Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 852: Giants meet

Roddy is busy with a lot of things every day, and very rarely will he be in a daze. But at this moment he looked at the manuscript in front of him as a sculpture, and it wasn't until the door was knocked that he raised his head violently, "Camilla?"

The guardian who opened the door looked hurriedly and walked in the door: "I just intercepted a few letters! Some things are important ..."

Roddy didn't talk nonsense. He raised his hand and took the stationery handed over from the other party. After his eyes scanned, his face suddenly gloomed.

This letter was sent by an inconspicuous magic tower in the middle of the kingdom. The recipient was a low-level magician who had just signed a contract and would like to stay here. The message in the letter is very concise: the general situation of Elson City has gone, and the Dragons have full contact with Charles II, and the "Magic Academy" with the Red Dragon Chief Cuo as the "Principal" is about to be established.

The letter also stated that if he withdrew from Elsen City now, there would still be a chance to join Queo's School of Magic. Late, we can only wait for the Dragons to bring the royal army to crusade!

Roddy held the stationery, pursed her lips for a few seconds, and finally did not hold back. She whispered, "It's really frustrating to be caught between the dragons ..."

The content of this flicker in the letter is mostly, first of all, the dragons came to fight Elson to say that there is going to be a war. The war against humans will not intervene. This is their pride, and Roddy has no doubt about it.

But the establishment of the Academy of Magic is not like fabrication. After all, Victor just said that the Red Dragons will lead the alliance with humans ...

Camilla watched Roddy turn her head and looked out the window, she couldn't help but say: "The closing ceremony that afternoon ..."

"Continue, the news is currently unconfirmed, Kardashian is still here, so they may not believe it."

Roddy will never let go of these mage talents who have managed to gather together. He cannot stop Red Dragon from supporting Charles II, but the magic contract signed is not so good. After all, not everyone has the power of Victor Lord. And status.


He turned back and solemnly shouted her name, the latter involuntarily straightened her back. Since becoming a "guardian", she has never seen Roddy look like this.

"What do you want me to do?"

"After the exchange meeting, the news channel was completely blocked. At the same time, the mage left by the contract was closed in the magic tower."

Roddy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and continued, "I know that it is difficult to completely block the communication channels between the mages, but ... I don't want them to know it all their lives. As long as we can maintain the war, we will be successful."

"It must be done."

Camilla shook her fist slightly, then worried a little: "Then now"

"Everything is normal, follow me to complete the closing ceremony."

Roddy stepped towards the door, and even though Elson was facing an unprecedented crisis at this time, Camilla's anxiety gradually disappeared.

Just follow him.

Camilla thought so, and followed.

When the closing ceremony of the "Exchange Meeting" in Elson City was held as scheduled, the imperial city in the southeast of the Karen Kingdom was holding a grand "magic tower completion" ceremony.

The winter of 590 was not easy for the Karen royal family. The orc raging has brought a wave of refugees. This winter, the periphery of the imperial city can be described as hungry ... Even the richest imperial city, in the coldest January, you can see homeless people who died on the road because of starvation and cold. This is a rare event since the founding of the Karen Kingdom.

"Famine" often occurs in the northwestern part of the barren land, most of which is caused by natural disasters. And because the rich south has stable weather conditions, the imperial city will not be hungry even if the years are not good for so many years. However, this blow from the orcs was too big. It was estimated that if Emperor Kang En was still alive, he would probably be killed by this fragile line of defense.

The royal family could do nothing about it, and there were very few remedies. When Charles II saw the thriving news of Elson City through "The Karen Times", his strong hair was half gray this year.

But productivity was lagging in this era. Apart from sitting in front of the stove and waiting for a better harvest next year, Charles II could not do much. He didn't even understand how to deal with that growing Eiffa.

With the arrival of spring, farmers have begun a new round of farming. The "three-farm system" promoted by Count Deweyden has begun to spread, but the predictable yield is far less than that of the Karen Times on the acres of farmland near Elson City. Record ... "Carron Times" is a frequent newsletter all day long. What super-powerful great magician joins news such as Evta makes Charles II's original optimism long gone, he can only use "newspapers" "It's all deceiving" to comfort himself, but the monarch also knew that if he continued this way, the owner of the Karen Kingdom would be replaced.

And at this critical juncture, a visitor he had never imagined in his life came to the door.

The Red Dragon patriarch, Queo, personally visited the royal family of the Karen Kingdom.

When he saw Kuo in a flaming robe and dragon horns, he even thought he was dreaming for a while, but Kuo expressed his intentions politely: In order to face a common enemy, the Dragons were willing to ally with humans, and hoped that Ka The Kingdom of London became the first ally to set an example for other countries on the continent.

What else can Charles II say? He just remembered that he almost shed tears at that time, and even those with a slower sense of politics knew that the opportunity for the rise of the royal family was coming!

Kuio left after reaching a preliminary agreement, leaving a young Red Dragon to discuss various cooperation matters with himself. Charles II certainly did not want it. As long as it is not excessively demanded, Tongtong will provide convenience ... but he soon discovered that these dragons did not mean to intervene in the high-level affairs of the Karen Kingdom. The cooperation between the two parties was limited to the cultivation of magicians. The only thing related to politics was to retain a "Dragon Advisor" Post.

The task of this consultant is to maintain a dialogue between humans and dragons, and daily life is basically equivalent to invisible people.

It sounds like it doesn't have any impact. I have gained the influence of the Red Dragon tribe in a vacuum, and can have more powerful magic resources. What I have to pay is to spread the good things such as unifying the Karen Kingdom as soon as I can, Really want to wake up laughing!

Charles II really fell asleep with a smile these days. He got up early this morning to prepare for the ceremony. At noon, when he came to the White Square in the middle of the inner city under the protection of the guard of honor, he realized that the scene in front of him was more "surprise" than expected. ...

In addition to the queen lord in a red robe, four other figures stood in the center of the square. The ice dragon lord Victor in the light blue robe, the green dragon lord Morals in the dark green jacket, the skinny old man Crystal Dragon Krups and the black-faced black dragon Pukatos gathered together. I thought that the dragon lords who were difficult to gather in the past would even have a meeting in the capital of humanity!

When Charles II knew the identity of the people in front of him through the trembling royal magician, he felt that his legs and stomach were cramped ~ ~ The eyes were involuntarily moistened. Have you ever thought that all dragons are willing to pay so much attention to your offspring?

"Your Majesty, this is almost all dragon lords, the only absent is the shadow dragon."

The Magister didn't know what happened to the Shadow Dragon, so he uttered a reminder to Charles II, who didn't care about the reason. In his view, the Dragon tribe can all come with a glorious glory, let alone five lords.

The excited monarch hurried forward and greeted one by one. However, the faces of these lords are not good-looking. After all, they are here because of Cuio. Among them, the ice dragon Victor and the black dragon Pucatos are the most unconvinced ... Except for Cuio, the two of them want to be in the dragon family Among those who are "leaders", now they are falling into the wind, and their mood is naturally bad.

"Today we can gather here, naturally, to be able to support the glorious unification of the Karen kingdom. In the face of common enemies, I hope you can remember this. When disaster comes, we are all dragons and humans. Will be on the same front ... "

Kuio's grandiose speech was ridiculous in the ears of other lords, but Charles II was so excited that he even carried out a solemn and solemn oath on the spot to show respect for the "allies" of the dragon.

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