Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 832: False god

"Bang, bang!"

Roddy, who rushed into the crowd at a short distance, carried all the bullets that were fired in the front. Obviously, the effect of the "Ring of Pardon" also played the role of "pardon" here. Roddy even heard the sound of a bullet smashing through the door panel of a car and he understood that he didn't have much time, and he had to fight against it all against time!

The magical tentacles directly wrapped around the three muzzles and took them as hard as they could. At the same time, he had rushed in front of a guy who did not break the gun, kicked him on the chest of the opponent, and snatched the hot rifle in the sound of bone fracture, but then used it as a throwing weapon and directly flung another one five meters away. People.


The guy with the gun broke his arm on the spot, and Roddy's tentacles pulled the other two guys who had lost the gun, blocking the opponent directly in front of them ... The effect of "the ring of pardon" immediately ended, and Roddy could Do not want to be sieved in this case.

Also because of the fighting of this era, it has been out of the category of cold weapons. When Roddy actually rushed into the crowd, the gunfire no longer sounded frequently, because no one can guarantee whether the bullets will hit his own people. For close-range gun battles In other words, even a bouncing bomb on the car door may hurt yourself.

The only thing they could do was to step back and move towards the gaps on both sides to find a more suitable shooting space.

But this may be effective for ordinary people, but it is not suitable for Rody with magic tentacles. He picked up those guys who had lost firearms on the ground and blocked them in front, while continuing to rush inward, he continued to use his physical advantages to cooperate The tentacles carried out the reaction and physical quality of "disarming" more than the normal number of times, making Roddy now behave like the "Superman".

To be honest, Rodi, who turned on full-state skills, can even clearly see the bullet trajectory and try to dodge. Although not as exaggerated as the Matrix, he does feel that this is a battle between different levels ...

Compared with ordinary people on the earth, Rody, who has recovered his strength, is basically two creatures. In close combat, the role of the gun was infinitely reduced, but Roddy knocked down eight people head-on with his agile skills and magical tentacles. The subsequent battle was like a tiger entering a flock and he was afraid to shoot. Directly knocked down, but those who dared to shoot were not able to shoot at all. As for fist and kung fu, they could not even walk for half a round!

At this moment, with the sudden sound of a dragon chant, the whole battle directly came to an end: Kardashian who quit the game found the situation here, and she transformed into a dragon. She broke through the tent and unfolded. However, his wings fluttered once, and all the people including the armored vehicle and Pajero were blown out!

The existence of dragons is simply impossible for ordinary people to resist.

The original yellow sand had a short pause because of this hurricane blow, and there were flashing warning lights in the field of vision. The armored car and Pajero even took those people to the forty to fifty with the magical hurricane. Beyond Mikai ... Roddy looked at it for two seconds. When he turned his head, he found that the dragon's head came to him: "Surrounded by these guys, why not call me?"

"I ... I was afraid that my previous efforts would fail, so I didn't dare call you. But I didn't expect them to move so fast."

Roddy is a little embarrassed. He now understands that this group of people must have been affected by the "space prison". Otherwise, why would they shoot without saying anything?

He didn't notice the emotion in Kardashian's eyes, who blinked his huge eyes and didn't give him time to turn around. "I confirmed, the problem is not in the game, but outside the game. "

"Hmm? Are there any clues?"

Roddy immediately came to a spirit, but saw Kardashian lower his head: "Come up, we go to the location of the game server in the earth! The final goal must be there!"

But Roddy didn't answer because he never thought that standing on Kardashian's head would not be allowed for any dragon race. But without waiting for him to hesitate, Kardashian's wings pushed Roddy directly, letting him lie on the dragon's head.

"Tell me in which direction is this game headquarter?"

As he was talking, there was a faint noise in the air, and Roddy frowned, listening strangely, "Propellers ... can there be helicopters in this place?"

He raised his head to look around, but found that a beam of light suddenly dropped above the sky, and fell straight in front of him.

"Regardless of them, let's leave quickly! You haven't answered my question yet."

"Um ... wait, what's that?"

Upon hearing Rordi's words, Kardashian turned back curiously, but saw a sudden attack of light. Before he could see what was going on, Rody on the dragon head heard Kardashian screaming, the huge body directly Hit by the beam and flew out on the spot!

Roddy jumped to his side in horror, because he reacted quickly, and his posture was stable when he landed, but Kardashian in view was not so lucky. She flew up in the volley for two or three turns before landing, smashing the dirt **** beside the tent on the spot!

This power is truly beyond imagination, and Roddy has no idea who did it. He turned to look at the place where the light was shining, and suddenly found that there was a person standing dozens of meters away ...

This figure is not unfamiliar, it was the "deputy captain" who had previously asked Rodi to "raise his hand to surrender".

His typical beer belly is still there, and his body has not changed much, but his indifferent eyes and posture seem to have completely changed his personality. Roddy could feel the energy radiating outward like a volcanic eruption, and the other side of the head seemed to have the beam of light that had just shot down.

A vague circle of halo made Roddy completely stunned. If it is in Renaissance paintings, this is usually the symbol of "angel".

But in the real world, who has seen someone really own this kind of thing?

Before Roddy thought, he saw the other's gaze coming. The urgency of being close to the enemy made Roddy instinctively lie on the ground ... The next second, the fierce elemental fluctuations above his head made him sweat, and the loud explosion behind him made Roddy understand that this enemy is fundamental You can't match yourself.


An angry dragon yelled, and Kardashian stood up to block the impact of the light with her shield, but her posture was obviously very strenuous. In order to be able to get closer, Kardashian kicked on all fours, slamming forward in a low-altitude gliding attitude, and sprayed a breath of dragon directly.

The size of the dragon is too large. In this level of battle, Roddy is almost like an ant in the middle of it, and it cannot help at all. He took two steps to the side, and when he saw Dragon Breath broken by some force straight from the middle, Kardashian screamed in astonishment, as if held by an invisible hand. Midair!

This scene made Roddie Han's hair straight, because this was the first time he saw a dragon as unresistant as a chicken.

Kardashian's neck stretched straight up, but she struggled but couldn't move. Her wings were wrapped in a force and she couldn't even unfold it. This weird gesture reminded Roddy of the butterfly specimen in a box ...

"What is this?"

Roddy stared at the still indifferent figure. The latter looked away from Kardashian. When he locked Roddy, he fixed him directly in the spot with the power of the element. Roddy saw that he was not "Talking" with open mouth:

"You broke the rules."

This is the sound that sounds from the bottom of my heart, and it is a complete transmission of consciousness. After hearing this sentence, Roddy immediately thought of a possibility: Is this guy in front of a **** or something?

Is the "rule" in his mouth the "heavenly way" he understands? And "violating the rules" is because I do not know why I have restored my original strength?

Why did this happen? Rodi hasn't figured it out yet, but the guy in the distance didn't explain it. The other person suddenly frowned and looked up, as if he felt something in the sky that was annoying to him, raised his hand directly, and pointed at the sky.

There was a violent wave suddenly between heaven and earth, and the halo above the opponent ’s head was dazzling at this moment. Roddy immediately opened the "hunting vision", and found that the colorful curtain on the colorful sky, I did not know when it appeared A cave, which seems to be slowly closing under his action ...

But at this moment, the sound of the increasing helicopter propeller approached this area, and then, the figure that stretched his fingers suddenly stopped, then raised the other hand and aimed at the side.

Roddy didn't understand what he wanted to do, but the next second he saw a black figure suddenly appear in front of the hand, and then punched his fist in the palm of the "deputy captain". !!

The dazzling light illuminates, and the fierce explosion is as terrible as the missile bombardment. Roddy hastened to make himself curl up on the ground, and even then was chased away by shock. Not far away, Kardashian was dropped in the distance, and Roddy only heard a heavy impact, thinking that he had fallen far away.

When he looked up, Roddy found that the black figure was fighting the fellow with halo above his head. He took a look at the sky while the effect of "Slayer Vision" had not disappeared, and found that the barrier that had been slowly closed had fallen into stagnation, and beyond that barrier, there were three strangely colored forces spinning down ...


Before he could see Mingtang, the resounding explosion sounded and made Roddy's vision into pure white. But in the fierce sound, he heard a roar of surprise: "It turned out to be you !?"

"Thanks to you!"

Behind was a series of muffled sounds, and Rody's eyes could not catch the other's figure. Because this level of fighting is no longer a simple boxing fight or a spell of bombardment, both of them shot with a breath of destruction and blasted their positions into a huge pit.

Roddy did experience the pain of "fairy fighting and mortal suffering". With his current physical strength, it was difficult for him to bear this shock. When thinking about how he should deal with it, he saw that the guy in the suit was suddenly beaten. Flying upside down, the "deputy captain" said coldly, "It's over! It's impossible to recover your strength!"

But the young man in the black suit let his body hover in the air, and calmly replied, "Yes, but it's enough to restrain you."

Roddy always thinks this guy is familiar, but he never remembered who it was. He just wanted to get away from this place now, but he never thought that the vague ghosts on the blue sky suddenly fell, and gathered towards the ground at a very fast speed. As soon as Roddy took a divine effort, he saw those three tornado-like shadows pouring directly into his body ...

He was terrified to hide, but just a half-step later, he found that the ghost did not mean to hurt himself. Instead, it was a surging force that made him feel an unimaginable change in his body ...

A "creak" sound was issued, and the five senses were cut off instantly, and immediately recovered, and became extremely clear. The vision in front of them seemed to open the "hunting vision". As these three energies poured into the body, the "world" composed of large pieces of color gradually filled with details and became clearer. At the end, everything seemed to return to normal, but looking around, Luodi found that he was already able to From the "macro" perspective, go directly to the "micro" to observe everything!

The system bar in front of it has also changed, and Roddy saw that his "level" bar disappeared, and it turned out to be "god", but there was a "false" mark on the back. He glanced at the status bar, one appeared on it, the time limit was 1 minute, and the icon was three entangled vipers ...

The shape of the snake's head is as familiar as Rodi, which is exactly what the three little snakes on Sally's wrist look like!

"Viper's kiss?"

Roddy finally understood where this power came from, and suddenly realized in his heart that the so-called "breaking rules" in that guy's mouth must have been caused by Sally and Edith's external assistance! Being able to restore strength is also thanks to them!

With the help of artifacts, Roddy felt full of strength all over his body, but he just raised his hand, and hundreds of square meters of sand on the desert rose up with his thoughts. When he clenched into a fist, the sand and stone instantly condensed into a pinched sphere. As he increased his strength ~ ~ the sand turned into a stone, and was finally compressed into a standard black sphere. .


For a moment, Roddy was full of confidence. The main thing was ... his state of mind had also changed tremendously: all his previous worries had disappeared, all thoughts had been communicated, and the structure of all things had been clearly shown in his mind. He has seen so-called "Chengxian Dedao" and "Achievement of Buddhism" on the Internet before, but the literal description can never make people imagine what it feels like.

Now, Roddy finally understands what "eternal joy" is.

Is this how it feels to be a god?

This is the ultimate goal of countless intelligent life?

When I flew back to Beijing a few days ago, 3 and the headset landed on the plane. I thought I could n’t find it after I lost it. I called today and asked, but I really could get it back. I drove to the airport and ran for a long time. The result was that I was stuck on the road for a long time ... The urban plot can be seen here. Some people say that the end is coming. In fact, there is still some distance because the era belonging to Roddy has just begun.

End of this chapter

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