Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 848: Dragon Knight

Edith placed a wine glass in front of the table symbolically, and no formal topic was discussed at this time, so Kardashian talked to her more during the chat.

"Rody and I were able to get out of prison in time and space. Thanks to your help, we must respect you here."

Mother Dragon raised a toast in tribute, and at the same time kicked Roddy to remind him that the latter was discussing the situation of "resurrection" with Akasha, and toasted quickly.

Edith used to think that the relationship between the two people was unusual, and now it is even more certain. She nodded calmly: "This is all I should do. Without you searching for the magic tower, I can't stand in the magic tower today to thank you."

She paused and continued: "By the way, I want to meet Camilla before going to Hollier."

"Duke Sally will stay here for a few more weeks, and Lord Victor should not come to Elson City again, so it is no problem to place the magic tower in Elson City today."

After answering these questions, Roddy suddenly thought of something, turned his head to Kardashian and asked, "Should you take the time to look at your father's situation? Even if you are not interested, you should show concern, after all, Barsta comes. Briefing ... "

"I know, I'll go tomorrow."

Kardashian replied coquettishly. She was actually reluctant to leave Elson City. After all, she just tasted the "sweetness" of love today. It was when she was addicted, but her father's plan was not smooth. She should go, or it would be rude.

The two of them talked naturally, but Edith next set up a stormy sea. She thought Kardashian and Roddy were allies with a solid relationship. Now it seems that these two people have already passed the "good friend" stage, and even have A more substantial relationship ...

But ... how did he do it?

Edith glanced involuntarily at Akasha and Sally, who were talking about the pros and cons of High Elf costumes, and ignored the intimacy of Roddy and Kardashian.

In this case, Edith, who has been alone for a lifetime, is a bit confused: it is already incredible to be able to get Sally and Akasha, and Camilla's stupid confession in the "Ball of Imprisonment" can clearly see that. Three people who can marry can say "this life is worth it." But not only did Rody have an intimate relationship with them, why now he has a dragon ...

As a demigod, Edith is not surprised by the phenomenon of "polygamy" itself. Because similar situations abound in the High Elves. However, where the "Dragons" are placed, there are special cases. Looking at the history of the high elves, I really haven't heard of anyone who has a true relationship with the dragon.

With a dragon as his wife, the strength of Elson City needs to be re-evaluated. Somewhat grateful that she didn't take the lead in the negotiation just now, because if she made a mistake and was suspected or hostile by the other party, the Dragon would definitely be unable to take it for a walk ...

This guy doesn't seem as simple as it seems.

Feeling that she had walked around the cliff, Edith couldn't help re-examining Roddy. She found it difficult to make an accurate assessment of him now: a scout from scratch? Or ambitists who rely on conquering women to achieve their goals?

Or are all those on his face all illusions, in fact, just a kind of romantic good at deceiving women?

Demigods do not yet have the ability to truly understand causality. Now she can only infer based on the facts, and it is clear that the personal experience of the Arcanist made her extremely sensitive to "emotional deception". She stood out from the civilians by virtue of her beauty. In the way of becoming a demigod, there were countless people who even sacrifice Act, but none succeed. How similar is Roddy to those who used to be pretentious? They are embracing digital beauties, and they also have extraordinary wealth and power ...

In the same way, such people have greater ambitions and are taking action step by step.

This guy, be careful ...

Edith was not hostile to Roddy. The cooperation between the two parties is cooperation. From the perspective of personal achievements, she actually appreciates this guy who has opened up. However, Roddy's style of emotion really made her feel uncomfortable, and even warned that this was not narcissism, but the instinctive reaction of a once elaborate high-elf.

However, after this emotion appeared, she reacted: she didn't even have a body, and she was worried that the problem was a bit redundant.

Edith's thoughts were complicated there, but Roddy didn't realize that the Arcanist would think so much. He only felt that everything was going well today, so he felt a little bit more fond of the high elf. And thinking that he still has a sub-professional "Spar Mosaicist", Roddy felt that consulting this great arcanist should be the most appropriate choice, and then he said: "His Edith, if you have time, I think I would like to ask you some questions about 'spar inlay', can you? "

He just asked it normally, but Edith looked at him with a strange look, full of alert thoughts: Does this guy really hit me?

"Spar inlaid? It's okay ... but my level is not necessarily satisfactory to you, just don't blame me then."

Edith's response was quite satisfactory, and Roddy didn't hear anything else, and readily agreed: "I have always been a fool myself, of course, I still need a teacher to guide me."

He raised his glass of gratitude, then continued: "By the way, there was a Shadow Hatchling in the" Ball of Imprisonment ", and I was curious what happened to it?"

"It's okay, I'm worried about how to deal with it." Edith responded to Roddy's words, then raised his hand in front of him in a phantom to show the scene inside the "ball of imprisonment". Roddy saw that. The head young dragon is sleeping lazily, and most of the wounds on her body have healed. The skinny bones have recovered a lot, and now it looks at least out of the morbid state.

"Well? Why are there Shadow Dragons here?"

Kardashian came close, looking a little alert. Roddy hurriedly explained the history, and the latter relaxed: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to try to domesticate it."

Roddy's words made Kardashian hold back, and Edith beside her felt that the idea was a bit whimsical, and hesitantly asked: "Can the hunter hunter ... be able to domesticate the dragon?"

"Try it, after all, it may be the last Shadow Dragon, although it is only a Hatchling."

"This will cause trouble."

Kardashian interrupted him and said seriously: "If other dragons see it, they will choose to attack the first time. After all, the lords agreed to annihilate the Shadow Dragon, and this young dragon is also one of the targets of annihilation. "

"In your opinion, if it is the last Hatchling, it will have a better chance of survival." Roddy did not give up the idea: "The purpose of annihilating the Shadow Dragon is to prevent them from summoning the" Devil's Gate ", Hatchling There is nothing left to eat, drink, and drink, except the basic battle. There is no magic, so there is no reason to be annihilated. I will talk to Lord Victor at that time, and see if there is room for negotiation in this matter ... "

He also sighed after saying: "The main thing is that if Everta's army can have a 'dragon knight', the war will be much smoother."

This made Kardashian roll his eyes: "My dear Lord, you are already a 'Dragon Knight'. Is it not enough to ride me to the battlefield?"

"Ahem ..."

Sally, who was drinking next to her, was choked by this sentence, and coughed against her chest for a long time. Akasha hurriedly touched her back. Both of them had red cheeks, apparently not well adapted to Kardashian's "frankness", and Edith blinked, looking like she was smiling and squinting, no Know how to answer.

Roddy really convinced Kardashian's embarrassing level of conversation, and he rubbed his eyebrows: "Because you are a Frost Dragon, you can't follow me into this war ... After all, in this kind of thing, you need to obey your father He ordered that he participated in the battle between humans without authorization, and he may transfer you directly to another place. "

When I heard this Kardashian, I was honest: "Well, you have the final say. Tomorrow I will lay down the young dragon cricket and bind it in front of you, will you be satisfied?"

After she said, she pouted and looked to the other side, and Roddy hurriedly had a good meal to coax ... The old wife was terrible, but this temper was really incurable.

Edith originally thought that Roddy was a merry-go-round, but seeing he was stupid, coaxing Kardashian, and thinking that this guy was silly and cute, and thought that this guy would say something rhetorical, but ended up with "Go back and I will give you a "Copies of car drawings" or something to coax a woman?

However, Kardashian really seemed to eat this set, and immediately burst into a smile, and Edith stunned her.

Is it that I can't keep up with the times?

The Grand Arcanist felt that today's perception of Roddy changed again and again, until the magic tower returned to Elson with the soldiers, and she could not confirm in his heart what Roddy was like.

It was late at night, and Roddy politely left with Kardashian and others. And after re-quieting in the magic tower, Edith's phantom stared at the crystal wall around in the core room and stared at her. Seeing that Roddy took the three of them back to the mansion, shaking his head ~ ~ Can't help Sighing for Camilla: "Why do you like this guy ..."

Winter Elson City entered a period of peaceful development after Roddy returned. When other cities in the Karen Kingdom had headaches for the cold and bad weather, Roddy was too busy because he had too many projects to develop rapidly inside and outside the city.

Fortunately, before winter, Roddy has recruited a large number of talents through various methods and filled the vacancies everywhere. After the initial run-in, the entire city finally began to operate in an abnormally efficient mode.

For Elson City, Roddy's current model is similar to a large company. As the chairman, he is responsible for grasping the direction. Camilla is similar to the general manager and leads the operations of various departments. So far, more than a dozen departments such as the Ministry of Magic Research, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Urban Management Bureau have appeared in the city. After referring to the business model for promotion awards and punishment details, the first batch of "officials" screened through the "Civil Service Examination" performed their due diligence. There may be greed or corruption elsewhere, but Elson City is obviously able to completely eliminate it.

As a result, Elson City, which runs at high speed, is almost a day. At the end of February, after the last snowfall, the thermostatic enchantment over the city finally stopped operating. This means that the new year's cultivation is about to begin.

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