to observing other people's expressions, but this guy doesn't seem to panic. His eyes were calm, and his steps were not hurried. When he came to the front, he raised the corn in Yang's hand: "I am hiking and came from the emperor. Uncle Zhang seems to be out. Is there anything I can help you with?"

The words of the imperial capital and the calm attitude of the emperor, the two police officers did not feel that this man was a cruel criminal. It is mainly because Roddy is an honest young man in their eyes, but the procedure to go is still to go. Jiang Muzhen took a step forward and raised the black machine in his hand: "Oh, I heard Uncle Zhang say you are The emperor is here, and we need to look at the ID card for this routine inspection. You can cooperate. "

Jc has never been particularly polite. Jiang Muzhen was ahead. Although Gangzi usually looked lazy, he had taken a step back. This was obviously a preparation for dealing with unexpected situations. Roddy knows that the black machine is used to detect whether the holder of the ID card is wanted. He has been on the list of the task force. Needless to say, the ID card must be pressed.

He felt that his heartbeat was speeding up, not because he was afraid of being caught, but because he was thinking about what weapon the other party was carrying ... "Assaulting j" was something he didn't even think about before, but now he doesn't hesitate to hesitate, With a sincere expression on his face, "Oh, I didn't take my ID with me, it was in the room!"

He walked into the yard and continued: "Wait a minute, I open the door and get in."

The door lock of this house is an ordinary aluminum alloy door ~ ~ Roddy took the key twice, because there was insufficient lubrication. There was a noise in the keyhole, and he smiled bitterly: "This door is not easy to open ..."

At this moment, Roddy's performance has been normal, Jiang Muzhen and Gangzi behind him have unconsciously relaxed their vigilance. Rordi did not deliberately delay, but in the fourth attempt, "Kara" unlocked the door lock. He opened the handle calmly, pushed the door in, put the key aside, and turned around. "It's cold outside, two people come in and sit."

This requirement is not unexpected, after all, it is dark and the temperature outside is only a little higher than zero.

Usually, he did n’t enter the house to check the documents, but Jiang Muzhen knew that he could n’t let the other party out of sight. He was not polite at all, followed into the house in Inner Mongolia, and some farmers had control weapons at home. He did n’t want to go out. What an accident.

Gangzi also knew this and followed into the room. The light turned on, and Rody went to the bed and flipped his bag. As a result, Jiang Muzhen saw the two sets of game helmets on the bed at a glance. His face changed, and he said, "Gangzi is wrong!"

However, before he finished speaking, the sound of the aluminum alloy door closing sounded. At the same time, Roddy, who turned the things in front, had already pulled out the stick and swept over his teeth!

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